Howard T. Odum (publications)
From The Encyclopedia of Earth
September 2, 2007, 4:22 pm
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- 1 This is a part of the Howard T. Odum Collection
- 2 Complete list of publications in English:
- 2.1 1946
- 2.2 1947
- 2.3 1948
- 2.4 1949
- 2.5 1950
- 2.6 1951
- 2.7 1953
- 2.8 1955
- 2.9 1956
- 2.10 1957
- 2.11 1958
- 2.12 1959
- 2.13 1960
- 2.14 1962
- 2.15 1963
- 2.16 1964
- 2.17 1965
- 2.18 1966
- 2.19 1967
- 2.20 1969
- 2.21 1970
- 2.22 1971
- 2.23 1972
- 2.24 1973
- 2.25 1974
- 2.26 1975
- 2.27 1976
- 2.28 1977
- 2.29 1978
- 2.30 1979
- 2.31 1980
- 2.32 1981
- 2.33 1982
- 2.34 1983
- 2.35 1984
- 2.36 1985
- 2.37 1986
- 2.38 1987
- 2.39 1988
- 2.40 1989
- 2.41 1990
- 2.42 1991
- 2.43 1992
- 2.44 1993
- 2.45 1994
- 2.46 1995
- 2.47 1996
- 2.48 1997
- 2.49 1998
- 2.50 1999
- 2.51 2000
- 2.52 2001
- 2.53 2002
- 2.54 2003
- 3 Publications translated into other languages:
- 4 Citation
This is a part of the Howard T. Odum Collection
EDITOR'S NOTE: This list was compiled initially by Dr. Mark T. Brown. Please send additions and corrections to the editor and to Dr. Brown
Complete list of publications in English:
- Odum, H.T.1946. Field notes and news in The Chat, Bulletin of the North Carolina Bird Club. X(5):90.
- Odum, H.T. 1946. Audubon field notes. Audubon Magazine, Nov-Dec 1946, pp. 139, 140, 143.
- Odum, H.T. 1947. The possible effect of cloud cover on bird migration in Central America. Auk. 64:316-317.
- Odum, H.T. 1947. Status of waterfowl in inland North Carolina. The Chat, Bulletin of the North Carolina Bird Club. XI:42-47.
- Odum, H.T. 1948. The bird navigation controversy. Auk. 65:585-597.
- Odum, H.T. 1949. Some Biological Aspects of the Strontium Cycle. Osborn Zoological Lab. Yale Univ. pp 5.
- Odum, H.T. 1950. Some Biological Aspects of the Strontium Cycle Introducing a new Tool of Paleoecology. In U.S. Science holds its biggest powwow °©Reports on some of the year's big discoveries. Life Magazine, Jan. 9, 1950, pp. 20.
- Odum, H.T. 1951. The stability of the world strontium cycle. Science 114:470-411.
- Odum, H.T. 1951. Notes on the strontium content of sea water, Celestite radiolaria, and Strontianite snail shells. Science 114:211-213.
- Odum, H.T. 1951. Nudibranch spicules made of amorphous calcium carbonate. Science 114:394.
- Odum, H.T. 1951. The Carolina bays and a Pleistocene weather map. Amer. J. Sci. 250:262-270.
- Odum, H.T. 1951. Strontium in Florida waters. In Chemical Character of Florida Waters, Water Survey and Research Paper No. 6, A.P. Black, and E. Brown, eds. Florida State Board of Conservation, Division of Water Survey and Research, Tallahassee, FL. pp. 20-21.
- Odum, H.T. 1953. Dissolved phosphorous in Florida waters. Fla. Geol. Surv. Report of Investigation No. 9, Tallahassee, FL. pp. 1-40.
- Odum, H.T. 1953. Factors controlling marine invasion in Florida fresh waters. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf and Caribbean 3:134-156.
- Odum, H.T. and W.C. Allee. 1953. A note on the stable point of populations with both intraspecific cooperation and disoperation. Ecology 35:95-97.
- Odum, H.T., 0. Galindo, B. Parrish, R. Pinkerton, W. Sloan and L. Whitford. 1953. Productivity of Florida Springs. Third semi-annual report to the Biology Division, Office of Naval Research.
- Odum, H.T. and C. Kramer. 1953. Discussion of problems in the orientation of flying vertebrates. In Orientation in Animals. Office of Naval Research, Dept. of the Navy. pp. 174-182.
- Odum, H.T. and B. Parrish. 1953. Boron in Florida waters. Fla. Acad. of Sci. 17:105-109.
- Odum, H.T. and W.C. Sloan, 0. Galindo and B. Parrish. 1953. Productivity of Florida Springs. Second semi-annual report to the Biology Division, Office of Naval Research, Dept. of the Navy. 25 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and D. Caldwell. 1955. Fish respiration in the natural oxygen gradient of an aerobic spring. Copeia, 1955:104-106.
- Odum, H.T. and J. Johnson. 1955. Silver Springs and the balanced aquarium controversy. Science Counselor 15:128-130.
- Odum, H.T., J.B. Lackey, J. Hynes and N. Marshall. 1955. Some red tide characteristics during 1952-1954. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf and Caribbean 5:247-248.
- Odum, H.T. and E.P. Odum. 1955. Trophic structure and productivity of a windward coral reef at Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Ecol. Monogr. 25:291-320.
- Odum, H.T. and R.C. Pinkerton. 1955. Time's speed regulator: the optimum efficiency for maximum power output in physical and biological systems. Am. Scientist 43(2):331-343.
- Odum, H.T. 1956. Primary production in flowing waters. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 1:102-117.
- Odum, H.T. 1956. Fishing waters. In Proceedings of the 5th Municipal and Industrial Waste Conference. Dept. of Sanitary Engineering, Chapel Hill. pp. 45-52.
- Odum, H.T. 1956. Efficiencies, size of organisms and community structure. Ecology 37:592-597.
- Banks, E.M. and H.T. Odum. 1957. Strontium deposition in eggshells. Tex. Jr. of Sci. IX(2):215-218.
- Caldwell, D.K., H.T. Odum, T.R. Hellier, Jr. and F. Berry. 1957. Populations of spotted sunfish and Florida large-mouth bass in a constant-temperature spring. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc. 85:120-134.
- Odum, E.P. and H.T. Odum. 1957. Zonation of corals on Japan Reef, Eniwetok Atoll. Atoll. Res. Bull. 52:1-4.
- Odum, H.T. 1957. Trophic structure and productivity of Silver Springs, Florida. Ecol. Monogr. 27:55-112.
- Odum, H.T. 1957. Stontium in natural waters. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 4(2):22-37.
- Odum, H.T. 1957. Primary production measurements in eleven Florida springs and a marine turtle grass community. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 2:85-97.
- Odum, H.T. 1957. Biogeochemical deposition of strontium. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. IV(2).
- Odum, H.T. and C.M. Hoskin. 1957. Metabolism of a laboratory stream microcosm. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 4(2):115-133.
- Anderson, A.E., E.C. Jonas and H.T. Odum. 1958. Aleration of clay minerals by digestive process of marine organisms. Science 127:190-191.
- Odum, H.T. 1958. Biology and the other sciences in teaching. pp. 16-24 in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching. Univ. of Tex., Austin. 122 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1958. Quantitative plant ecology. (Review). Amer. Sci. 46:34OA-342A.
- Odum, H.T. and C.M. Hoskin. 1958. Comparative studies of the metabolism of Texas bays. Pubi. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 5:16-46.
- Odum, H.T. W. McConnell and W. Abbott. 1958. The chlorophyll-a of communities. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 5:65-96.
- Park, K., D.W. Hood and H.T. Odum. 1958. Diurnal pH variation in Texas bays, and its application to primary production estimation. Publ. Inst. of Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. Vol. V, pp. 47-64.
- Beyers, R.J. and H.T. Odum. 1959. The use of carbon dioxide to construct pH curves for the measurement of productivity. Linnol. and Oceanogr. 4:499-501.
- Ingram, R.L., M. Robinson and H.T. Odum. 1959. Clay mineralogy of some Carolina bay sediments. Southeastern Geology 1:1-10.
- Odum, E.P. and H.T. Odum. 1959. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. 400 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1959. A marine biology symposium. (Review). Ecology 40:745-746.
- Odum, H.T. 1959. Research adventures in the human ecology of an atoll. (Review). Ecology 40:328.
- Odum, H.T. 1959. A Marine Ecology Book with the Factor Life History and Habitat Approach, by Hilary B. Moore, John Wiley. (Review). Ecology, Jan.
- 1959 40(l):167.
- Odum, H.T., P.R. Burkholder and J. Rivero. 1959. Measurements of productivity of turtle grass flats, reefs and the Bahia fosforenscente of southern Puerto Rico. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 6:159-170.
- Odum, H.T., P.E. Muehlberg and R. Kemp. Marine resources. 1959. pp. 39-52 in Texas Natural Resources, P.E. Koelsch et al., eds. Report Research Committee, Houston Chamber of Commerce, Houston, TX. 105 pp.
- Beyers, R.J. and H.T. Odum. 1960. Differential titration with strong acids or bases vs. C02 water for productivity studies. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 5:228-230.
- Odum, H.T. 1960. Analysis of diurnal curves for the assay of reaeration rates and metabolism in polluted marine bays. In Proceedings, First International Conference on Waste Disposal in the Marine Environment, E.A. Pearson. Pergamon Press, N.Y. pp. 457-555.
- Odum, H.T. 1960. Ecological potential and analog circuits for the ecosystem. Amer. Sci. 48:1-8.
