of brakes. The loading ratio should be well
maintained so that the trolleys approach
the respective stations with minimum speed
but will not stop in between. Actual loading
ratio should be carefully evaluated after the
test operation of the gravity ropeway and
the recommended ratio should always be
maintained. If the loading ratio is not properly
maintained, the trolley moving downward may
approach with excessive speed. Failing to
apply brake can result in a ramming impact
at the bottom station risking the safety of
the haulage rope and other accessories and
even endangering the life of the operator.
Sometimes because of loading imbalance, the
trolleys do not move with required speed and
energy to haul loads up and down the stations
requiring manual pulling of the hauling rope.
Therefore, the operators need to be fully
trained to make proper load balance between
two trolleys while operating the gravity
ropeway. Measuring/weighing equipment are
essential to weigh the loads at both stations
before it is put into operation.