Mining & Materials (search results for)
Mining Law of 1872, United States
Strip mining
Mercury (Mining & Materials)
Silver (Mining & Materials)
Cadmium (Mining & Materials)
Mining and oil extraction in Africa
Nauru (Mining & Materials)
Freshwater (Mining & Materials)
Maldives (Mining & Materials)
Mining & Materials (Mining & Materials)
Ethnosphere (Mining & Materials)
Svalbard (Mining & Materials)
Phosphorus (Mining & Materials)
Mining of Published Scientific Research
Kazakhstan (Mining & Materials)
Herbivore (Mining & Materials)
Geoindicators (Mining & Materials)
Turkey (Mining & Materials)
Oman (Mining & Materials)
Phosphate (Mining & Materials)
Actinium (Mining & Materials)
Energy (Mining & Materials)
Pollution (Mining & Materials)
Fossil (Mining & Materials)
Minerals & Mining (Mining & Materials)
Mining Groundwater (Mining & Materials)
Continuous coal mining
Gold mining and sustainability: A critical reflection
History of mineral policy in the United States
Mountaintop Mining: Background on Current Controversies
The definition of "Fill Material” under the U.S. Clean Water Act
AP Environmental Science Chapter 10- Minerals
Technology and the materials cycle
In situ leach (ISL) mining of uranium
Material flows associated with the world's largest copper smelters
Pollution: forestry and mining operations
Mercury recycling in the United States in 2000
Natural and anthropogenic coal fires
Coal fires
Geology of uranium deposits
Uranium deposits - geology
Aggregates production technology
Joy, Joseph Francis
Computer recycling
Materials and the economy: flows, scarcity and the environment
Materials flow of mercury in the economies of the United States and the world
Public Health Statement for Cobalt
Orange River
Public Health Statement for Copper
Heavy metal distributions in the Gulf of Cadiz
Public Health Statement for Arsenic
Fossil fuel
Geology of asbestos
Public Health Statement for Zinc
Mercury (element)
Public Health Statement for Nickel
Public Health Statement for Manganese
Health effects of nickel
Banning Asbestos
Public Health Statement for Asbestos
Oil sands development
Otis, William S.
Public Health Statement for Antimony
Vaal River (Mining & Materials)
Phosphate rock
Public Health Statement for Uranium
Metal cycle
Soda ash or Trona
French Guiana
Health effects of asbestos
Materials and economic growth
Public Health Statement for Aluminum
Cell phone recycling
Zambezian halophytics
Crushed cement concrete substitution for construction aggregates
Crushed stone
Coal distribution network through bicycles in eastern India
Modern environmental health hazards
Offsetting carbon dioxide emissions through minesoil reclamation
Coal industry in nineteenth century United States
Ecoregions of Kentucky (EPA)
Discovery Extraction and Processing: Coal
Limits to Exploitation of Nonrenewable Resources (historical)
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
Image collections (Mining & Materials)
Detecting coalfires with remote sensing: a comparative study of selected countries
Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of armed conflict in Africa
Environmental change and socioeconomic factors in Africa
Gilbert, Grove Karl
Nuclear fuel cycle
Energy and Society: Chapter 5: Steam: Key to the Industrial Revolution
Energy profile of Canada
Sierra Leone
Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Economic change in Africa
Okapi Faunal Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo
James Eights
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, United States
Nahanni National Park Reserve, Canada
Guinean montane forests
Western Guinean lowland forests
Biological diversity in New Caledonia
Healthy Solutions for the Low Carbon Economy: Technologies Warranting Further Study
Sawtooth National Forest, United States
Succulent Karoo
Yellowstone National Park, United States
Kakadu National Park, Australia
Ecoregions of Idaho (EPA)
Causes for Deforestation
North Brazil Shelf large marine ecosystem
Western Sahara
Key Terms (Mining & Materials)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ecoregions of North America-Level II (CEC)
Burkina Faso
Governance of land in Africa
AP Environmental Science Chapter 13- Non-Renewable
Colorado Plateau shrublands
Herman Daly Festschrift: Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Inland Water Systems
Ecoregions of Indiana and Ohio (EPA)
New Caledonia
Land resources in Africa
Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
Wilderness areas in the United States
Coalfire and remote sensing
United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 1982
Technological change in the sulfur industry
Energy from Fossil Fuels (historical)
Low Arctic tundra
Ecoregions of Canada
Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
Economy of Ancient Greece
Namib Desert
Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
Nama Karoo
Benguela Current large marine ecosystem
Phosphorus use in China
Pacific Coastal Mountain icefields and tundra
Material Wastes (Mining & Materials)
Biological diversity in the Succulent Karoo
Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels (historical)
Ecoregions of North Dakota and South Dakota (EPA)
Papua New Guinea
Howard T. Odum (publications)
Ecoregions of Brazil
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4): Chapter 3
Formation and Occurrence
New Caledonia rainforests
Von Humboldt, Alexander
Jamaican moist forests
Public Health Statement for Cyanide
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Solomon Islands (Mining & Materials)
Ecoregions of Colombia
Tools and methods for integrated analysis and assessment of sustainable development
Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests
Health effects of lead
Health effects of cyanide
Health effects of cobalt
Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
Northern Canadian Shield taiga
Public Health Statement for Lead
Ecoregions of Tennessee (EPA)
Northern Forests ecoregion (CEC)
Christmas Island
Capitalism 3.0: Chapter 3 (Mining & Materials)
Climate change and terrestrial wildlife management in the Russian Arctic and sub-Arctic
Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
Einasleigh upland savanna
Climate change and terrestrial wildlife management in the Arctic
Carbon capture and storage
Interior Yukon-Alaska alpine tundra
Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
Ecoregions of Argentina
Energy profile of Indonesia
Atacama Desert
Ecoregions of Kansas and Nebraska (EPA)
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Marine Systems
Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
Regional scenarios for Africa's future: atmosphere
Canaima National Park, Venezuela
Africa collection: Energy
Guayanan Highlands moist forests
Guianan moist forests
Energy and Resource Quality
Greenhouse gas
Southwest Borneo freshwater swamp forests
Louisiade Archipelago rain forests
Vredefort Dome, South Africa
Water profile of Botswana
Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
Impacts of tourism and recreation in Africa
Water profile of Namibia
Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Water profile of South Africa
Kazakh steppe
Salmon decline in western North America: historical context
Humboldt Current large marine ecosystem
Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
Huascaran National Park, Peru
Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
Highveld grasslands
Urbanization in Africa
Jamaican dry forests
Water pollution
AP Environmental Science Chapter 17- Solid Waste
Health effects of copper
Health effects of arsenic
Wyoming Basin shrub steppe
Halmahera rain forests
Mato Grosso tropical dry forests
Northeast Siberian taiga
Southern Africa and coastal and marine environments
Freshwater resources in Africa
Olympic Dam, South Australia
Nelson Coast temperate forests
Ecoregions of Illinois (EPA)
Amazon River dolphin
Ecoregions of Montana (EPA)
Chemical use in Africa: opportunities and risks
Ecoregions of Australia
Beaumont, Huntingdon (Mining & Materials)
Messel Pit fossil site, Germany
Beringia upland tundra
Microbiomes and Environmental Health
Public Health Statement for Mercury
The Future of Life: Questions and Answers
Southeastern Iberian shrubs and woodlands
The Arctic: geography, climate, ecology, and people
South Africa
The Phosphorus Cycle: Running Downhill
Nuclear power (Mining & Materials)
Energy and economic myths (historical)
Central Zambezian Miombo woodlands
Aggregates from natural and recycled sources
Luzon tropical pine forests
Cape York tropical savanna
Southern Africa freshwater resources
Management and conservation of wildlife in the Arctic
Grand Canyon National Park, United States
Causes of forest land use change
Southwest Australia woodlands
Central Africa and freshwater resources
Network approach to investigate food alert patterns for metal contamination analyses in seafoods
Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
Central Suriname Nature Reserve, Suriname
Salton Sink
Southeast Atlantic Forest Reserves, Brazil
Monte San Giorgio, Switzerland
Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests
Public Health Statement for Cadmium
Khangai Mountains alpine meadow
Pindus Mountains mixed forests
Northwestern Forested Mountains ecoregion (CEC)
Venezuelan Andes montane forests
Tasmanian temperate rainforests
Northern Zanzibar-Inhambane coastal forest mosaic
North Central Rockies forests
Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
North Western Ghats montane rain forests
WWF Ecoregions of the Albertine Rift
Newcastle, England (Mining & Materials)
Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
New England-Acadian forests
Point source pollution
Northeast Siberian coastal tundra
Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia
Maldives-Lakshadweep-Chagos Archipelago tropical moist forests
Nonpoint source water pollution
Manu National Park, Peru
Paramaribo swamp forests
Transport of radioactive materials
Material use in baseball bats
Pollution: urban and suburban areas
Pollution: marinas and boating activities
Material use in the Winter Olympics