- Odum, H.T. 1960. Ten classroom sessions in ecology. Amer. Biol. Teacher 22:71-78.
- Odum, H.T. 1960. The requirement for fresh water in a general plan for multiple development of the marine bays. Proceedings, Sixth Annual Conference on Water for Texas. pp. 32-34.
- Odum, H.T., J. Cantlon and L.S. Kornicker. 1960. An organizational hierarchy postulate for the interpretation of species-individual distributions, species entrophy, ecosystem evolution, and the meaning of a species-variety index. Ecology 41:395-399.
- Odum, H.T. 1962. Ecological tools and their use: man and the ecosystem. pp. 57-75 in Proceedings of the Lockwood Conference on the Suburban Forest and Ecology, ed. by P.E. Waggoner and J.D. Ovington. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 652, Oct. 1962, 105 pp.
- Golley, F., H.T. Odum and R.F. Wilson. 1962. The structure and metabolism of a Puerto Rican red mangrove forest in May. Ecology 43:9-33.
- Odum, H.T. 1962. The use of a network energy simulator to synthesize systems and develop analogous theory: the ecosystem example. pp. 291-297 in Proceedings, Cullowhee Conference on Training in Biomathematics. 390 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and N. Vick. 1962. The paradox that film ecosystems are anaerobic basins. pp. 493 in D.S. Proceedings, First National Coastal and Shallow Water Research Conference, ed. by Gorsline. Tallahassee, FL. 897 PP.
- Odum, H.T. and R. Wilson. 1962. Further studies on the reaeration and metabolism of Texas bays. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex., Vol. 8, pp. 23-55.
- Beyers, R.J., J.L. Larimer, H.T. Odum, R.B. Parker and N.E. Armstrong. 1963. Directions for the determination of changes in carbon dioxide concentration from changes in pH. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 9:454-489.
- Odum, H.T. 1963. Limits of remote ecosystems containing man. Am. Biol. Tchr. 25:429-443.
- Odum, H.T. 1963. Productivity measurements in Texas turtle grass and the effects of dredging an Intracoastal channel. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 9(Dec. 1963):48-58.
- Odum, H.T., R.J. Beyers and N.E. Armstrong. 1963. Consequences of small storage capacity in nannoplankton pertinent to measurement of primary production in tropical waters. J. Mar. Res. 21(3):191-198.
- Odum, H.T., B.J. Copeland and R.Z. Brown. 1963. Direct and optical assay of leaf mass of the lower montane rain forest of Puerto Rico. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 49:429-434.
- Odum, H.T., R. Cuzon, R.J. Beyers and C. Allbaugh. 1963. Diurnal metabolism, total phosphorus, Ohle anomaly, and zooplankton diversity of abnormal marine ecosystems of Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 9:404-453.
- Odum, H.T., W.L. Siler, R.J. Beyers and N. Armstrong. 1963. Experiments with engineering of marine ecosystems. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Tex. 9:323-403.
- Odum, H.T, 1964. The element ratio method for predicting biogeochemical movements from metabolic measurements in ecosystems. pp. 209-224 in Transport of Radionuclides in Fresh Water Systems, B.H. Kornegay, W.A. Vaughan, D.K. Jamison and J,M. Morgan, Jr., eds. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, TID-7664. 405 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1964. A symposium on net production of terrestrial communities. (Review). Ecology 45:415-416.
- Odum, H.T. 1964. Review of Keith's Wildlife's Ten Year Cycles. Amer. Scientist 52:92A.
- Armstrong, N.E. and H.T Odum. 1964. Photoelectric ecosystems. Science 143(3603):256-258.
- Odum, H.T. 1965. The Rain Forest Project, Annual Report FY 1965. Puerto Rico Nuclear Center Bull. 61, 220 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1966. Terrestrial Ecology Program. The Rain Forest Project, Annual Report FY 1966. Puerto Rico Nuclear Center Bull. 82:129-145.
- Odum, H.T. 1967. IBP Symposium: Environmental photosynthesis. (Review). Science 157:415-416.
- Odum, H.T. 1967. Biological circuits and the marine systems of Texas. In Pollution and Marine Ecolgy, T.A. Olson and F.J. Burgess, eds. Wiley Interscience, NY. pp. 99-157.
- Odum, H.T. 1967. Energetics of food production. In The World Food Problem, Report of the President's Science Advisory Committee, Panel on World Food Supply, Vol. 3. TheWhitehouse. pp. 55-94.
- Odum, H.T. 1967. Work circuits and system stress. In Symposium on Primary Productivity and Mineral Cycling in Natural Ecosystems, H.E. Young. Univ. of Maine Press. pp. 81-138.
- Odum, H.T. and S. Bloom. 1967. Hydrogen budget and comparison compartments in the rain forest at El Verde, Puerto Rico, pertinent to consideration of tritium metabolism. Inter-Ocean Canal Survey Memorandum. Battelle Memorial Institute - 2, 32 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1969. Biophysics of ecology. (Review). Science 164:683-684.
- Odum, H.T., B.J. Copeland and E.A. McMahan. 1969. Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States. Report to Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. Dept. of the Interior. 3 Vols., 1405 pp.
- Day, J., C.M. Weiss and H.T. Odum. 1970. Carbon budget and total productivity of an estuarine oxidation pond receiving secondary sewage effluent. In Proceedings, Second International Symposium for Waste Treatment Lagoons. Nuclear Reactor Center, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. pp. 100-103.
- Nixon, S. and H.T. Odum. 1970. A model for photoregeneration in brines. ESE Notes, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina 7:1-3.
- Odum, H.T. 1970. Some ethics in stream classification. pp. 123-126 in Proceedings of the 19th Southern Water Resources and Pollution Control Conference. Duke University, N.C. State University, and University of North Carolina.
- Odum, H.T. and R.F. Pigeon, eds. 1970. A Tropical Rain Forest. Division of Technical Information, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1600 pp.
- All rain forest work, 1963-1970, is in data chapters in the volume above. These papers are:
- Odum, H.T. and R.F. Pigeon, eds. 1970. A Tropical Rain Forest. Table of Contents. Division of Technical Information, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1600 pp.
- Odum, H.T. Rain Forest and Man. Sec. A, pp. 5-11.
- Odum, H.T. The El Verde Study Area and the Rain Forest Systems of Puerto Rico. Sec. B, pp. 3 - 32.
- Odum, H.T., G. Drewry and J.R. Kline. Climate at El Verde. Sec. D, pp. 347-417.
- Odum, H.T. The AEG Rain Forest Program. Sec. C, pp. 3-22.
- Odum, H.T. and G. Drewry. The Cesium Source at El verde. Sec. C, pp. 23-36.
- Odum, H.T., P. Murphy, G. Drewry, F. McCormick, C. Schinham, E. Morales and J. McIntyre. Effects of Gamma Radiation on the Forest at El Verde. Sec. D pp. 3-75.
- Odum, H.T., G. Drewry and E.A. McMahan. Introduction to Section E on Animals. pp. 3-15.
- Odum, H.T. Introduction to Section F on Microorganisms. Sec. F, pp. 3-7.
- Odum, H.T. Microscopic Order in the Forest. Sec. C, pp. 3-14.
- Odum, H.T. Rain Forest Structure and Mineral Cycling Homeostasis. Sec. H, pp. 3-52.
- Odum, H.T., A.M. Moore and L.A. Burns. Hydrogen Budget and Compartments in the Rain Forest. Sec. H, pp. 105-122.
- Odum, H.T., G.A. Briscoe, and C.B. Briscoe. Fallout Radioactivity and Epiphytes. Sec. H, pp. 167-179.
- Kline, J.R. and H.T. Odum. Comparisons of the Amount of Fallout Radionuclides in Tropical Forests. Sec. H, pp. 181-186,
- Kline, J.R., H.T. Odum and J.C. Bugher. Effect of Gamma Radiation on
- Leaching bf 137 Cs and 54 Mn from Tropical Forest Foliage and Litter. Sec. H, pp. 187-189.
- Odum, H.T., W. Abbott, R.K. Selander, F.B. Golley and R.F. Wilson. Estimates of Chlorophyll and Biomass of the Tabanuco Forest of Puerto Rico. Sec. I, pp. 2-19.
- Odum, H.T. and G. Cintron. Forest Chlorophyll and Radiation. Sec. 1, pp. 21-33.
- Odum, H.T. and A. Lugo. Metabolism of Forest Floor Microcosms. Sec. I, pp. 35-54.
- Odum, H.T. and J. Ruiz-Reyes. Holes in Leaves and the Grazing Control Mechanisms. Sec. I, pp. 69-80.
- Odum, H.T. A. Lugo, G. Cintron and C.F. Jordan. Metabolism and Evapotranspiration of Some Rain Forest Plants and Soil. Sec. I, pp. 103-164.
- Odum, H.T. and C.F. Jordan. Metabolism and Evapotranspiration of the Lower Forest in a Giant Plastic Cylinder. Sec. I, pp. 165-189.
- Odum, H.T. Summary: An Emerging View of the Ecological System at El Verde. Sec. I, pp. 191-289.
- Copeland, B.J., H.T. Odum and D.C. Cooper. 1971. Water quantity for preservation of estuarine ecology. In Advances in Water Quality Improvement, Water Resources Symposium No. 2, E.F. Gloyna and W.W. Eckenfelder, eds. Univ. of Texas. pp. 107-126.
