Fiordland crested penguin

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Species (main)

Fiordland penguin1.jpg Source:Thomas Mattern

Conservation Status

IUCN Conservation Status - Vulnerable.png.jpeg

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum:--- Chordata
Class:------ Aves (Birds)
Order:-------- Sphenisciformes
Family:-------- Spheniscidae (Penguins)
Genus:--------- Eudyptes (Crested Penguins)
Species:-------- Eudyptes pachyrhynchus G. R. Gray, 1845

Also known as the Fiordland penguin and the thick-billed penguin (alternate spelling "Fjordland."), the Fiordland crested penguin (scientific name: Eudyptes pachyrhynchus) is one of seventeen species of flightless birds in the family of penguins. It is one of six "Crested penguins" in the genus Eudyptes which also includes the Rockhopper, Macaroni, Snares crested, Royal and Big-crested penguins.

Like all penguins, the Fiordland crested penguin is characterized by its erect posture, stiff wings (flippers), excellent swimming ability, awkward movement out of water, and coloring. The black back and white front, make penguins difficult to see when swimming, blending against the sea from above and the sky from below.

Physical Description

One of the smaller members of the penguin family, the Fiordland crested penguin has a black head, throat and back, a white front and underside, a thick stubby orange bill and pink feet. The most distinguishing features are the yellow sulphur-colored crests above the eyes that extend from the bill to just behind the head. Both sexes are similar, whereas young birds have paler cheeks and shorter crests.Like other members of the genus Eudyptes, the Fiordland crested penguin has a black throat but can be distinguished from the similar Rockhopper, Macaroni and Royal penguins by the shape, extent and color of the eye crests. The two species that can be confused with the Fiordland crested are the erect-crested penguin and the Snares Island penguin. The former has eye crests that stand proud of the top of the head and no part which extends to below the eye itself. The latter is a slightly larger bird with a thicker bill.

Diagnostic Description: The Fiordland Penguin has an average length of 55cm (21 in). The head and body of this penguin are black, with the exception of its white front and the white markings on its cheeks. Fiordland Penguins have a crest of brilliant yellow feathers which are visible at the base of the bill and extend over the eye. Fiordland Penguins are monomorphic, that is the male and female look alike. Fiordland Penguin chicks have gray-brown backs with white fronts.


After spending much of the year alone in the open ocean, males arrive at the chosen breeding site ahead of the females during late June or July. Two weeks later the females arrive and mating takes place. The birds are monogamous and prefer their nest sites to be hidden from one another.

The Fiordland Penguin typically locates its breeding site inland from the coast (distances vary), with some nest sites at areas up to 100m above sea level. Nesting in loose colonies, Fiordlands locate their nests separate and out of sight from one another. Unlike most crested penguins, the Fiordland Penguin does not nest in the open. Fiordland nests are often located in caves, under logs, at the base of trees, and under bushes (particularly away from sand flies).

Two pale-green eggs are laid in a cavity between tree roots, stones or small burrows in the coastal forest, and incubation takes from four to six weeks. The birds do not attempt to collect nest materials. Although it is usual for just one egg to hatch successfully, occasionally both chicks emerge. However, the parents rarely catch enough food for two offspring and the smaller chick usually dies.

For the first 2-3 weeks of the chicks life, the male will stay and guard the nest while the female retrieves and regurgitates food for her young. Fiordland crested penguins feed inshore and catch crustaceans, squid and small fish which they regurgitate for the chick.

Once the young is large enough to be safe from most native predators, both parents take on the role of fishing to provide their offspring with food. Chicks often wander about the nest site or gather in loose-knit creches. After about 10 or 11 weeks, the chick molts and leaves the nest site, finally adopting the solitary pelagic lifestyle of the adult birds. It will return to breed at the age of five years


The Fiordland Penguin resides in the ocean during the winter. Living there in isolation from other individuals of its species for many months, the Fiordland demonstrates its solitary lifestyle. In July, the Fiordland travels to land and dwells there for the breeding season. In the daytime, this shy and timid penguin hides at its nesting site, maintaining seclusion from outsiders. At night, the Fiordland penguin is active (nocturnal).


A migratory species, found in Antarctic waters and around the southern circumpolar islands, the Fiordland penguin breeds on the coast of southwest New Zealand, Stewart Island and Solander Island.


Outside the breeding season, Fiordland crested penguins are birds of the open ocean. When ashore to breed they prefer secluded coastlines and chose nesting sites that are amongst rocks or have tree cover. Fiordland penguins have a pelagic aquatic habitat (open ocean). They will spend up to 75% of their lives in the ocean during the winter, as a result barnacles often attach themselves to the penguins tail. The other 25% of the Fiordlands life is spent on secluded land areas during the breeding season.

Food Habits

Fiordland Penguins feed in coastal waters, particularly during the breeding season. Fiordlands have a diet consisting of crustaceans, small fish, and squid.

Conservation Status

In the mid 1980's, it was estimated that there were 5000 to 10,000 breeding pairs of Fiordland Penguins. Currently, there are an estimated 1000 to 2500 breeding pairs. The populations are upset by introduced predators such as {C}{C}{C}{C}ferrets, {C}{C}{C}{C}skuas, and {C}{C}{C}{C}wekas. Natural predators include fur seals, {C}{C}{C}{C}stoats, and larger predatory fish.Recent surveys of a number of the Fiordland crested penguin's breeding areas have suggested that more research into predator-related threats need to be examined. One idea is to eradicate the wekas the principal local predators from Solander Island to reduce the losses of eggs and chicks. Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2007.


The Fiordland crested penguin has declined in numbers dramatically during the last twenty years. In the 1980s, the global population was estimated to number 10,000 breeding pairs. Today, the number is thought to be 2,500 to 3,000 pairs. The principal cause is believed to be from introduced animals such as cats and stoats, although where the birds' breeding sites are close to public beaches, pet dogs are thought to be largely responsible for disturbing adult birds and catching chicks. With the increase in human leisure activities, this pressure is bound to intensify. There is also a problem with the endemic weka, Gallirallus australis, which preys on eggs and chicks and is thought to contribute to over a third of egg loses in some breeding areas, especially Solander Island.

At sea, penguins are in constant competition for food with fishing vessels and sometimes find themselves caught in fishing nets. Perhaps the biggest threat, however, is through marine pollution, particularly oil spillage and the illegal but common practice of discharging oil tanker ballast water off-shore. As yet, little is known about the possible effects of global warming on penguin populations.



World Wildlife Fund, C. Michael Hogan (2014). Fiordland crested penguin. ed. Peter Saundry. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and Environment. Washington DC. Retrieved from