10.2 Hoarding/Notice Boards or Information Board
The following notice/information shall be posted
in a prominent place in each station and shall
be kept in readable condition at all times. These
information/hoarding boards should contain the
following information:
General information about ropeway, span,
angle of elevation, capacity of ropeway and
cost of the project
Points to remember (dos and don'ts) while
operating a ropeway
Cautions and safety precautions
Warning and danger
Minor repair and maintenance tips
Contact details of manufacturers, repair and
maintenance service providers
The ways to deal with emergencies.
The information should be more elaborative and
visually illustrated so that a layman or a non-
professional can understand them. They should
be written in simple Nepali and local language,
whatever seems appropriate and possible. Below
is a sample of hoarding/information board.
Appropriate signs shall be posted where they are
easily visible and readable by all users. Illustrative
provision shall be made for the people who cannot
Example 1: A typical hoarding board