12.2 Biological Impact
Possible impact of gravity ropeway on existing vegetation, forest resources, wild life and crops should
be assessed. These may include cutting of trees along the ropeway alignment, loss of cropping due to
change in land use among others.
12.3 Physical Impact
The possible hazards or disturbances on the existing geological stability should also be checked.
12.5 Recommended Mitigation Measures
After the assessment, mitigation measures are to be identified for each adverse impact. The mitigation
measures will depend upon the severity of the impact, costs involved and resources available. Gravity
ropeways are small in scale and the cost involved is less compared to other large scale infrastructure
projects. Thus, it cannot afford huge and costly mitigation measures. Generally, it is recommended to
change the alignment if it demands huge mitigation efforts or measures.
12.6 Check List for Environmental Parameters
Table 5: Checklist for environmental parameters
Action affecting
environmental resources
Possible impacts on environment
Recommended mitigation measures
Alignment selection
• Loss of agricultural land
• Encroachment of local forest
• Land dispute
• Crossing or proximity to public facilities/
infrastructure like road, bridge and
electric transmission line
• Involvement of local communities during the
alignment selection
• Avoid public facilities/infrastructure and
agricultural land as far as possible during
selection of alignment
• Risk assessment should be carried out and
proper and satisfactory safety measures should
be provided
• Loss of agricultural products
• Loss of forest resources and vegetation
• Carry out the survey during off-season
• Avoid agricultural land as far as possible
• Minimise the disturbance to forest and natural
vegetation during surveying
• Soil erosion
• Possibility of land slides
• Loss of agricultural land or crops
• Loss of forest resources and vegetation
• Disturbance to the wildlife
• Control/limit cut and fill and debris during the
• Carry out the construction work during off
farming and/or festive season if possible
• Plan the construction period with community
• Displacement of local porters
• Social conflict on benefit sharing
• Change in land use and land values
• Support them to adopt alternative profession
• Ensure equitable distribution of benefit