If we have learned anything from the pandemic it is that existing health problems do not magically disappear in a global health crisis; they get worse. Unsafe abortions and pregancy-related deaths increase due to restrictions and temporary bans on sexual and reproductive health care. Millions of workers suffer hunger, illness or homelessness due to the economic impact of COVID-19, or are forced to work in conditions that ignore their health and safety. The fires burning our homes and lungs in California show how governments neglect of climate change must change. These and a multitude of other health issues are interconnected and we cannot wait until the pandemic is over to take action. Hesperian’s resources can help you mobilize your community and demand attention for our collective health.
Our Health Organizing Set is the perfect starter kit for taking action.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health provides the knowledge, and inspiration to transform the crisis in environmental health anywhere in the world. The book’s activities and stories stimulate critical thinking and discussion for aspiring community leaders and experienced environmental activists alike.
The Workers’ Guide to Health and Safety makes occupational safety and health information accessible to those most affected by workplace hazards—the workers themselves. From ergonomics, machine injuries, and chemical exposure to low wages, sexual harassment, abuse of migrant workers, and access to health care, this fully illustrated book draws on the experiences of factory workers and their communities to provide tools to organize for short- and long-term improvements.
Health Actions for Women addresses the social factors that prevent women and girls from enjoying healthy lives. This guide offers proven strategies to help women and men facilitate community discussions and action, even in challenging settings where organizing for women’s health is difficult or dangerous.
Buy these 3 books as the Health Organizing Set for savings of 20%. If you are facing a health topic not discussed here, you will likely find the information you are looking for in our HealthWiki. Type your health topic into the search box at the top of our website and get a list of free, online resources that will probably answer your questions.
No health issue can be addressed overnight, but waiting until one health crisis is over to pay attention to another will only make both problems worse. Hesperian is here for you and your communities to jump-start action and create positive change.