North American Deserts ecoregion
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Sangay National Park, Ecuador
Pollution: atmospheric inputs
Simpson desert
Leeward Islands xeric scrub
Meghalaya subtropical forests
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Latin America and the Caribbean (collection)
Pollution: agricultural operations
Sand and gravel
Nuclear waste management
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, United States
Lake Superior, Ontario
The Coal Question (e-book)
Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, United States
South Central Rockies forests
Pollution: a brief history
Klamath-Siskiyou forests
South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests
Summary of Key Concepts
From Conflict to Peacebuilding: The role of natural resources and environment in conflict
Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act, United States
Cordillera Central páramo
Bajío dry forests
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, United States
Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
Coral growth and climate change
The Ecological View of the Economy
Biological diversity in Wallacea
Arnhem Land tropical savanna
Arizona Mountains forests
Argentine Monte
Cooperative Climate: References
Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection, Panama
Aquifer depletion
Biological diversity in the California Floristic Province
Clipperton Island (Mining & Materials)
Clipperton Island shrub and grasslands
Approaching the world’s environmental problems through the Second Law (Entropy Law) of Thermodynamics
Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests
Debt for Nature Swaps
Eastern Miombo woodlands
Nonpoint source (Mining & Materials)
Biological diversity in the Guinean forests of West Africa
Energy footprint of the U.S. manufacturing sectors
Energy profile of Algeria
Energy profile of Chile
Video: Georgia: Coal and Carbon - Climate Central
Eastern Micronesia tropical moist forests
Eastern Canadian forests
Biological diversity in the Philippines
Eastern Africa and land resources
Earth Day '70: What It Meant
Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
Sri Lanka (Mining & Materials)
Energy profile of the United States
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Coastal Systems
Economic Cost of Weather in U.S.
Population-environment theory and contemporary applications
Biophysical economics
Darby, Abraham (Mining & Materials)
Energy and Society: Chapter 16: Energy in a Contracting System
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, United States
Cuban moist forests
Energy and Society: Chapter 14: Not One World, But Many
Freshwater challenges and development in Africa
Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
Policy in Action: Greening the GDP
Western Indian Ocean Islands and biodiversity
Herman Daly Festschrift: Restructuring taxes to create an honest market
Hillslope processes and mass movement of soils
Chemical use in Africa
Western Africa and land resources
Agulhas Current large marine ecosystem
West Norwegian Fjords – Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, Norway
Ecoregions of Wisconsin (EPA)
Biological diversity in the East Melanesian Islands
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
Ecoregions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
AP Environmental Science Chapter 9- Water
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II: Chapter 7
AP Environmental Science Chapter 24- Environmental Laws and Regulations
Ecoregions of Chile
AP Environmental Science Chapter 23- Environmental Ethics
Central Range sub-alpine grasslands
Eliminating Subsidies (Mining & Materials)
Water profile of Ghana
AP Environmental Science Chapter 15- Land
Industrial uses of lead
Industrial uses of perchloroethylene
Policy in Action: Sustainable Forestry Practices: What Price and Who Pays?
Deforestation and Indigenous Rights
Mangrove ecology (Mining & Materials)
Summary of Key Concepts 2
Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
Georgia (Country) (Mining & Materials)
Gulf of Guayaquil-Tumbes mangroves
Yukon Interior dry forests
Habitat destruction (Mining & Materials)
Sawtooth Wilderness, United States
Harnessing the opportunities for environment and development in Africa
Health effects of antimony
Central Africa and land resources
Climate change and terrestrial wildlife management in the Alaskan Arctic
Key Terms (Mining & Materials) 2
Central African Republic
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Freshwater Ecosystem Services
World Bank’s retreat from direct poverty reduction and back to trickle-down infrastructure growth
Alejandro de Humbodlt National Park, Cuba
Nuclear Waste (Mining & Materials)
Central Andean wet puna
Classification, Distribution, and Abundance of Mineral Resources
Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site, Australia
Health effects of zinc
Chocó-Darién moist forests
Al Hajar Al Gharbi montane woodlands
Marcellus Shale Gas Development and Healthy Waterways?