- Lugo, A.E., S.C. Snedaker, S. Bayley and H.T. Odum. 1971. Models for Planning and Research for the South Florida Environmental Study. Report on Contract 14-10-9-900-363, National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior and Center for Aquatic Sciences, Univ. of Florida. 141 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1971. Energy value of water resources. Proceedings of the 19th Southern Water and Pollution Conference. Duke University, Engineering, Durham, North Carolina. (Also discussion "Some ethics in stream classification," 10 pp.).
- Odum, H.T. 1971. Environment, Power and Society. John Wiley, NY. 336 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1971. A printout of the future systems of man. Natural History 80:24-29.
- Odum, H.T. 1971. Changing power basis for man. A review of the Sept. 1971 issue of Scientific American: Energy and Power. Landscape Arch. Quart.
- Odum, H.T. and A.F. Chestnut, eds. 1971. Studies of Marine Estuarine Ecosystems Developing with Treated Sewage Wastes. Annual Report to National Science Foundation, Sea Grant Division. 363 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and B.J. Copeland. 1971. A classification of coastal ecological systems of the United States. pp. 10-28 in Symposium Proceedings Volume of the Geological Society of America, Southeastern Meeting, 1969.
- Odum, H.T., S.W. Nixon and L.H. DiSalvo. 1971. Adaptations for photoregenerative cycling. pp. 1-29 in The Structure and Function of Freshwater Microbial Communities, J. Cairns, ed. American Microscopial Society, Virginia Polytechnic Center for Environmental Studies, Blacksburg, VA. 301 pp.
- McKellar, H.N. and H.T. Odum. 1972. Energy Circuit Model and Simulation of the Gulf Shelf. A progress report to Gulf Research Universities Corporation and Oceanography Division of the National Science Foundation Project GA 29792.
- Odum, E.P. and H.T. Odum. 1972. Natural areas as necessary components of man's total environment. In Transcript of the 37th North American Wildlife Resources Conference. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, DC. pp. 178-189.
- Odum, H.T. 1972. Energy circuit language equations. Appendix B in Ecosystem Approach to the Baltic Problem, B.O. Jansson. Bulletin No. 16, Ecological Research Commission, Swedish Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm. pp. 76-82.
- Odum, H.T. 1972. Use of energy diagrams for environmental impact statements. In Tools for Coastal Management. Proceedings of the conference Feb. 14-15, 1972, Marine Technology Society, 1730 M St. NW, Wash. DC. pp. 197-213.
- Odum, H.T. 1972. Chemical cycles with energy circuit models. In Changing Chemistry of the Oceans. Nobel Symposium No. 20, D. Dyrssen and D. Jagner, eds. John Wiley, NY. pp. 223-259.
- Odum, H.T. 1972. 1 Unscientific myopia: the illustions of plenty. A review of the "Energy and Power" issue of Scientific American. In Landscape Architecture. pp. 246-248.
- Odum, H.T. 1972. An energy circuit language for ecological and social systems: its physical basis. In Systems Analysis and Simulation-in Ecology, Vol. 2, B. Patten, ed. Academic Press. pp. 139-211.
- Odum, H.T. and B.J. Copeland. 1972. Functional classification of the coastal ecological system of the United States. In Environmental Framework of Coastal Plain Estuaries, B. Nelson, Ed. Geological Society of America Memoir #133. pp. 9-28.
- Odum, H.T. and G. Drewry. 1972. Puerto Rico Cs 137 irradiator. Isotopes and Radiation Technology 9:480-481.
- Odum, H.T. and L.L. Peterson. 1972. Relationship of energy and complexity in planning. Architectural Design 43:624-629.
- Wetterquist, O.F., L.L. Peterson, H.T. Odum, B.A. Christensen, S.C. Snedaker, M.T. Brown et al. 1972. Identification and evaluation of coastal resource patterns in Florida. Report to Coastal Coordinating Council, Tallahassee, FL.
- Odum, H.T. 1973. Energy, ecology and economics. Royal Swedish Academy of Science. AMBIO 2(6):220-227.
- Odum, H.T. 1973. Energy circuit language and energy transformation in asymptotic growth. In Unity Through Diversity, a festschrift for Ludwig von Bertalanffy, W. Gray and N.D. Rizzo, eds. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., NY. pp. 361-375.
- Odum, H.T. 1974. Energy cost-benefit models for evaluating thermal plumes. pp. 628-647 in Thermal Ecology, Proceedings of Symposium of the Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, S.C., S.W. Gibbons and B. Sharitz, eds. Division of Technical Information, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, TN.
- Odum, H.T. 1974. Marine ecosystems with energy circuit diagrams. In Modelling of Marine Systems, J.C.J. Nihoul, ed. Elsevier Oceanography Series, Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., NY. pp. 127-151.
- Odum, H.T. 1974. Terminating falacies in national policy on energy, economics and environment. pp. 15-19 in Energy - Today's Choices, Tomorrow's Opportunities, A.B. Schmaltz, ed. World Future Society. 301 pp.
- Odum, H.T., B.J. Copeland and E.A. McMahan. 1974. Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States. Conservation Foundation, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Wash. DC. 4 Vols., 1976 pp.
- Odum, H.T., M. Sell, M. Brown, J. Zucchetto, C. Swallows, J. Browder, T. Ahlstrom and L. Peterson. 1974. Models of herbicide mangroves and war in Vietnam. The effects of herbicides in South Vietnam, Part B: working papers. National Academy of Sciences. 302 pp.
- Wetterquist, O.F., L.L. Peterson, H.T. Odum, M.T. Brown, L. Searl and G. Genova. 1974. Identification and evaluation of coastal resource patterns in Florida. Final report for Florida Coastal Coordinating Council, Tallahassee. 83 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Implications of Energy Use on Environmental Conservation and Future Ways of Life. Preprints UNESCO Conference in Zaire, Africa. 20 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Implications of Energy Use on Environmental Conservation and Future Ways of Life. Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas, TX 78373. 20 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Combining energy laws and corollaries of the maximum power principle with visual systems mathematics. In Ecosystem Analysis and Prediction. Proceedings of the Conference on Ecosystems, SIAM Institute for Mathematics and Society, Alta, Utah. pp. 239-263.
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Energy Quality Interactions of Sunlight, Water, Fossil Fuel, and Land. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Requirements for Lower Colorado Rilver Basin energy Needs. Sponsored aby the Office of Arid Lands Studies. U of Arizona, Tuscon 85719 May 8-9. 1975.
- Odum, H.T. and S. Bayley. 1975. A model for understanding the relationship of money, energy and survival value. pp. 284-299 in Economics and Decision Making for Environmental Quality, J.R. Conner and E. Lowhman, eds. Univ. of Fla. Press. 299 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and M.T. Brown, eds. 1975. Carrying Capacity for Man and Nature in South Florida. Final report to National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of Interior and State of Florida, Division of State Planning. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Florida. 886 pp.
- Odum, H.T., M.T. Brown and R. Costanza. 1975. Developing a steady state for man and land; regional planning. pp. 343-361 in Proceedings of International Congress of Scientists on the Human Environment at Kyoto, Japan. Science Council of Japan. 992 pp.
- Odum, H.T., K.C. Ewel, W.J. Mitsch and J.W. Ordway. 1975. Recycling Treated Sewage through Cypress Wetlands in Florida. Occasional Publication No. 1, Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. 16 pp. (Also printed in a book by F. D'Itri in 1977.)
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Energy Cost Benefit Approach to Evaluating Power Plant Alternatives. Center for Wetlands. U. FL 8pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Energy Basis for Florida Trends in Florida Becentennial Commemorative Book. Hollywood FL. 11p.
- Odum, H.T. 1975. Energy Quality Interactions of Sunlight, Water, Fossil Fuel and Land. Proceedings of Water Requirements of Lower Colorado River Basin Energy Needs. U of Arizona.(165-194)
- Odum, H.T. 1976. Macroscopic minimodels for balance of man and nature. In Systems Analysis and Simulation in Ecology, Vol. 4, B. Patten, ed. Academic Press. pp. 250-280.
- Odum, H.T. 1976. Net Benefits to Society from Alternative Energy Investments. Proceedings of the North American Wildlife Conference. Wildlife Management Institute, Wash, DC. pp. 327-338.
- Odum, H.T. 1976. Energy analysis and net energy. In Proceedings of NSF Workshop on Net Energy, Stanford, Cal. Institute for Energy Studies, Stanford Univ. and TRW (90-115)
- Odum, H.T. 1976. Energy analysis and net energy. In Proceedings of NSF Workshop on Net Energy, Stanford, Cal. Institute for Energy Studies, Stanford Univ. and TRW .typed version (1-25).
- Odum, H.T. 1976. 'Energy quality and carrying capacity of the earth. Response at Prize Ceremony, Institute de la Vie, Paris. Tropical Ecology 16(l):1-8.
- Odum, H.T. et al. 1976. Net energy Analysis of Alternatives for the United
- States. In U.S. Energy Policy: Trends and Goals. Part V - Middle and Long-term Energy Policies and Alternatives. 94th Congress 2nd Session Committee Print. Prepared for the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the U.S. House of Representatives, 66-723, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Wash, DC. pp. 254-304.
- Odum, H.T. and S. Brown. 1976. Energy: The Dynamo word. pp. 146-151 in Born of the Sun, J.E. Gill and B.R. Read. State of Fla. Bicentennial Commission. Worth International Communications Corp., Hollywood, FL. 192 PP.
- Odum, H.T. and T. Fontaine III. 1976. Energy Anlaysis and Environmental Health. Environmental Health Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 12 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1976. Energy Basis for Man and Nature. McGraw-Hill, NY. 297 pp.
