8Construction Records
8.1 Time Sheets
During the construction work, the supervisor
should maintain a time sheet to monitor time
and activity of each worker on site. The main
components of time sheets are:
Date: The date (day, month and year) for each
operation day
Activity: This describes in detail the work
done on a particular day. When different tasks
are performed on the same day, the tasks
are separated with the time inputs on each
Labour and time: The number and skill/type
of people involved on a particular operation
are detailed. The time spent by each number
and type of labour in a particular operation is
calculated as a total
Production: The quantifiable output for each
particular task is given. The output is quoted
in per unit rate for each operation
Remarks: This section allows for any comments
or remarks pertinent to the tasks
8.2 Design Modification or Work Alteration Record
No matter how accurately the design and working
drawings have been made, sometimes due to
unavoidable situation changes may occur in the
design and drawings as construction progresses.
These changes must be consulted with the design
engineer or expert. All those changes made while
execution should be reflected on the design sheets
and working drawings, and separate amended
design and drawings need to be produced. The
amended design and drawings together with any
on site instructions thereof will constitute the
"As Built" or completion drawings verified by the
project engineer/supervisor.