Digester loading:
Ld = TS/VS-input: Vd
Ld = 18: 18 = 1.0 kgTS/m³ Vd
Ld = 12: 18 = 0.7 kg VS/m³ Vd
Gasholder volume:
Vg = 1.6 m³, as calculated on the basis of:
consumption volume:
Vg1 = 0.175 m³/h x 2 flames x 3 h = 1.05 m3
Storage volume:
Vg2 = 10 h x 0.15 m³ gas/h = 1.5 m³
Vd:Vg=18: 1.6=11 :1
5. Biogas technique
The design aspects dealt with below concentrate solely on the principles of construction and
examples of simple biogas plants, i.e. plants:
- for small family farms requiring digester volumes of between 5 m³ and 30 m³,
- with no heating or temperature control,
- with no motor-driven agitators or slurry handling equipment,
- with simple process control,
- built with (at least mostly) local materials,
- built by local craftsmen.
Fig. 5.1: Three-stage anaerobic
fermentation (Source: Baader et.
al 1978)
5.1 Fundamental principles, parameters, terms
Biochemical principles
The generation of biogas by organic conversion (anaerobic fermentation) is a natural biological
process that occurs in swamps, in fermenting biomass and in intestinal tracts, particularly those of
The symbiotic relationships existing between a wide variety of microorganisms leads, under air
exclusion, to the degradation and mineralization of complex biomass in a sequence of intermeshing
stages. The resultant biogas, consisting primarily of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and
the mineralized slurry constitute the ultimate catabolites of the participating bacteria and residual