10.6 Selected literature
Biotechnical fundamentals and plant engineering
Anaerobic Digestion, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Aerobic Digestion,
held in Guangzkou, China on 11 -15 November 1985
Baader et al., Biogas in Theorie and Praxis. KTBL Darmstadt 1980
Biogas Technology Resource Index, Tata Energy Documentation and Information Cenke, Bombay
BORDA, Biogas Workshop on Community Plants - Input Papers, Bremen 1984
Braun, R, Biogas - Methangarung organischer Abfalle, Vienna/New York 1982
Guidebook on Biogas Development, Energy Resources Development Series, ESCAP, Bangkok
Hohlfeld, J. et al., Production and Utilization of Biogas in Rural Areas of Industrialized and
Developing countries, GTZ Eschborn 1986
Eggeling, G. et al., Biogas Manual for the Realisation of Biogas Programmes, BORDA, Bremen
Biogasanlagen in Europa, Neue Energien, Resultate der Energieforschung der Europaischen
Gemeinschaft, TUV Rheinland, Cologne 1985
Sasse, L., The Biogas Plant, GTZ/GATE, Eschborn 1984
Wellinger et al., Biogas-Handbuch, Grundlagen, Planung, Betrieb landwrrtschaftlicher Anlagen,
Aarau 1984
Comberg, G. (Ed.), Tierzuchtungslehre, Stuttga~t 1980
Demant, D., GATE/GTZ, Arbeitspapier zur einheitlichen Versuchsmethodik fur
Faulachlammdungeversuche Eschborn 1987
Memento de l'agronome, Republique Francaise, Ministere de la Cooperation, 1984
Rehm/Espig, Die Kulturpflanzen der Tropen und Subtropen, Stuttgart 1976
Williamson, G./Payne, W.J.A., An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics, London/New
York 1977
Economic aspects and dissemination/diffusion
Brandt, H., Projektplanung in der kleinbauerlichen Produktion, Berlin 1982
Finck, H./Oelert, G., A Guide to the Financial Evaluation of Investment Projects in Energy Supply,
GTZ Eschborn 1982
Oelert et al., Economic Issues of Renewable Energy Systems - A Guide to Project Planning,
Eschborn 1985
10.7 Lists and indexes
10.7.1 Illustrations
Fig. 1.1: A typical biogas-system configuration
Fig. 2.1: Biogasplanningmodules
Fig. 3.1: Global 15 °C isotherms for January and July, indicating the biogas-conducive temperature
Fig. 3.2: Integration of a biogas plant into the agricultural production cycle
Fig. 3.3: Pen with concrete floor and collecting channel for dung and urine