- Alexander, J.F., N.G. Sipe and H.T. Odum. 1976. A United States Energy Model Economically Driven by a Global Growth Simulation. Proceedings of Seventh Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Simulation and Modelling. Publication Dept., Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Wharton, C. and H.T. Odum, eds. 1976. Wetlands Use Manual. Report to Division of State Planning, Tallahassee, FL. 380 pp.
- Bayley, S.E., H.T. Odum and W.M. Kemp. 1977. Energy evaluation and management alternatives for Florida's east coast. In Transcript of the 41st North American Wildlife Conference. Wildlife Management Institute, Wash. DC. pp. 87-104.
- Bayley, S.E. and H.T. Odum. 1977. Simulation of interrelations of the Everglades marsh, peat, fire, water and phosphorus. Ecological Modelling 2:169-188.
- Hall, C.A.S., J.W. Day and H.T. Odum. 1977. A circuit language for energy and matter. In Ecosystem Modeling in Theory and Practice, C.A.S. Hall and J.W. Day, eds. John Wiley, NY. pp. 37-46.
- Kemp, W.M., W.H.B. Smith, H.N. McKellar, M.E. Lehman, M. Homer, D.L. Young and H.T. Odum. 1977. Energy cost benefit applied to models applied to power plants near Crystal River, Fla. In Ecosystem Modeling in Theory and Practice, C.A.S. Hall and J.W., Day, eds. John Wiley, NY. pp. 508-543.
- Odum, H.T. 1977. Energy analysis. (Letter.) Science 196:261.
- Odum, H.T. 1977. Energy analysis, energy quality and environment. In Energy Analysis: A New Public Policy Tool, M.W. Gilliland, ed. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Selected Symposium No. 9, Wash. DC. Westview Press. pp. 55-87.
- Odum, H.T. 1977. Energy, value and money. In Ecosystem Modeling in Theory and Practice, C.A.S. Hall and J.W. Day, eds. John Wiley, NY. pp. 174-196.
- Odum, H.T. 1977. The ecosystem, energy and human values. Zygon 12:109-133.
- Odum, H.T. 1977. Net benefits to society from alternative energy investments. In Business and Economic Dimensions. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. pp. 10-18.
- Odum, H.T., K.C. Ewel, W.J. Mitsch and J. W. Ordway. 1977. Recycling treated sewage through cypress wetlands in Florida. In Wastewater Renovation and Reuse, F. D'Itri, ed. Marcel Dekker, NY. (Also printed as Occasional Publ. #I, 1975, Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla.)
- Odum, H.T., W. Kemp, M. Sell, W. Boynton and M. Lehman. 1977. Energy analysis and the coupling of man and estuaries. In Environmental Management, Vol. 1, No. 4. Springer-Verlag, NY. pp. 297-315.
- Ewel, K.C. and H.T. Odum. 1978. Cypress swamps for nutrient removal and wastewater recycling. In Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment: Biological Nutrient Removal, M.P. Wanelista and W.W. Edkenfelder, Jr., eds. Ann Arbor Sci. Publ., Inc., Ann Arbor, MI. pp. 181-198.
- Odum, H.T. 1978. Principles for interfacing wetlands with development. In Environmental Quality through Wetlands Utilization, M. Drew, ed. Coordinating Council on Restoration of the Kissimmee River Valley and Taylor Creek-Nubbin Slough Basin, Tallahassee, FL. pp. 29-56.
- Odum, H.T. 1978. Adapting to changing times and energy needs.
- Congressional Record, Sept. 29, 1978. Univ. of Florida Commencement Address of H.T. Odum, "Leading the Way Down," introduced into Congressional Record by Hon. Don Fuqua. pp. E5327-E5328.
- Odum, H.T. 1978. Net production. (Review of Primary Productivity of the Biosphere, H. Leith and R.H. Whittaker.) Bioscience 28:597.
- Odum, H.T. 1978. Value of wetlands as domestic ecosystems. National Wetland Protection Symposium, Reston, Va., June 6-8, 1977., FWS/Obs-78/97, J.H. Montanari and J.A. Kusler, eds. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior, Washington, DC. pp. 9-18.
- Odum, H.T. 1978. Net energy from the sun. PP. 196-211 in Sun, a Handbook for the Solar Decade, S. Lyons, ed. Friends of the Earth, San Francisco, CA. 364 pp.
- Wang, F.C., H.T. Odum and R. Costanza. 1978. Concepts for assessment of energy related impacts of water. Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs. Spring Convention and Exhibit, Pittsburgh, Pa. Preprint 3246. (Same paper printed in J. of the Wat. Res. Plan. and Mgt. Div., ASCE, 1980.)
- DeBellevue, E., H.T. Odum, J. Browder and G. Gardner. 1979. Energy analysis of the Everglades National Park. In Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, Vol. 1, R.M. Linn, ed. National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings, Series No. 5., U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, DC. pp. 31-43.
- Odum, H.T. 1979. Energy quality control of ecosystem design. pp. 221-235 in Marsh Estuarine Systems Simulation, R.F. Dame, ed. Belle Baruch Library in Marine Science No. 8, Univ. of S.C. Press, Columbia. 260 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1979. Los principios del analisis de la energia neta. Energia 3(19):69-79.
- Odum, H.T. 1979. El ecosystems, la energia y los valores humanos. Energia 3(19):27-50.
- Odum, H.T. 1979. Guest editorial in the book: Living in the Environment, G.T. Miller. Wadsworth Publ. Co., Belmont, CA
- Odum, H.T., J.F. Alexander, F. Wang, M. Brown et al. 1979. Energy Basis for the United States. Report to Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC. Contract EY-76-S-05-4398. 444 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1980. Energia e sociedade. pp. 111-145 in A Questao Energetic Problemas e Alternativas. Commissao de Obras Publicas da Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. 262 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1980. Principle of environmental energy matching for estimating potential economic value, a rebuttal. Coastal Zone Management 5(3):239-243.
- Odum, H.T. 1980. Biomass and Florida's future. In Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications of the Committee on Science and Technology of the U.S. House of Representatives, 96th Congress, May 17, 1980, No. 166. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. pp. 58-67.
- Odum, H.T. 1980. Remarks on the future of ecology. Intecol Bulletin 1980, 7/8:21-24.
- Odum, H.T. 1980. Challenge of environmental education. pp. 15-17 in Environmental Education - Principles, Methods, and Applications, T.S. Bakshi and Z. Naveh, eds. Plenum Press, NY and London. 285 pp.
- Odum, H.T., C. Kylstra, S. Brown, J. Zucchetto, T. Ballentine, W.M. Kemp and N. Sipe. 1980. Energy Transformation and the Economy of the United States. Marine Sciences Distinguished Lecture Series, Louisiana State University Center for Wetland Resources, Baton Rouge, LA. 70803. 49 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1980. Energy systems and environmental education. pp. 213-231 in Environmental Education - Principles, Methods and Application, T.S. Bakshi and Z. Naveh, eds. Plenum Press, NY and London. (213-231).
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1980. Energy systems of New Zealand and the use of embodied energy for evaluating benefits of international trade. pp. 106-107 in Proceedings of the Energy Modelling Symposium, Nov. 1979. Technical Publication No. 7, N.Z. Ministry of Energy, Wellington, New Zealand. 247 pp.
- Wang, F.C., H.T. Odum and R.C. Costanza. 1980. Energy criteria for water use. J. of the Wat. Res. Plan. and Mgt. Div., ASCE, Vol. 106, No. WRl, Proc. Paper 15266, Mar. 1980, pp. 185-203. (Same paper as Pittsburgh presentation, 1978.)
- Wang, F.C., H.T. Odum and P. Kangas. 1980. Energy analysis for environmental impact assessment. In Journal of Water Resources, Planning and Management Division, July, 1980, pp. 451-466.
- Brown, M.T. and H.T. Odum, eds. 1981. Research needs for a basic science of the system of humanity and nature. Results of an NSF Workshop. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville. 154 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1981. Energia, economia, ecologia. L'Arcobaleno (Italian jrnl), pp. 6, 11.
- Odum, H.T. 1981. Energie, economie et hierarchic de 1'envirornment. In Etude et Recherches. Compt Rendu Du Colloque de Troisiemes Assises Internationales de 1'environment, Vol. 4. Societe et Environment. Ministere Del'Environment, Paris. pp. 155-163.
- Odum, H.T. 1981. Analyzing and Modelling Grassland Biomes (Review). Bioscience 31(10):766-770.
- Odum, H.T., P. Kangas, G.R. Best, B.T. Rushton, S. Liebowitz and J.R. Butner. 1981. Studies on Phosphate Mining, Reclamation, and Energy. Report to Bromwell, Assoc., Orlando, FL. 142 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1981. Revised Second Edition of book: Energy Basis for Man and Nature. McGraw Hill, NY. 336 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1981. Spanish Edition: Hombre Y Naturaleza Bases Energeticas. Translated by J.M. Serrano Farrera and R.M. Dauder. Ediciones Omega, Barcelona, Spain. 311 pp.
- Richardson, J.R. and H.T. Odum. 1981. Power and a pulsing production model. In Energy and Ecological Modeling, W.J. Mitsch, ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 641-648.
- Hansen, K.L., H.T. Odum and M.T. Brown. 1982. Energy models for Volusia County, Florida. Florida Scientist 45(4):209-228.
- Odum, E.C., H.T. Odum, M.T. Brown and G. Scott. 1982. Energy and Environment in Florida. Manuscript submitted to U. of Fla. Press, Gainesville. 200 pp.
