Uganda country profile

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Uganda is a landlocked nation in eastern-Africa, that straddles the equator, west of Kenya, south of Sudan, with Rwanda and Tanzania to the south.

Uganda.gif Map of Uganda. Source: CIA World factbook
330px-Uganda Ecoregions 1.png WWF Ecorgions of Uganda. Source WWF

Uganda's western border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo is defined by the Albertine rift,

the western branch of the Great Rift System of Africa. This Rift valley boundary area includes two of African Great Lakes, Lake Albert and Lake Edward, the snow-capped Ruwenzori mountains (considered by many to be the legendary "Mountains of the Moon"), as well as many imperiled species, like the Mountain gorilla. Uganda is a fertile, well-watered country with many lakes and rivers, including a sizable part of Lake Victoria (a fifth of the country's area is water). The country is mostly plateau declining in to the north and rimmed with highlands and mountains and volcanoes. Uganda's major environmental issues are rooted in meeting the human needs for land, firewood, and other natural resources for a rapidly growing population (3.6% per year). Issues include draining of wetlands for agricultural use; deforestation; overgrazing; soil erosion; invasive species in Lake Victoria; and widespread poaching. The country's environmental challenges have been exacerbated by regional wars and civil unrest.

  1. Click here for a brief general overview of Uganda - Major environmental issues
  2. Geography: Overview (Uganda country profile) - Climate (Climate of Uganda) - Major rivers, lakes, mountains, and other geographical features - Districts and cities
  3. Ecology and Biodiversity:
  4. Natural Resources: Water (Water profile of Uganda) - Energy (Energy profile of Uganda) -Fisheries - Forests - Air - Agriculture
  5. Human Society: Demographics - Human Development Index - Health issues
    • Environmental Governance
    • Civil society organizations and programs
    • Economy and trade
    • Profiles of people shaping Uganda's environmental future
    • Urbanization
  6. Protected Areas: List of protected areas (Protected areas of Uganda) - National Parks - World Heritage Sites - Biosphere Reserves - Significant (Ramsar) Wetlands

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Surface, M. (2011). Uganda country profile. Retrieved from