The huge 7.2 earthquake on August 14 has devastated the southwest of Haiti. More than 1,400 people have died and at least 84,000 homes and buildings were destroyed or damaged. Coming on top of the assassination of Haiti’s president and the denial of COVID vaccines to the Haitian people by the US and European pharmaceutical companies, this makes an already difficult situation even more unbearable.
For years, Hesperian has made health materials in Haitian Kreyol available as a way of expressing our solidarity with the Haitian people. During the 2010 earthquake, Hesperian created a 4-language Glossary of Health Terms for health workers cooperating across language barriers. These resources will be of use during this crisis by both Haitian health workers and any foreign health workers working in solidarity with them.
The e-blast this blog is based on includes some highlighted Hesperian resources in Haitian Kreyol.