Net Energy: Concepts, Issues, and Case Studies (collection)
From The Encyclopedia of Earth
June 8, 2007, 12:32 am
January 13, 2011, 5:07 pm
- Net energy analysis - read it in this Encyclopedia
- Ten fundamental principles of net energy - read it in this Encyclopedia
- Energy return on investment (EROI) - read it in this Encyclopedia
- Energy quality - read it in this Encyclopedia
- P.F. Chapman, Energy costs: a review of methods, Energy Policy, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 1974, Pages 91-103. - {Download
}# P. F. Chapman, G. Leach, M. Slesser, The energy cost of fuels, Energy Policy, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 1974, Pages 231-243. - {Download
}# David J. Wright, 3. Good and services: an input-output analysis, Energy Policy, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 1974, Pages 307-315. - {Download
}# Clark W. Bullard III, Robert A. Herendeen, The energy cost of goods and services, Energy Policy, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 1975, Pages 268-278. - {Download
}# Thomas J. Connolly et al. Report of the Stanford-NSF workshop on net energy analysis held at Stanford University on August 25-28, 1975.
- Albert Melcher et al. Net energy analysis: An energy balance study of fossil fuel resources. Colorado Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, 1976. - {Download
}# Thomas V. Long II, IFIAS Workshop Report: Energy analysis and economics. Resources and Energy, Volume 1. Pages 151-204. - {Download
}# Clark W. Bullard, Peter S. Penner, David A. Pilati, Net energy analysis : Handbook for combining process and input-output analysis, Resources and Energy, Volume 1, Issue 3, November 1978, Pages 267-313. - {Download
}# Robert A. Herendeen, Input-output techniques and energy cost of commodities, Energy Policy, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 1978, Pages 162-165. - {Download
}# D.W. Fraley and C.L. McDonald, Issues in net energy analysis, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# David A. Huettner, Energy analysis and ultimate limits, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Dominic K. Lai, Net energy concept applied to resource utilization, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Thomas Veach Long II, Comparing methods of energy analysis in an economic framework, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Kenneth P. Maddox, Energy analysis and resource substitution, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Albert G. Melcher and Clifford B. Farris, Net energy analysis of fossil fuels and a materials processing application, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Barry R. Sedlik, Some theoretical considerations of net energy analysis, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Bruce Hannon, Energy discounting, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 21, Issue 4, August 1982, Pages 281-300. - {Download
}# Bruce Hannon, Energy discounting, in W.J. Mitsch et al., Eds., Energetics and Systems. Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor MI, 1982, Pages 73-97. - {Download
}# Robert A. Herendeen, Goods and Services: Energy Costs, In: Cutler J. Cleveland, Editor(s)-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Energy, Elsevier, New York, 2004, Pages 33-41. - {Download
}# Robert A. Herendeen, Net Energy Analysis: Concepts and Methods, In: Cutler J. Cleveland, Editor(s)-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Energy, Elsevier, New York, 2004, Pages 283-289. - {Download
}# Kenneth Mulder and Nathan John Hagens. 2008. Energy return on investment—towards a consistent framework. AMBIO 37(2): 74–79. - {Download
- Robert A. Herendeen, Energy analysis of two technologies: Gasohol and solar satelite power system, in F.S. Roberts ed., Energy Modeling and Net Energy Analysis, presented August 21-25 1978, Colorado Springs, CO. - {Download
}# Cutler J. Cleveland, 1992, Energy Surplus and Energy Quality in the Extraction of Fossil Fuels in the U.S. Ecological Economics, 6: 139-162. - {Download
}# Isaias de Carvalho Macedo, Greenhouse gas emissions and energy balances in bio-ethanol production and utilization in Brazil (1996), Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 14, Issue 1, 10 March 1998, Pages 77-81. - {Download
}# Cutler J. Cleveland, 2005, Net energy from oil and gas extraction in the United States, 1954-1997. Energy, 30: 769-782. - {Download
}# Adam R. Brandt, Converting Oil Shale to Liquid Fuels: Energy Inputs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Shell in Situ Conversion Process, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 7489–7495. - {Download
}# M. R. Schmer, K. P. Vogel, R. B. Mitchell, and R. K. Perrin, Net energy of cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 105, issue 2, January 15, 2008, pages 464-469. - {Download
}# Isaias C. Macedo, Joaquim E.A. Seabra, Joao E.A.R. Silva, Green house gases emissions in the production and use of ethanol from sugarcane in Brazil: The 2005/2006 averages and a prediction for 2020, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 32, Issue 7, July 2008, Pages 582-595. - {Download
}# Adam R. Brandt, Converting Oil Shale to Liquid Fuels with the Alberta Taciuk Processor: Energy Inputs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Energy Fuels 2009, 23, 6253–6258. - {Download
- Manfred Lenzen, and Jesper Munksgaard, Energy and CO2 life-cycle analyses of wind turbines--review and applications, Renewable Energy, Volume 26, Issue 3, July 2002, Pages 339-362. - {Download
}# Roel Hammerschlag, Ethanol's Energy Return on Investment: A Survey of the Literature 1990−Present, Environmental Science & Technology, 2006, 40 (6), 1744-1750. - {Download
}# Manfred Lenzen, Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions of nuclear energy: A review, Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 2178–2199. - {Download
}# Kubiszewski, Ida, Cutler J. Cleveland, Peter K. Endres, 2010. Meta-analysis of net energy return for wind power systems, Renewable Energy, 35: 218-225. - {Download
}# Energy return on investment (EROI) for photovoltaic energy - read it in this Encyclopedia.