Ecoregions of Costa Rica
Sustainable future
Ecoregions of the United States
Ecoregions of Côte d'Ivoire
Kola Peninsula tundra
China’s Rare Earth Industry
Greenhouse Gases from Stationary Sources
Subsidies and market interventions
Sub-regional scenarios for Africa's future: Western Indian Ocean islands
Sub-regional scenarios for Africa's future: Northern Africa
Global Natural Gas: A Growing Resource
Biochar: Concept to Sequester Carbon
Methane Capture: Options for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction
Southeast Australia temperate forests
South Western Ghats montane rain forests
South Taiwan monsoon rain forests
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Oregon
A Market for Water?
Somali Coastal Current large marine ecosystem
Solar power
Uranium Resources (Mining & Materials)
Soil forming factors
Sodium sulfate
Snow removal in the United States
Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka
Summary of Key Concepts 3
Sierra Nevada forests
Shirakami-sanchi (Shirakami mountains), Japan
Materials and the Economy
Seismic exploration
Sechura desert
Secchi disk (Mining & Materials)
Scott, Charles F.
Benefits of Reducing Material Wastes
The Conventional View of the Economy
Sri Lanka montane rain forests
Environmental Assessment (Mining & Materials)
Video: Taking the Carbon Out of Coal - Climate Central
What happens when an uncontacted tribe meets 'civilization'?
Video: America's Energy Future from the National Academies - CLEAN
Case Study: Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Rights of First Nations Peoples to Environmental Health
Case: Can the needs for environmental protection and biodiversity and the needs of indigenous people be reconciled?
Great Plains: Vulnerable Communities - NCA Key Message 4
Violating Principle 1: Depletion and Degradation
Southwest Amazon moist forests
Southern Semi-Arid Highlands ecoregion (CEC)
Law of Conservation of Matter
Key Terms (Mining & Materials) 3
The Carbon Cycle
The Sulfur Cycle: A Gateway for Human Environmental Impacts
Southern New Guinea freshwater swamp forests
Southern Andean steppe
Southern Africa and land resources
The Lead: Mount St. Helens
Key Terms (Mining & Materials) 4
Economic Growth and Affluence
Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China
Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests
Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
Responding to oil spills in the U.S.
Trinidad and Tobago dry forests
Carbon Storage in the Earth's Crust
Triclosan and triclocarban in consumer products
Converting Cellulose to Ethanol
Economics of Global Climate Change
Mercury Emissions Not Shrinking as Forecast
Arsenic Based Life
Cadmium Confusion (Mining & Materials)
Methane: Greenhouse Gas Enemy Number Two
Observed Changes in Sea Level
The United Nations Law of the Sea
Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
Tokaimura criticality accident, Japan
Board on Geographic Names, United States
Effects of sand barrier berms in Louisiana built to mitigate the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
The 2010 oil spill: criminal liability under wildlife laws
Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows
Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas, China
Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) Model
Wozniak, Steve (Mining & Materials)
Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt
Wasatch and Uinta montane forests
Water profile of Armenia
Water profile of Guyana
Water profile of Indonesia
Water profile of Lesotho
Water profile of Qatar
Water profile of Sierra Leone
Water profile of Tanzania
Water profile of Zambia
Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada
West-Central Australian Shelf large marine ecosystem
West Bering Sea large marine ecosystem
Value theory
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
Western Indian Ocean Islands and coastal and marine environments
Western Polynesian tropical moist forests
Wetland protection for reptiles and amphibians
Wetlands and remote sensing: the way ahead
Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaíno, Mexico
Whitney, Eli (Mining & Materials)
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests
World Conservation Union (IUCN)
Most Distant Galaxy Ever Seen
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia (Mining & Materials)
United States (Mining & Materials)
Tasmanian temperate forests
Social Media: Predicting and Tracking Disease Outbreaks
Amur River
Mississippi River
Gila River
Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park, Andalucia, Spain
Hindu Kush alpine meadow
Ecoregions of Angola
Burnt Cape (Mining & Materials)
Tamaulipan mezquital
Coolgardie woodlands
Tamaulipan matorral
Western Australian mulga shrublands
Tirari-Sturt Stony Desert
Ecoregions of Bolivia
Ecoregions of Burundi
North American taiga
Ecoregions of the Central African Republic
Table Mountains, California
Chilean matorral
Northwestern Andean montane forests
Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Wilderness Park, Canada
Phosphorus: Too Much or Too Little?
