On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat (historical)
Originally Published As:
Title: On the Existence of an Equivalent Relation between Heat and the ordinary Forms of Mechanical Power
Author: James Prescott Joule
Source: Philosophical Magazine, series 3, vol. xxvii, p. 205
Year published: 1845
EDITOR'S NOTE: In a classic experiment in 1843, James Joule showed the energy equivalence of heating and doing work by using the change in potential energy of falling masses to stir an insulated container of water with paddles. Joule reported this and other related work in a letter to th editors of the Philosophical Magazine. Although German physicist Julius Robert von Mayer had made the same discovery independently of Joule a few years earlier, it was Joule who received the credit. Joule made a series of measurements and found that, on average, a weight of 772 pounds falling through a distance of one foot would raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1° F. This corresponds to 772 ft lbs × 1.356 J/ft lb = 59,453.6 Calories or 1 cal = 4.15 Joules; this is in close agreement with the current accepted value of 1 cal = 4.184 J. These findings contradicted the "caloric theory,” which embodied the day's widespread belief that heat was a fluid that could be neither created nor destroyed. Joule, on the other hand, claimed that heat was only one of many forms of energy and only the sum of all forms was conserved. This formed the basis for the theory of conservation of energy (the First Law of Thermodynamics).
The principal part of this letter was brought under the notice of the British association at its last meeting at Cambridge. I have hitherto hesitated to give it further publication, not because I was in any degree doubtful of the conclusions at which I had arrived, but because I intended to make a slight alteration in the apparatus calculated to give still greater precision to the experiments. Being unable, however, just at present to spare time necessary to fulfil this design, and being at the same time most anxious to convince the scientific world of the truth of the positions I have maintained, I hope you will do me the favour of publishing this letter in your excellent Magazine.
The apparatus exhibited before the Association consisted of a brass paddle-wheel working horizontally in a can of water. Motion could be communicated to this paddle by means of weights, pulleys, &c., exactly in the matter described in a previous paper.*
The paddle moved with great resistance in the can of water, so that the weights (each of four pounds) descended at the slow rate of about one foot per second. The height of the pulleys from the ground was twelve yards, and consequently, when the weights had descended through that distance, they had to be wound up again in order to renew the motion of the paddle. After this operation had been repeated sixteen times, the increase of the temperature of the water was ascertained by means of a very sensible and accurate thermometer.
A series of nine experiments was performed in the above manner, and nine experiments were made in order to eliminate the cooling or heating effects of the atmosphere (Atmospheric composition and structure). After reducing the result to the capacity for heat of a pound of water, it appeared that for each degree of heat evolved by the friction of water a mechanical power equal to that which can raise a weight of 890 lb. to the height of one foot had been expended.
The equivalents I have already obtained are; -- 1st, 823 lb., derived from magneto-electrical experiments (Phil. Mag. ser. 3 vol. xxiii. pp. 263, 347); 2nd, 795 lb., deduced from the cold produced by the rarefaction of air (Ibid. May 1845, p. 369); and 3rd, 774 lb. from experiments (hitherto unpublished) on the motion of water through narrow tubes. This last class of experiments being similar to that with the paddle wheel, we may take the mean of 774 and 890, or 832 lb., as the equivalent derived from the friction of water. In such delicate experiments, where one hardly ever collects more than one another than that above exhibited could hardly have been expected. I may therefore conclude that the existence of an equivalent relation between heat and the ordinary forms of mechanical power is proved; and assume 817 lb., the mean of the results of three distinct classes of experiments, as the equivalent, until more accurate experiments shall have been made.
Any of your readers who are so fortunate as to reside amid the romantic scenery of Wales or Scotland could, I doubt not, confirm my experiments by trying the temperature of the water at the top and at the bottom of a cascade. If my views be correct, a fall of 817 feet will course generate one degree of heat, and the temperature of the river Niagra will be raised about one fifth of a degree by its fall of 160 feet.
Admitting the correctness of the equivalent I have named, it is obvious that the vis viva of the particles of a pound water at (say) 51° is equal to the vis viva possessed by a pound of water at 50° plus the vis viva which would be acquired by a weight of 817 lb. after falling through the perpendicular height of one foot.
Assuming that the expansion of elastic fluids on the removal of pressure is owing to the centrifugal force of revolving atmospheres of electricity, we can easily estimate the absolute quantity of heat in matter. For in an elastic fluid the pressure will be proportional to the square of the velocity of the revolving atmosphere, and the vis viva of the [[atmosphere (Atmospheric composition and structure)]s] will also be proportional to the square of their velocity; consequently the pressure of elastic fluids at the [[temperature]s] 32° and 33° is 480: 481; consequently the zero of temperature must be 480° below the freezing-point of water.
We see then what an enormous quantity of vis viva exists in matter. A single pound of water at 60° must possess 480° + 28° = 508° of heat; in other words, it must possess a vis viva equal to that acquired bt a weight of 415036 lb. after falling through the perpendicular height of one foot. The velocity with which the atmosphere of electricity must revolve in order to present this enormous amount of vis viva must of course be prodigious, and equal probably to the velocity of light in the planetary space, or to that of an electric discharge as determined by the experiments of Wheatstone.
- Phil. Mag. ser. 3, vol. xxiii, p. 436. The paddle-wheel used by Rennie in his experiments on the friction of water (Phil. Trans. 1831, plate xi, fig, 1) was somewhat similar to mine. I have employed, however, a greater number of "floats," and also a corresponding number of stationary floats, in order to prevent the rotatory motion of the can.
I remain, Gentlemen,
Yours Respectfully,
James P Joule.