- Odum, E.C., G. Scott and H.T. Odum. 1982. Energy and Environment in New Zealand. Joint Centre for Environmental Science, Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. 129 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1982. Pulsing, Power and Hierarchy. In Energetics and Systems, W.J. Mitsch, R.K. Ragade, R.W. Bosserman and J.A. Dillon, Jr., eds. Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI. pp. 33-59.
- Odum, H.T. 1982. Role of wetland ecosystems in the landscape of Florida. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Workshop on Freshwater Ecosystem Dynamics in Wetlands and Shallow Water Bodies, sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, of the United Nations Environment Programme, held in Moscow, USSR, 1982. Vol. 2, pp. 33-72.
- Odum, H.T. 1983. Systems Ecology: An Introduction. John Wiley, NY. 644 PP.
- Odum, H.T. 1983. Maximum power and efficiency: a rebuttal. Ecol. Modelling 20(1983):71-82.
- Odum, H.T., G.A. Knox and D.E. Campbell. 1983. organization of a New Ecosystem, Exotic Spartina Salt Marsh in New Zealand. Report to NSF International Exchange Program with New Zealand: Changes in Estuarine Ecosystems in Interaction with Development. 106 pp.
- Odum, H.T., M.J. Lavine, F.C. Wang, M.A. Miller, J.F. Alexander, Jr. and T. Butler. 1983. A Manual for Using Energy Analysis for Plant Siting with an Appendix on Energy Analysis of Environmental Values. Final report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-2443 FINB-6155. Energy Analysis Workshop, Center for Wetlands, University of Florida, Gainesville. 221 pp.
- Odum, H.T., M.A. Miller, B.T. Rushton, T.R. McClanahan and G.R. Best. 1983. Interaction of Wetlands with the Phosphate Industry. FIPR Publ. No. 03-007-025. NTIS #PB85-234094/AS. Fiorida Institute of Phosphate Research. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville. 164 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum, eds. 1983. Energy Analysis Overview of Nations. Working Paper WP-83-82. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. 469 pp.
- Richardson, J.R., P.A. Straub, K.C. Ewel and H.T. Odum. 1983. Sulfate-enriched water effects on a floodplain forest in Florida. Environmental Management, Vol. 7, Nov. 4, pp. 321-326.
- Odum, H.T. 1984. Energy analysis evaluation of coastal alternatives. Water Science Technology, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 16:717-734.
- Odum, H.T. 1984. Energy analysis of the environmental role in agriculture. pp. 24-51 in Energy and Agriculture, G. Stanhill, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 192 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1984. Embodied energy, foreign trade, and welfare of nations. In Integration of Economy and Ecology - an Outlook for the Eighties, A.M. Jansson, ed. Proceedings of the Wallenberg Symposiium, Asko Laboratory, University of Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 185-199.
- Pillet, C. and H.T. Odum. 1984. Energy externality and the economy of Switzerland. Schweiz. Zietschrift fur Volkswirtschaft und Statistik; Revue Suisse D'economie Politique et de Statistique 120(3):409-435
- Brown, M.T. and H.T. Odum. 1985. Studies of a Method of Wetland Reconstruction Following Phosphate Mining. FIPR Publ. No. 03-022-032. NTIS #PB87-173175/XAB. Florida Institute of Phosphate Research. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville.
- Ewel, K. and H.T. Odum, eds. 1985. Cypress Swamps. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. 472 pp.
- Odum, E.C. and H.T. Odum. 1985. System of ethanol production from sugarcane in Brazil. Ciencia e Cultura 37(11), Novembro de 1985, pp. 1849-1856.
- Odum, H.T. 1985. Self Organization of Ecosystems in Marine Ponds Receiving Treated Sewage. UNC Sea Grant SG-85-04. 250 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1985. Water conservation and wetland values. pp. 98-111 in Ecological Consideration of Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewater. Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY. 471 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1986. Las nuevas energias y los ecologistas: razonar o sentir. In Prospectiva del Ano 2000. In El Hombre, la Sociedad, el Mundo. Fundacion Caja de Pensiones, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 201-222.
- Odum, H.T. 1986. Human ecology. In McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology. pp. 236-238.
- Odum, H.T. 1986. Enmergy in ecosystems. In Environmental Monographs and Symposia, N. Polunin, ed. John Wiley, NY. pp. 337-369.
- Odum, H.T. 1986. Unifying education with environmental systems overviews. In Environmental Science, Teaching and Practice. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Nature and Teaching of Environmental Studies and Sciences in Higher Education, held at Sunderland Polytechnic, UK, Sept., 1985. pp. 181-199.
- Odum, H.T., M.T. Brown and R.A. Christianson. 1986. Energy Systems Overview of the Amazon Basin. Report to the Cousteau Society. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville. 190 pp.
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum, M.T. Brown, G.B. Scott, D. LaHart, C. Bersok and J. Sendzimir. 1986. Florida Systems and Environment. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville. 83 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and D.M. Scienceman. 1986. Commonalities between hierarchies of ecosystems and political institutions. In General Systems, Vol. XXIX, R.K. Ragade, ed. pp. 23-32.
- Odum, H.T. 1987. Models for national, international, and global systems policy. pp. 203-251 in Economic-Ecological Modeling, L.C. Braat and W.F.J. Van Lierop, eds. Elsevier Science Publ., NY 329 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1987. Wetlands, water, and growth. Florida Environments, May, 1987.
- Odum, H.T. 1987. What is a whale worth? The Siren - News from UNEP's Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme. No. 33, May 1987, pp. 31-35.
- Odum, H.T. 1987. Energy systems in ecology. In Systems and Control Encyclopedia - Theory, Technology, Applications, M.G. Singh, ed. Pergamon Press, NY. pp. 1458-1462.
- Odum, H.T., C. Diamond and M.T. Brown. 1987. Energy Systems Overview of the Mississippi River Basin. Report to the Cousteau Society. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla., Gainesville. 107 pp.
- Odum, H.T., M.J. Lavine, F.C. Wang, M.A. Miller, J.F. Alexander, Jr. and T. Butler. 1987. Energy Analysis of Environmental Value. A Manual for Using Energy Analysis for Plant Siting with an Appendix on Energy Analysis of Environmental Values. (Revised supplement from final report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-2443 FINB-6155). Energy Analysis Workshop, Center for Wetlands, University of Florida, Gainesville. 97 pp.
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum and M. Blissett. 1987. Ecology and Economy: "Emergy" Analysis and Public Policy in Texas. Policy Research Project Report #78. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas, Austin. 178 pp.
- Pillet, G. and H.T. Odum. 1987. Energie, Ecologie, Economie. Georg Editeur, Geneva, Switzerland. 257 pp.
- Best, G.R., P.M. Wallace, W.J. Dunn and H.T. Odum. 1988. Enhance Ecological Succession Following Phosphate Mining. FIPR Publ. No. 03-048-54 Florida Institute for Phosphate Research, Bartow, FL. 160 pp.
- Campbell, DE. 1988. Emergy Analysis of Human Carrying Capacity and Regional Sustainability-An Example Maine. EPA. Narragansett RI.(531-568)
- Odum, H.T. 1988. Self organization, transformity, and information. Science 242(Nov. 25, 1988):1132-1139.
- Odum, H.T. 1988. Living with complexity. pp. 19-85 in The Crafoord Prize in the Biosciences, 1987, Lectures. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden. 87 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1988. The value of nature's services. The Florida Gardener, Sept./Oct., 1988.
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum, M.T. Brown, D. LaHart, C. Bersok and J. Sendzimir. 1988. Environmental Systems and Public Policy. Center for Wetlands, University of Florida, Gainesville. 237 pp.
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum, M.T. Brown, D. LaHart, C. Bersok, and J. Sendzimir. 1988. Energy, Environment and Public Policy: A Guide to the Analysis of Systems. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 95. United States Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. 109 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1989. Ecological engineering and self organization. Chap. 6 in Ecological Engineering, an Introduction to Ecotechnology, S.E. Jorgensen and W.J. Mitsch, eds. John Wiley, NY. pp. 79-101.
- Odum, H.T. 1989. Experimental study of self organization in estuarine ponds. Chap. 14 in Ecological Engineering, an Introduction to Ecotechnology, S.E. Jorgensen and W.J. Mitsch, eds. John Wiley, NY. pp. 291-340.
- Odum, H.T. 1989. Wetlands can boost Florida's ecology, economy too. Florida Environments, March 1989.
- Odum, H.T. 1989. Simulation models of ecological economics developed with energy language methods. Simulation 53(2):69-75.
- Odum, H.T. 1989. A systems overview of the university in society. In Rethinking Patterns of Knowledge, R. Bjornson and M. Waldman, eds. Papers in Comparative Studies 6 (1989). The Center for Comparative Studies in the Humanities, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
- Odum, H.T. 1989. Emergy and evolution. In 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Vol. III, P.W.J. Ledington, ed. Edinburgh, Scotland. pp. 10-18.
- Odum, E.C., H.T. Odum and N. Peterson. 1990. Simulation and the systems approach. The CPSR Newsletter 8(3):13-16.
- Odum, H.T. 1990. Book Review of Ecological Assessment of Environmental Degradation, Pollution and Recovery, 0. Ravera, ed., Elsevier, 1989. Quart. Rev. of Biol. 65:520-521.
- Odum, H.T., G.R. Best, M.A. Miller, B.T. Rushton, R. Wolfe, C. Bersok and J. Feiertag. 1990. Accelerating Natural Processes for Wetlands Restoration after Phosphate Mining. FIPR Publ. No. 03-041-086. NTIS #PB92-176189. Florida Institute of Phosphate Research. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Fla. Gainesville. 408 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1990. Teaching science with a systems approach to environment, economy and public policy. In Computer Aided Environmental Education, W.J. Rohwedder, ed. Monographs in Environmental Education and Environmental Studies, Vol. VII. North Am. Assoc. for Env. Ed., Troy, Ohio. pp. 83-104.