Bibliography on energy transitions
Molten Rock as a Source of High-Grade Energy
Comments Sought: Forest Service Land Management Planning Rule
Tool for Measuring Indoor Air Pollutants
The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, China
Phosphorus: A Paradox
Environmental Factors in Autoimmune Disease
The Ruwenzori (Rwenzori) Mountains, Africa
The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth (historical)
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Dryland Systems
The Coal Question: Of Supposed Substitutes for Coal
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Cultivated Systems
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Summary: Ecosystems and Their Services around the Year 2000
Natural gas
Lake Assal
Fluid catalytic cracking
Ten most distortionary energy subsidies
Temperate Sierras ecoregion (CEC)
Tehuacán Valley matorral
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Inorganic chemistry (Mining & Materials)
North Korea
Republic of Macedonia
Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Economic energy cost
Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia (EPA)
Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
Ecoregions of Mississippi (EPA)
Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (EPA)
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
Ecoregions of Tanzania
Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
Ecoregions of Zambia (WWF)
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Analytical Approaches for Assessing Ecosystems and Human Well-being
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Novel Products and Industries from Biodiversity
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Nutrient Cycling
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Volume 1: Current State and Trends: Synthesis
Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Desertification Synthesis: Key Questions on Desertification in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Opportunities and Challenges for Business and Industry: How the MA Findings Affect Your Bottom Line
Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Opportunities and Challenges for Business and Industry: What We Know
Ecosystems and Human Well-being Synthesis: Appendix A. Ecosystem Service Reports
Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
Electric vehicle (Mining & Materials)
Endowment opportunities from atmospheric resources in Africa
Energy and Society: Chapter 11: The Organization of Productive Effort
Cordillera Oriental montane forests
Cort, Henry (Mining & Materials)
Cosmic origins and geological role of uranium
Cuban pine forests
Czochralski, Jan (Mining & Materials)
Darién National Park, Panama
Dead Sea
Declining grassland biodiversity
Demand for minerals in the United States
Dimension stone
Disappearing Jewels: Chapter 3
Dja Faunal Reserve, Cameroon
Dominican Republic
East-Central Australian Shelf large marine ecosystem
East Bering Sea large marine ecosystem
Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
Eastern Canadian Shield taiga
Eastern Panamanian montane forests
Eastern Temperate Forests ecoregion (CEC)
Eastern forest-boreal transition
Eco-industrial parks in China
Formaldehyde and travel trailers
Fraser Island, Australia
Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
From Conflict to Peacebuilding: Conclusions and policy recommendations
Fuel cells
Fuller, R. Buckminster
Fundamental principles of energy
Global Climate Change: Major Scientific and Policy Issues
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4): Chapter 4
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4): Chapter 5
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4): Chapter 6
Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4): Chapter 7
Global material cycles
Globalization and environmental politics
Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
Goodyear, Charles (Mining & Materials)
Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Australia
Great Basin montane forests
Great Basin shrub steppe
Great Plains ecoregion (CEC)
Energy and Society: Chapter 15: Ideological Unity and Economic Realism
Energy and Society: Chapter 6: The Historical Circumstances
Energy and Society: Chapter 7: The Industrialization of Agriculture
Energy and sustainable development at global environmental summits
Energy profile of Antarctica
Energy profile of Australia
Energy profile of Colombia
Energy profile of Gabon
Energy profile of India
Energy profile of Kazakhstan
Energy profile of Russia
Energy profile of South Asia
Energy transitions past and future
Environment and Globalization: The Five Propositions
Environmental Issues and Natural Resources of Uganda
Environmental and ecological economics
Euxine-Colchic deciduous forests
Extraterrestrial soils (Mining & Materials)
Fate and effects of perchlorate
Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, United States
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, United States
Copper flotation waste
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
