Coral reefs (collection)

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Source: NASA.

Coral reefs are one of the most diverse, complex, aesthetically appealing and threatened ecosystems on earth. This collection will include information on a wide range of topics related to coral reef geology, ecology, decline and conservation. The collection was designed to be a comprehensive resource for students, teachers, reporters, scientists, and the general public. Articles can be accessed and used as stand alone entities or used in combination to form a short or long course on coral reef sciences or any of the many sub-themes included in the collection. All contributions were written by coral reef scientists. Collection authors can expand on or edit the contents list; please contact John Bruno with suggestions. If you are interested in writing an article for this collection, please go to the How to Contribute page for more information on getting involved.

  • An asterisk indicates a reserved topic; these articles will be available shortly.


Angelo, L. (2012). Coral reefs (collection). Retrieved from