- Odum, H.T. 1990. President-elect's editorial. General Systems Bulletin 29(l):1-3.
- Brown, M.T., S. Tennenbaum and H.T. Odum. 1991. Emergy Analysis and Policy Perspectives of the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. Report to The Cousteau Society. Center for Wetlands, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. 58 pp.
- Huang, S.L. and H.T. Odum. 1991. Ecology and economy; EMERGY synthesis and public policy in Taiwan. J. Env. Mgt. 32:313-333.
- McClanahan, T.R. and H.T. Odum. 1991. Infrared reflectance and water budgets of vegetation in reclamation after phosphate mining. pp. 159-172 in Evaluation of Alternatives for Restoration of Soil and Vegetation on Phosphate Clay Settling Ponds, H.T. Odum, et al. FIPR # 86-03-076R. Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, Bartow. 184 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1991. Editorial: A time for summarising and finding general principles. General Systems Bulletin 20(2):5.
- Odum, H.T. 1991. International Society for the Systems Sciences, theme for the 1992 meeting: general systems for alternative economics and value. General Systems Bulletin 29(2):7-9.
- Odum, H.T. 1991. EMERGY and biogeochemical cycles. In Ecological Physical Chemistry. Proceedings of an International Workshop, Nov., 1990, Siena, Italy, C. Rossi and E. Tiezzi, eds. Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 25-65.
- Odum, H.T. 1991. Destruction and power in general systems. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Science, Vol. I, Ostersund, Sweden, S.C. Holmberg and K. Samuelson, eds. pp. 211-218.
- Odum, H.T. 1991. Principles of EMERGY analysis for public policy. In Ecological Economics: Its Implications for Forest Management and Research, D.P. Bradley and P.O. Nilsson, eds. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, Dept. of Operational Efficiency, Research Notes No. 223, Garpenberg, Sweden. 242 pp. Reprinted from Odum, H.T. and J.E. Arding, 1990, EMERGY Analysis of Shrimp Mariculture in Ecuador. Coastal Resources Center, Univ. of R.I., Narragansett.
- Odum, H.T. and J.E. Arding. 1991. EMERGY Analysis of Shrimp Mariculture in Ecuador. Working Paper prepared for the Coastal Resources Center, Univ. of R.I., Narragansett. 114 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1991. Computer Minimodels and Simulation Exercises for Science and Social Science. Center for Wetlands Publication. 321. pp.
- Odum, H.T., B.T. Rushton, M. Paulic, S. Everett, T. McClanahan, M. Munroe and R.W. Wolfe. 1991. Evaluation of Alternatives for Restoration of Soil and Vegetation on Phosphate Clay Settling Ponds. FIPR # 86-03-076R. Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, Bartow. 184 pp.
- Sundberg, U., H.T. Odum and S.J. Doherty. 1991. 18th Century Charcoal Production. Swedish Univ. of Ag. Sci. Res. Notes No. 212. Garpenberg, Sweden. 12 pp.
- Barbir, F., H.J. Plass, Jr., T.N. Veziroglu and H.T. Odum. 1992. Analisi della penetrazione dell'idrogeno nel mercato energetics. Ambiente Risorse Salute Oct. 1992, IX(10):20-25.
- Odum, H.T. 1992. Foreword. pp. i-iii in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Denver, CO, July 12-17, L. Peeno, ed.
- Odum, H.T. 1992. Simulating Ecological Economic Parameters. pp. 1-10 in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Denver, CO, July 12-17, L. Peeno, ed.
- Odum, H.T. 1992. Making a Microcosm. Biosphere 2 Newsletter 2(l):12-13.
- Ulgiati, S., H.T. Odum and S. Bastianoni. 1992. Modeling Interaction Between Environment and Human Society in Italy: An Emergy Analysis. pp. 1121-1133 in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Denver, CO, July 12-17, L. Peeno, ed.
- Ulgiati, S., H.T. Odum and S. Bastianoni. 1992. EMergy analysis of Italian agricultural system. The role of energy quality and environmental inputs. pp. 187-215 in Trends in Ecological Physical Chemistry, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ecological Physical Chemistry, L. Bonati, U. Cosentino, M. Lasagni, G. Moro, D. Pitea and A. Schiraldi, eds. Elsevier, NY.
- Odum, H.T. 1992. Leading the way to the promised land. Acta Cientifica 6(1-3):155-158.
- Odum, H.T. 1992. The environmental generalist. Acta Cientifica 6(1-3):159-164.
- Odum, H.T. 1992. Manual for Evaluation of Wetlands in Florida. Draft. Included with Plenary Presentation at the IV International Wetlands Conference, Columbus Ohio Sept 18. pp14.
- Brown, M.T., R.D. Woithe, C.L. Montague, H.T. Odum and E.C. Odum. 1993. EMERGY Analysis Perspectives of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Report to The Cousteau Society, under contract.. CFWWR Publ. #93-01, U. of Fla., Gainesville. 114 pp.
- Ton, S.S., J.J. Delfino and H.T. Odum. 1993. Wetland retention of lead from a hazardous waste site. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 51:430-437.
- Odum, H.T. 1993. What is an ecosystem? pp. 34-38 in The System in the Sea, D.D. Platt, ed. Proceedings of the Island Institute Conference at Harvard University, June, 1992.
- Odum, H.T. and E.G. Odum. 1993. Environmental Decision Making. Macintosh Simulation Software Published in CD-ROM, The BioQuest Library. Academic Software Development Group, College Park, MD.
- Beyers, R.J. and H.T. Odum. 1993. Ecological Microcosms. Springer-Verlag, NY. 557 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1993. Energy systems in ecology. pp. 193-197 in Concise Encyclopedia of Environmental Systems, P.C. Young, ed. Pergamon Press, NY. 769 pp. (New edition of encyclopedia originally published in 1987.)
- Doherty, S.J., M.T. Brown, R.C. Murphy, H.T. Odum and G.A. Smith. 1993. Emergy Synthesis Perspectives, Sustainable Development, and Public Policy Options for Papua New Guinea. Final Report to The Cousteau Society. Center for Wetlands Publication #93-06. 144 pp.
- Lan, S.F. and H.T. Odum. 1993. Emergy analysis and sustainable development perspectives of the eco-economic system of China. pp. 189-197 in Sustainable Development and Ecology, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Sustainable Development and Ecology, China Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 223 pp. (In Chinese.)
- Odum, H.T., J.M. Lopez and E.C. Odum. 1993. Simulation of diurnal processes in Laguna Joyuda. Acta Cientifica 7(1-3):91-103 (published in 1996).
- Odum, H.T. and M. Munroe. 1993. Simulation of the Laguna Joyuda ecosystem in western Puerto Rico. Acta Cientifica 7(1-3):189-227 (published in 1996).
- Doherty, S.J., P.O. Nilsson and H.T. Odum. 1993. Emergy Analysis of Forest Production and Industries in Sweden. Final report to Vattenflal (Swedish Energy Board) and the Royal Academy of Agricultural Science. Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Garpenberg, Sweden, 107 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1994. The EMERGY of natural capital. pp. 200-214 in Investing in Natural Capital, A.M. Jansson, M. Hammer, C. Falke, and R. Costanza, eds. Island Press, Covelo, CA.
- Odum, H.T. 1994. Ecological engineering: the necessary use of ecological self-design. J. Env. Engr. 120(3):486-490.
- Odum, H.T. 1994. Ecological engineering: the necessary use of ecological self-design. Ecol. Engr. 3(2):115-119.
- Ulgiati, S. , H.T. Odum and S. Bastianoni. 1994. Emergy use, environmental loading and sustainability. An emergy analysis of Italy. Ecol. Model. 73(1994):215-268.
- Odum., H.T. 1994. Ecological and Ceneral Systems: An Introduction to Systems Ecology. (Revised edition of: Systems Ecology, 1983, John Wiley, 644 pp.) Univ. Press of Colo., P.O. Box 849, Niwot, CO., 80544. 644 pp.
- Sundberg, U., J. Lindegren, H.T. Odum and S. Doherty. 1994. Skogens Anvandning och Roll under det Svanska Stormaktsvaldet: Perspektiv pa Energi och Makt. Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Sundberg, U., J. Lindegren, H.T. Odum and S. Doherty. 1994. Forest EMERGY Basis for Swedish Power in the 17th Century. Supplement No. 1 (1994) to the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Scandinavian Univ. Press, Stockholm, Sweden. 50 pp.
- Lee, S.M. and H.T. Odum. 1994. Emergy analysis overview of Korea. J. of the Korean Env. Sci. Soc. 3(2):165-175.
- Odum, H.T. 1994. Ecological economics. pp. 159-161 in The Encyclopedia of the Environment, R.A. Eblen and W.R. Eblen, eds. Houghton-Mifflin, NY. 846 pp.
- Lan, S.F. and H.T. Odum 1994. Emergy synthesis of the environmental resource basis and economy in China. Ecologic Science 1994(l):63-74 (China).
- Lan, S.F. and H.T. Odum. 1994. Emergy evaluation of the environment and economy of Hong Kong. J. of Env. Sci. 6(4):432-439.