Aquifers of Texas
Arsenic use in the United States
Atlantic coastal desert
Atmospheric composition
Bathypelagic zone
Bay of Bengal large marine ecosystem
Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize
Bering Sea
Beringia lowland tundra
Bessemer, Sir Henry
Beyond Old Growth: Chapter 5
Big Bend National Park, United States
Biodiversity focus on a seamount graveyard, New Zealand
Biogeochemical cycles
Biological corridor
Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
Biological diversity in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
Biological diversity in Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany
Biological diversity in Sundaland
Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
O'Dea, Christopher (Mining & Materials)
'W' National Park, Niger
AP Environmental Science Chapter 18- Human Health
AP Environmental Science Chapter 2- The Cycling of Matter
AP Environmental Science Chapter 3- The Solid Earth
Africa's renaissance for the environment: freshwater
African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Alaska-St. Elias Range tundra
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), United States
Alaska Peninsula montane taiga
Alberta Mountain forests
Altai alpine meadow and tundra
Alternatives for significant uses of DEHP in Massachusetts
Alternatives for significant uses of formaldehyde in Massachusetts
Alternatives for significant uses of hexavalent chromium in Massachusetts
Alternatives for significant uses of lead in Massachusetts
Alternatives for significant uses of perchloroethylene in Massachusetts
Aluminum use in automobiles in the United States
Angolan Miombo woodlands
Annotated contributions of Howard T. Odum
Antarctica large marine ecosystem
Central Andean puna
Central Canadian Shield forests
Central Mexican matorral
Central Polynesian tropical moist forests
Central Range montane rain forests
Centralia, Pennsylvania
Cerrado Protected Areas, Brazil
Changes in aquatic biota and ecosystem structure and function in the Arctic
Christmas and Cocos Islands tropical forests
Clay sports surfaces
Climate Change and Foreign Policy: Appendix
Climate Literacy Handbook: Principle 6
Climate change abatement strategies
Climate change and terrestrial wildlife management in the Fennoscandian North
Climate change impacts on Indigenous peoples of the Russian North
Climate change impacts on the Yamal Nenets of northwest Siberia
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
Coastal barriers in the United States
Colorado Rockies forests
Cook Inlet taiga
Biological diversity in the Himalayas
Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
Biological diversity in the mountains of Central Asia
Biological diversity in the mountains of Southwest China
Biot number (Mining & Materials)
Borneo montane rainforests
Brooks-British Range tundra
Business strategies and climate change, United States
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
Calculation of Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Renewable Fuel Standard
California montane chaparral and woodlands
Campos Rupestres montane savanna
Canada, Kyoto, and the conservatives
Cantabrian mixed forests
Cape Verde
Capitalism 3.0: Chapter 10 (Mining & Materials)
Carnegie, Andrew (Mining & Materials)
Cascade Mountains leeward forests
Central Africa and coastal and marine environments
Central African mangroves
Central Andean dry puna
Great Transition: History of the Future
Northern Cordillera forests
Northern Pacific coastal forests
Northern tall grasslands
Northwest Territories taiga
Ogilvie-MacKenzie alpine tundra
Okanagan Lake, British Columbia
One Lifeboat: Chapter 2
One Lifeboat: Chapter 3
Overview of Greenhouse Gas Control Policies in Various Countries
Ovshinsky, Stan (Mining & Materials)
Pacific Central-American Coastal large marine ecosystem
Pantanal Conservation Complex, Brazil
Paraguana xeric scrub
Paraná flooded savanna
Patterns of Caribbean coral loss
Peninsular Malaysian peat swamp forests
Peninsular Malaysian lowland rainforests
Perspectives of hydrology
Perverse subsidies
Pitons Management Area, Saint Lucia
Powell, John Wesley
Mid-Continental Canadian forests
Middle Arctic tundra
Middle East steppe
Midwestern Canadian Shield forests
Miguasha National Park, Quebec, Canada
Military warheads as a source of nuclear fuel
Montana valley and foothill grasslands
Monte Alegre varzea
Mosquitia-Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast mangroves
Mount Erebus
Mount Huangshan Scenic Beauty and Historic Interest Site, China
NAFTA as a forum for carbon dioxide permit trading
Nano Titanium Dioxide
Napo moist forests
Net Energy Analysis (historical)
Net energy analysis
Newfoundland Highland forests
Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal
Northeast Australian Shelf/Great Barrier Reef large marine ecosystem
Northern Africa and forests and woodlands
Northern California coastal forests
Purus-Madeira moist forests
Purus varzea
Qaidam Basin semi-desert
Recycled aggregates
Redwood National Park, United States
Reefs at risk in the Caribbean
