We encourage you to try out our new digital tools and let us know what you think!
Hesperian Images
Hesperian Images is an online image library containing thousands of Hesperian’s world renowned illustrations now available to all! Click here to browse our collection, or register now to download images while the free trial period lasts!
Our Health Materials Workshop
The Health Materials Workshop is a new online tool to help you design flyers, posters and brochures using Hesperian text and images. Help us test a beta version of the workshop by following this link. For detailed instructions, click here or email us at [email protected] Watch a short video to learn more about the project here.
Your feedback helps us to improve these tools and further empower people to adapt and share our materials online. Here’s what one user has told us:
I am a long time fan of Hesperian. I now work for Penda Health, an organization that is bringing world class women’s health services to low-income women in Kenya. We are just getting started and we are developing our health materials. I love Hesperian’s books – but we want to include in some cases more and in some cases less information than is in each chapter. Our pages of health information look dry and bland – so I thought adding a picture or two from your image library would do the trick! We will use the pictures from Where Women Have No Doctor and A Book for Midwives.
I really can’t say enough about how wonderful I think Hesperian is – I would love the opportunity for Penda Health and Hesperian to work more closely together, so please let me know how I can help you develop this great new tool. (Stephanie Koczela, Founding Team, Penda Health)
By testing and using these new tools you become part of the Hesperian Digital Commons, an ongoing collaborative project to re-imagine our widely known and trusted print materials through the innovative use of digital technology.