Execution and Installation
at a distance of approximately six times the rope
diameter. The rope end should be protected from
fraying with binding wire and should be fixed
to the working part of the rope if it is too long.
7.7.4 Splicing
Splicing is used to connect two lengths of ropes.
In case of gravity ropeway, this is used to connect
two ends of haulage rope so as to make it a loop
on two sheaves.
Splicing should only be done by artisans with
proven ability. The dimension of the splice may be
in accordance with the recommendations of the
rope-manufacturer as long as the specifications
are in line with the OITAF recommendations such
The total length of a long splice shall not be
less then 1,200 x rope diameters
The minimum distance between two successive
splices shall not be less than 3,000 x rope
The loop for a hauling rope should not have
more than two splices
A single damaged strand may be replaced as
long as the damage is limited to that particular
strand only. The length of the replaced strand
shall be at least 300 x rope diameter or 25 per
cent of the total new splice length, whichever
is greater
At any splice or replaced strand, the rope
diameter shall not vary more than + 10 per
cent of the nominal diameter of the wire
7.8 Sheds
The construction of shed should comply with the
Nepal National Building Codes (NBC 000 to NBC:
114, NBC 201 to NBC 2008). As the upper station
is always at ridge of the hill, the wind velocity is
normally high, therefore, due consideration should
be given to the wind load while designing the
roofing and selecting the roofing materials. The
shed is constructed for shielding the sheaves and
other mechanical components to protect those
from adverse climatic conditions and weathering.
It also provides shelter to the operator and user
during the time of ropeway operation. The shelter
should be designed to have enough space for
storing and bulking up of goods. The shape and
size of the shed in each station can be modified
as per the local requirement but its height
depend on the inclination angle of rope. The CGI
sheet is commonly used as the roofing material
but is not mandatory. For the truss and posts, if
available local wooden posts are recommended
but steel posts and trusses can also be used as
7.9 Landing Platform
The landing platform should have enough space
for safe and convenient loading and unloading
of goods. Enough space should be planned for
allowing the landing platforms at both ends to be
comfortable enough to hold people (operators),
load, unload and store goods and keep records.
Therefore, proper judgment is required while
selecting the sites for upper and lower station,