Elster AG, Postfach 129,6500 Mainz, Federal Republic of Germany
Products: gasmeters
Kromschroder AG, Postfach 2809,4500 Osnabruck, Federal Republic of Germany
Products: full range of gas valves
Metallurgica Jackwal Ltd., Rua Braz Cardoso 674, Vila Nova Canceicao, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Products: lamps, burners, reducing valves
OEKOTOP GmbH, Berlin
Product: portable biogas measuring set
Patel Gas Crafters Ltd., Shree Sai Bazar, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bombay 400 054, India
Products: lamps, burners
Saron Vdyog, Shanghai, PR China
Products: gasmeters, lamps, burners
Service Centre for Development on New Energy, NO. 33 Fugiun Skeet, Shijiazkuang, PR
Products: burners, motors
Shanghai Bioenergy, Shanghai, PR China
Products: gasmeters, lamps, burners, motors
T.A. Schiller, Postfach 1224, 2072 Bargteheide, Federal Republic of Germany
Products: lamps, burners, motors
Producers of biogas-fueled engines
Ford AG, Edsel-Ford-Str., 5000 Cologne 71, Federal Republic of Germany
- Type 2274 E, 15-25 kW, 1500 - 3000 min-1, 4-cylinder, water-cooled, spark ignition
Henkelhausen, Postfach 9149, 4150 Krefeld 12, Federal Republic of Germany
- Series GFL 912, 19~0 kW, 1500-2300 min-1, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-cylinder, air-cooled, spark ignition
- Series GFL 413, 55 - 140 kW, 1500 - 2300 min-1, 5-, 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-cylinder, air-cooled, spark
Kirloska, India, German representative: Schule Co., Postfach 260620, 2000 Hamburg 26,
Federal Republic of Germany
- Series AVG, TVG, CAG, TAG, 5 - 12 kW, 1200 - 2000 min-1, 1-, 2-cylinder, air-cooled or water-
cooled, dual-fuel
MWM AG, Carl-Benz-Str., 6800 Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany
- Series G 227, 18 - 40 kW, 1500 - 2200 min-1, 3-, 4-, 6-cylinder, water-cooled, spark ignition