- Odum, H.T. 1994. "Emergy" evaluation of biodiversity for ecological engineering. pp. 330-359 in Biodiversity and Landscapes - A Paradox of Humanity, ed. by K.C. Kim and R.D. Weaver. Cambridge Univ. Press, NY, 431 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1994. General systems view of population and the United Nations. Acta Scientifica 8(3):125-128, 1994 (published in 1997).
- Sundberg, V.U., J. Lindegren, H.T. Odum, S. Doherty and H. Steinlin. 1995. Holz - Reichtum - Macht - Die rolle des holzes fur die Schwedische macht im 17. jahrhundert. Allg. Forst -u. J.-Ztg.,166.Jg.,1:17-27.
- Odum, H.T. 1995. Tropical forest systems and the human economy. pp. 343-393 in Tropical Forests: Management and Ecology. Ecological Studies Vol. 112, ed. by A.E. Lugo and C. Lowe. Springer-Verlag, NY.
- Odum, W.P., E.P. Odum and H.T. Odum. 1995. Nature's pulsing paradigm. Estuaries 18(4):547-555.
- Odum, H.T., ed. 1995. Yearbook of the International Society for Systems Sciences: Review of Preprints of the ISSS 1970-1993. Vol. XXXII, 1989. International Society for the Systems Sciences, Linda Peeno, P.O. Box 6808,
- Louisville, KY, 40206-0808. 427 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1995. Self organization and maximum power. pp. 311-330 in Maximum Power, ed. by C.A.S. Hall. (Festschrift of 1989 H.T. Odum celebration at the Univ. of N.C.). Univ. Press of Colorado, Niwot. 393 pp.
- Odum, E.C., H.T. Odum and N.S. Peterson. 1995. Using simulation to introduce systems approach in education. pp. 346-352 in Maximum Power. Ed. by C.A.S. Hall. (Festschrift of 1989 H.T. Odum celebration at the Univ. of N.C.). Univ. Press of Colorado, Niwot. 393 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1995. Energy systems and the unification of sciences. pp. 365-373 in Maximum Power. ed. by C.A.S. Hall. (Festschrift of 1989 H.T. Odum celebration at the Univ. of N.C.). Univ. Press of Colorado, Niwot. 393 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1995. Energv systems concepts and self-organization: a rebuttal. Oecologia (1995) 104:518-522.
- Engel, V.C., C.L. Montague and H.T. Odum. 1995. Emergy Evaluation of Environmental Alternatives in Martin County. Final Report to Martin County Commission. 62 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1995. Emergy policies for a new world order. Ch. 17, pp. 177-200 in Energy and Environment; A question of Survival, ed. by H. Abele. Acta Forum Engelberg 1993, Verlag Stiftsdruckerei Engelberg, Switzerland.
- Odum, E.C., H.T. Odum and N.S. Peterson. 1995. Environmental Decision Making. A BioQUEST Collection Module for the BioQUEST Library, ed. by J.R. Jungck and P. Soderberg. Academic Software Development Group, Univ. of Maryland, College Park.
- Odum, II.T. 1996. Environmental Accounting: EMERGY and Decision Making. John Wiley, NY. 370 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1996. Economic impacts brought about by alterations to freshwater flow. pp. 239-254 in Improving Interactions between Coastal Science and Policy. Proceedings of the Gulf of Mexico Symposium, ed. by E.R. Urban and L. Malloy. National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 346 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1996. Emergy evaluation of Florida salt marsh and its contribution to economic wealth. pp. 209-229 in Ecology and Management of Tidal Marshes, C.L. Coultas and Y.P. Hsieh, eds. St. Lucie Press, Delray Bch, FL. 352 pp.
- Maochao, Y, HT Odum. 1996. An Emergy Evaluation of Tibet: Eco-economic Evolution, Sustainable Development and Public Policy Options for Tibet of China. Center for Environmental Policy. U FL.
- Maochao, Y, HT Odum. 1996. An Emergy Evaluation of the Seven Years’ Development of Qingyanzhou Ecological Experimental Station. CEP. UFl. 27pp.
- Montague, C.L. and H.T. Odum. 1996. Introduction: the intertidal marshes of Florida's gulf coast, pp. 1-7, and Setting and functions, pp. 9-33 in Ecological Management of Tidal Marshes, C.L. Coultas and Y.P. Hsieh, eds. St. Lucie Press, Delray Bch, FL. 352 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 1996. Scales of ecological engineering. Ecol. Engr. 6(1-3):7-19.
- Huang, S.L. and H.T. Odum. 1996. Ecological Energetic Evolution of Urban System. Chiang Ching-Kuo International Scholar Exchange Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 327 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and N. Peterson. 1996. Simulation and evaluation with energy systems blocks. Ecol. Model. 93(1966):155-173.
- Ton, S., H.T. Odum and J.J. Delfino. 1996. Ecological-economic evaluation of wetland management. 8 pp. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecological Engineering, Beijing, P.R. China.
- Ton, S., H.T. Odum and J.J. Delfino. 1996. Simulation studies of lead cycling through a natural wetland ecosystem. 8 pp. in Proceedings of the international Conference on Ecological Engineering, Beijing, P.R. China.
- Odum, H.T. 1997. EMERGY evaluation of biodiversity for ecological engineering. pp. 330-359 in Biodiversity and Landscapes, ed. by K.C. Kim and R.D. Weaver. Cambridge Univ. Press, NY.
- Odum, H.T. 1997. EMERGY Evaluation and Transformity. pp. 8-197 to 8-200 in CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, ed. by F. Kreith. CRC Press, NY.
- Brown, M.T. 1997. Letter to the Editor: Emergy terminology. Ecol. Engr 9:215-216.
- Odum, H.T. (from 1997). Food network in a rain forest, a book review. Newsletter of the Environmental Health Society. (in press)
- Campbell, D.E. 1998. Emergy Analysis of Human Carrying Capacity and Regional Systainabbilty-An Example Using the State of Maine. EPA Narragansett RI (531-568)
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum and M.T. Brown. 1998. Environment and Society in Florida. St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, FL. 449 pp.
- Lan, S.F., H.T. Odum and X. Liu. 1998. Energy flow and emergy analysis of the agroecosystems of China. Ecologic Science 17(l):32-39.
- Odum, H.T. 1998. Suggestion for a project for the International Society for Ecological Modelling: Representing simulation models with energy systems. pp. 1-11 in Ecomod, Newsletter of Intl. Soc. for Ecol. Model., Dec., 1998.
- Odum, H.T. 1998. Energy evaluation. pp. 99-111 in Advances in Energy Studies: Energy Flows in Ecology and Economy. Proceedings of the International Workshop in Porto Venere, Italy, ed. by S. Ulgiati. Musis, Museo della Scienza e dell'informazione Scientifica, Rome, Italy. 642 pp.
- Ton, S.S., H.T. Odum and J.J. Delfino. 1998. Ecological-economic evaluation of wetland management alternatives. Ecol. Engr. 11(1998):291-302.
- Yan, M.C. and H.T. Odum. 1998. A study on emergy evaluation and sustainable development of Tibetan eco-economic system. J. of Natural Resources 13(2):116-125.
- Yan, M.C. and H.T. Odum. 1998. An emergy evaluation of the seven years' devlopment of Qianyanzhou Ecological Experiment Station. J. of Chinese Geography 8(3):221-236.
- Campbell, D.E. and H.T. Odum. 1998. Calculation of a revised solar transformity for tidal energy received and tidal energy dissipated globally. Appendix B, p. 566 in Emergy analysis of human carrying capacity and regional sustainability: an example using the state of Maine. Environ. Monit. and Assess. 51:531-569.
- Odum, H.T., M.S. Romitelli and R. Tighe. 1998. Evaluation Overview of the Cache River and Black Swamp in Arkansas. Final Report on Contract #DACW39-94-K-0300 between Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Dept. of the Army, Vicksburg, Miss. and Univ. of Florida. 128 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1998. EARTHSYS, A Minimodel of Earth Metabolic Processes. Included in the CD-ROM: BioQUEST Library V. ISBN: 0-12-099470-4. Textbook Sales, Academic Press, 525 B St., Ste. 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-9912.
- Sendzimir, J.P. and H.T. Odum. 1998. Limits to memory in ecosystems and society. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, July 19-24, Atlanta, GA, ed. by J.K. Allen and J. Wilby. CD, ISBN # 0-9664183-0-1.
- Odum, H.T. 1998. Energy hierarchy of the earth. 1998. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, July 19-24, Atlanta, GA, ed. by J.K. Allen and J. Wilby. CD, ISBN # 0-9664183-0-1.
- Odum, H.T. 1998. Suggestion for a project for the International Society of Ecological Modelling: Representing simulation models with energy systems. Ecomod Newsletter Dec 1998:1-11.
- Odum, H.T. 1999. Limits of information and biodiversity. pp. 229-269 in Sozialpolitik und Okologieprobleme der Zukunft. Austrian Academy of Sciences (Centennial), Vienna, Austria.
- Marino, B.D.V., H.T. Odum, and W.J. Mitsch, eds. 1999. Biosphere 2: Research Past and Present. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 359 pp.
- Marino, B.D.V. and H.T. Odum. 1999. Biosphere 2: Introduction and research progress. Ecol. Engr. 13:3-14.
- Engel, V.C. and H.T. Odum. 1999. Simulation of community metabolism and atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations in Biosphere 2. Ecol. Engr. 13:107-134.