Regional cooperation for peace and sustainable development in Africa
Regional scenarios for Africa's future: coastal and marine environments
Regional scenarios for Africa's future: land
Renewable energy (Mining & Materials)
Renewable resource use, resource development, and global processes in the Arctic
Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act (RLBPHRA) of 1992, United States
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), United States
Resources, Population, Environment: an Oversupply Of False Bad News (historical)
Responding to climate change in the Arctic
Richards, Ellen Swallow
Rio Negro-Rio San Sun mangroves
Rittenhouse, William (Mining & Materials)
Roots of American industrialization, 1790-1860
Safety of nuclear power reactors
Saint John River, North America
Primary energy
Production possibility frontier
Projected climate change impacts in the four regions of the Arctic
Public Health Statement for Beryllium
Public Health Statement for Boron
Public Health Statement for Cesium
Public Health Statement for Chromium
Public Health Statement for Ionizing Radiation
Public Health Statement for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Public Health Statement for Radon
Public Health Statement for Silver
Public Health Statement for Synthetic Vitreous Fibers
Public Health Statement for Thallium
Public Health Statement for Thorium
Public Health Statement for Tin
Public Health Statement for Tungsten
Public Health Statement for Vanadium
Public Health Statement for White Phosphorus
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Philippines
Puget lowland forests
Purple loosestrife (Mining & Materials)
Metal stocks in use in the United States
Health effects of tin
Health effects of tungsten
Health effects of uranium
Healthy Solutions for the Low Carbon Economy: Technologies for Early Adoption
Heavy metal
Herman Daly Festschrift: Ecological and Georgist Economic Principles: A Comparison
History of toxicology
Huanglong National Scenic Area, China
Human-modified habitats in the Arctic
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group I: Chapter 2
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group I: Frequently Asked Questions
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II: Chapter 11
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II: Chapter 13
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II: Chapter 6
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group III: Chapter 13
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group III: Chapter 4
IUCN Criteria for "Wilderness Area"
Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
Improving future assessments of climate change impacts in the Arctic
Improving responses through interlinkages in Africa’s policy
Improving understanding through environment and policy interlinkages in Africa
Great Victoria Desert
Greater Antilles mangroves
Greater Negros-Panay rain forests
Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
Green Revolution
Greenhouse Gas Control Policies in Brazil
Greenhouse Gas Control Policies in Japan
Gulf of St. Lawrence lowland forests
Gulf of Thailand large marine ecosystem
Habitat fragmentation in densely populated landscapes
Halliburton, Erle P.
Health effects of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Health effects of boron
Health effects of cadmium
Health effects of cesium
Health effects of ionizing radiation
Health effects of manganese
Health effects of mercury
Health effects of silver
Health effects of thallium
Health effects of thorium
Lawrenson, Peter (Mining & Materials)
Leeward Islands moist forests
Lesser Antilles mangroves
Lesser Sundas deciduous forests
Lewis, John L.
Long term damage to building materials
Luzon montane rain forests
Magdalena-Urabá moist forests
Malaria and DDT
Malaysia Natural Resources
Maputaland coastal forest mosaic
Maranhao mangroves
Material intensity of use
Material use in Mexico: the metabolic transformation of a Latin American economy
Material use in bicycle frames
Material use in free weights
Material use in golf equipment
Material use in pogo sticks
Material use in tennis rackets
Mercury in the Great Lakes
Mesopelagic zone
Indian river systems and pollution
Industrial uses of di(1,2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)
Industrial uses of formaldehyde
Iquitos varzea
Ischigualasto-Talampaya, Argentina (Mining & Materials)
Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
Jaú National Park, Brazil
Jobs, Steve Paul
Jos Plateau forest-grassland mosaic
Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Switzerland
Kalahari xeric savanna
Karcher, John Clarence
Kay, John (Mining & Materials)
Key findings, science gaps, and recommendations for freshwater ecosystems in the ACIA
Kimberly tropical savanna
Kinabalu National Park, Malaysia
KwaZulu-Cape coastal forest mosaic
Lake Athabasca, Alberta/Saskatchewan
Lake Huron, Ontario
Land-use and land-cover change
Land tenure and management in the boreal region
Protests Against Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining in West Virginia