Tab. 5.20: Comparison of various biogas lamps
Tab. 5.21: Artificial brooding requirements, exemplified for a chick incubator
Tab. 5.22: Technical data of absorption refrigerators
Tab. 5.23: Engine-conversion requirements for various duty and control modes
Tab. 6.1: Some examples of biogas production from agro-industrial residues and wastewater
Tab. 6.2: Technical data of the Ferkessedougou biogas plant
Tab. 6.3: Slaughterhouse waste quantities
Tab. 7.1: Checklist for the inspection and acceptance of biogas plants
Tab. 7.2: Checklist for the daily operation and regular maintenance of biogas plants
Tab. 7.3: Checklist for troubleshooting in case of insufficient gas production
Tab. 7.4: Simple-plant malfunctions and remedial measures
Tab. 7.5: Potential repair situations for simple biogas plants
Tab. 8.1: Comparison of working time with and without biogas utilization
Tab. 8.2: Investment-cost comparison for various biogas plants
Tab. 8.3: Schedule of data for calculating the plant payback period
Tab. 8.4: Schedule of data for net-present-value calculation
Tab. 8.5: Socioeconomic benefits and drawbacks of biogas production and utilization
Tab. 9.1: Biogas dissemination strategies
Tab. 9.2: Innovation cycle of biogas dissemination
Tab. 9.3: Catalogue of attributes for partners in biogas dissemination projects
Tab. 9.4: Institutional breakdown of biogas-dissemination tasks and activities
Tab. 9.5: Target-group-oriented biogas training measures
Tab. 10.1: Calculating parameters for fixed-dome biogas plants
Tab. 10.2: Atmospheric pressure as a function of elevation
Tab. 10.3: Partial pressure of water vapor and absolute humidity at the saturation point
Tab. 10.4: SI units of calculation (selection)
Tab. 10.5: Conversion of imperial measures
Tab. 10.6: Conversion factors for work, energy and power
Tab. 10.7: Energy content of various fuels
Tab. 10.8: Conversion factors for units of pressure
Tab. 10.9: Table of powers and radicals
Tab. 10.10: Data sheet for economic analysis
Tab. 10.11 : Discounting factors for interest rates of i = 1 - 30% and periods of t = 1- 30 years