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Protecting Women’s Health: Information & Actions

May 28, 2019


Hesperian staff, like many of our partners and colleagues who are health professionals or health activists, are both saddened and angered by the most recent attacks on women’s rights to basic health in the U.S.

Hesperian has always recognized how essential women’s health issues are to the health of every member of every community. So women’s rights and dignity are central to everything Hesperian develops and publishes.

In this critical moment, when the obviousness of that is made to sound like a radical position, we are sharing our resources ever more widely to support, demystify, organize, help, and equip all people, groups, and movements with information for action on women’s health.

App: Safe Abortion

Our free and multilingual Safe Abortion app offers clear and reliable information about different types of abortion, what to expect with each type, and answers to common questions so that every person can make decisions that are right for them.


Healthwiki: Prevent Deaths from Unsafe Abortion, Health Actions for Women

A woman shouldn’t die because she doesn’t want to be pregnant. This chapter, part of Health Actions for Women, an activity-packed resource to organize to promote women’s health, offers tools for groups to address women’s lack of birth control, tackle other causes of unintended pregnancy, reflect on why some women choose abortions, and ensure abortions are safe.

Healthwiki: Helping a Woman after a Pregnancy Ends Early in A Book for Midwives

Pregnancy ends by choice (abortion) or from other causes (miscarriage). Women need access to compassionate care after pregnancy ends and this chapter offers guidance.

Healthwiki: Emergency Family Planning (ECP, emergency contraceptive pills), part of the NEW Where There is No Doctor

Prevent pregnancy by using emergency contraception within 5 days of having unprotected sex. This chapter offers information on how to use the morning-after pill, as well as regular birth control pills, for emergency contraception.


App: Family Planning

Our free and multilingual Family Planning  app helps you get informed about all your options on contraceptive options, find out the best method for you with the “Method Chooser,” and learn to help others who need this information.


Books: Comprehensive women’s health information

There is so much misinformation about women’s bodies. Hesperian’s women’s health library offers easy-to-understand information on women’s health, written for both the person and the provider supporting them. Get these books & share them with others who might need them.


Action: Donate to send books to women’s groups and health clinics in the US

Stretch across state borders to lend a hand to a person or group supporting women’s health access. Donate to the Gratis Project to send free women’s health resources to people who most need them in states where women’s health access is under attack.


Action: Request FREE books on women’s reproductive health

Is your group working with people in the US in urgent need of our women’s health resources?


Thanks to your help and support, we can save lives by putting clear and concise health information in the hands of women in need right here in the US. We encourage you to spread the word about Hesperian’s new program, and stay tuned for more updates to what we’re doing to help women everywhere!