- Odum, H.T. 1999. Preface. In Introduction to Ecological Engienering Using Brazilian Case Studies, ed. by E. Ortega, P. Safonov and V. Comar. UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil.(in press)
- Williams, S.B. and H.T. Odum. (from 1999). Emergy calculation of Agricultural products. Illustrated with analysis ot tomato production in Florida. pp. 24-40 inIntroduction to Ecological Engineering Using Brazilian Case Studies, ed. by E. Ortega, P. Safonov and V. Comar. UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (in press)
- Odum, HT. 1999. Material Circulation, Energy Hierarchy, Bldg Const. Rinker Workshop. U of FL. 60pp.
- Web Presentation:
- Odum, H.T. 1999. Environmental Policy for the University of Florida. Talk presented at the Oct. 1999 Greening UF Conference of the Center for Construction and Environment of the Rinker School of Building Construction of the Univ. of Fla. Or: www. Select: Research Centers; Center for Construction and the Environment (2nd entry); in left margin (4) Greening UF; enter our site; Greening UF Conference '99; Oct. 28 9:15 Plenary Session H.T. Odum.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 2000. Modeling for All Scales, an Introduction to System Simulation. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. 458 pp. with computer simulation disk.
- Odum, H.T. and E.P. Odum. 2000. The energetic basis for valuation of ecosystem services. Ecosystems 3:21-23.
- Odum, H.T. 2000. Emergy evaluation of an OTEC electrical power system. Energy 25(2000):389-393.
- Yan, M.C. and H.T. Odum. 2000. Eco-economic evolution, emergy evaluation and policy options for the sustainable development of Tibet. J. of Chinese Geography 10(1). 27 pp.
- Odum, H.T., ed., with W. Wojcik, L. Pritchard Jr., S. Ton, J.J. Delfino, M. Wojcik, S. Leszczynski, J.D. Patel, S.J. Doherty and J. Stasik. 2000. Heavy Metals in the Environment, Using Wetlands for Their Removal. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 326 pp.
- Odum, H.T., M.T. Brown and S. Ulgiati. 2000. Ecosystems as energetic systems. pp. 282-301 in Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management, S.E. Jorgensen and F. Mueller, eds. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
- Odum, H.T., S.J. Doherty, F.N. Scatena and P.A. Kharecha. 2000. Emergy evaluation of reforestation alternatives in Puerto Rico. Forest Science 46(4, Nov. 2000):521-530.
- Kent, R., H.T. Odum and F.N. Scatena. 2000. Eutrophic overgrowth in the self organization of tropical wetlands illustrated with a study of swine wastes in rainforest plots. Ecol. Engr. 16(2000):255-269.
- Odum, H.T., M.T. Brown and S.B. Williams. 2000. Handbook of Emergy Evaluation: A Compendium of Data for Emergy Computation Issued in a Series of Folios. Folio #1 - Introduction and Global Budget. Center for Environmental Policy, Environmental Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 16 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 2000. Handbook of Emergy Evaluation: A Compendium of Data for Emergy Computation Issued in a Series of Folios. Folio #2 - Emergy of Global Processes. Center for Environmental Policy, Environmental Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 30 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 2000. Emergy evaluation of salmon pen culture. In: International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade 2000 Proceedings. CD ROM Publication. Dept. of Ag. and Res. Econ., 213 Ballard Ext. Hall, Oregon St. Univ., Corvallis, 97331-3601.
- Odum, H.T. 2000. Emergy-emdollar Evaluation and the Everglades. No. Am Lake Management. Miami.. 28pp.
- Odum, H.T. 2001. Simulating emergy and materials in hierarchical steps. pp. 119-127 in Emergy Synthesis: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emergy and Energy Quality, Gainesville, FL, Sept. 1999, ed. by M.T. Brown. Center for Environmental Policy, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 328 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 2001. An energy hierarchy law for biogeochemical cycles. pp. 235-248 in Emergy Synthesis: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emergy and Energy Quality, Gainesville, FL, Sept. 1999, ed. by M.T. Brown. Center for Environmental Policy, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 328 pp.
- Collins, D. and H.T. Odum. 2000. Calculating transformities with an eigenvalue method. pp. 265-280 in Emergy Synthesis: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emergy and Energy Quality, Gainesville, FL, Sept. 1999, ed. by M.T. Brown. Center for Environmental Policy, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 328 pp.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 2001. The Prosperous Way Down. Univ. Press of Colorado, Boulder. 375 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 2001. Energy hierarchy and money. pp. 139-148 in Understanding Complexity, ed. by J. Wilby and G. Ragsdell. Kluwer Plenum, NY.
- McLachlan-Karr, J. and H.T. Odum. 2001. Evaluation of Ecotourism and Resources Use in Cuba. Working Paper IW 01-23. International Agricultural Trade and Development Center, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, 63 pp.
- Odum, H.T. 2001. Material circulation, energy hierarchy, and building construction. pp. 37-71 in Construction Ecology Materials as a Basis for Green Building, ed. by C.J. Kibert, J. Sendzimir, and B. Guy. Spon Publ., London, U.K.
- Nelson, M., H.T. Odum, M.T. Brown and A. Alling. 2001. Living off the land: Resource efficiency of wetland wastewater treatment. Invited paper presented at COSPAR Conference, Warsaw, Poland, July, 2000. Advances in Space Research 27(9):1547-1566.
- Odum, H.T. 2001. Emergy accounting. Chapter in Unveiling Wealth - On Money, Quality of Life and Sustainability, ed. by P. Bartelmus. Kluwer Academic Publ. 23pp
- Scatena, F.N., S.J. Doherty, H.T. Odum and P. Kharecha. 2002. An Emergy Evaluation of Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Experimental Forest. General Technical Report IITF-GTR-9. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Rio Piedras, PR, 79 pp.
- McClanahan. T.R. 2002. Obituary Howard T. Odum. Environmental Conservation 29 3 (271-272).
- Doherty, S.J., P.O. Nilsson, and H.T. Odum. 2002. Emergy Evaluation of Forest Production and Industries in Sweden. Research Report, Bioenergy Dept., Swedish University, Gotland. (in press)
- Commerical Software in press:
- Odum, H.T., T.E. Kurtz, E.C. Odum, and J.A. Lutz. 2002. Programs for Simulation in True BASIC. CD. True BASIC, Inc., 1523 Maple Street, Hartford, VT 05047-0501. (in press)
- Odum, H.T. 2002. Transformity and Simulation of Microbial Ecosystems. Chapter in Emergy Synthesis: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the Sept. 2001 Second Biennial Emergy Analysis Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, ed. by M.T. Brown. Center for Environmental Policy, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. (in press)
- Odum, H.T. and D. Collins 2002. More Transformities from Ecosystem Energy Webs with the Eigenvalue Method. Chapter in Emergy Synthesis: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the Sept. 2001 Second Biennial Emergy Analysis Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, ed. by M.T. Brown. Center for Environmental Policy, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. (in press)
- Odum, H.T. 2002. Energy Hierarchy and Transformity in the Universe. Chapter in Emergy Synthesis: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the Sept. 2001 Second Biennial Emergy Analysis Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, ed. by M.T. Brown. Center for Environmental Policy, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. (in press)
- Odum, H.T. 2002. Explanations of Ecological Relationships with Energy Systems Concepts. Chapter for Symposium Volume: Application of Theories of Systems Ecology, ed. by S.E. Jorgensen. (submitted 12 pp, 12 Figures)
- Odum, H.T. and B. Odum. 2003. Concepts and Methods of Ecological Engineering. Ecological Engineering. 20 (339-361)
- Odum, H.T. 2007. Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-first Century: The Hierarchy of Energy (new York, Columbia University Pres.432 pp.)
Publications translated into other languages:
- Odum, H.T. 1971. Environment, Power and Society. J. Wiley, NY. 341 pp.
- Spanish edition: Ambiente, Energia, y Sociedad. Editorial Blume, Milanesado, 21-23, Barcelona, Spain. 1980.
- Odum, H.T. and E.C. Odum. 1976. Energy Basis for Man and Nature, Second Edition. McGraw Hill, NY. 336 pp.
- Japanese 1st edition. Japan UNI Agency. 1978.
- Spanish 1st edition: Hombre y Naturaleza, Bases Energeticas. Ediciones Omega, S.A. Casanova, 220, Barcelona, 36, Spain. 1981.
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum, M.T. Brown, D. LaHart, C. Bersok, J. Sendzimir. 1988. Energy, Environment and Public Policy: A Guide to the Analysis of systems. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 95. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. 109 pp.
- Chinese edition. Translated by Shengfang Lan of the South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China. Published by the Oriental Publishing House, Beijing, China. 272 pp. 1992.
- Odum, H.T. 1983. Systems Ecology: An Introduction. John Wiley, NY. 644 pp.
- Indonesian edition. Translated by Supriharyono, I., K. Praseno, R. Murwani and B. Srigandono. 1992. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 657 pp.
- Chinese edition. Translated by Youxu Jiang and group, of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing. 1993. Published by Science Press, Beijing, China. 772 pp.
- Korean edition. Translated by Seok Soon Park. 2000. Arche Publishiing House, by arrangement with John Wiley International Rights, Inc. Volumes 466 and 467, 1496 pp.
- Odum, H.T., E.C. Odum , M.T. Brown, D. LaHart, C. Bersok and J. Sendzimir. 1988. Environmental Systems and Public Policy. Preliminary publication of the Center for Environmental Policy, Dept. of Env. Engr. Sci., Univ. of Fla., Gainesville, 237 pp.
- Brazilian and Spanish translations for Internet by Ortega-Rodriguez, E., V. Comar, I. Cunha-Bueno, I.A. Rosa and E. Ortega-Miluzzi. 1998. Sistemas Ambientais e Politicas Publicas, and Sistemas Ambientales y Politicas Publicas. 270 pp. FEA, UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil.