purchasing and marketing channels for
biogas artisans
Establishment of a legal framework, e.g.
ranties, liabilities, etc.
9.4 Artisan involvement
From past experience with inefficient public sponsors and their distance to small-farm target groups,
many biogas projects strive to coordinate the activities of private businesses and govermental
project organisations through:
- local-scale biogas dissemination work by involving local artisans through personal~ initiative
and customer orientation
- securing the political and organizational framework through regional/supraregional
state/parastate sponsors.
The main objective of providing assistance to artisans in connection with biogas projects is to build
up self-supporting local structures and promote the formation of regional business cycles with the
appropriate effects on technological innovation, employment and income. An efficient form of biogas
dissemination, i.e. one based on a good cost/ benefit ratio, is envisaged.
Nonetheless, the following points should be heeded when trying to get local artisans involved in the
process of biogas dissemination:
- How many qualified craftsmen (masons, welders, plumbers, etc.) are available for work on the
project and/or in the villages? To the extent possible, the biogas extension officer should rely on
artisans who live and work within the project area.
- How much interest do the artisans have in the project, and how well-motivated are they? What
are their expectations regarding income? What is the least number of plants that have to be
built in order to guarantee a craftsman a full income or at least a satisfactory sideline income?
- How many and what kind of tools and implements do the artisans have and need? How can the
lacking equipment be financed?
Important workscopes for artisans
Depending on the local situation, the artisans' workscopes and competences can vary substantially
from place to place. Still, a general breakdown of task scopes can be drawn up for the local
craftsmen, the biogas project, the official implementing agency and the user when it comes to
planning and operating a biogas plant (cf. table 9.4). The biogas artisans are generally responsible
for the following tasks:
- detailed planning of plants for individual sites (presupposing the availability of standardized or
modular plant components that are adequate for the situation and can be installed with no
substantial degree of modification at any suitable site)
- providing advisory services and information to the users