Aldo Leopold (Acknowledgments)

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Aldo Leopold (Acknowledgments)

August 29, 2008, 8:45 pm
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This article is part of the Aldo Leopold Collection.

This collection was made possible in large part by the contribution of time and resources by the Aldo Leopold Foundation, especially Craig Maier, and EoE staff members Cynthia Barakatt, Laura De Angelo and Danielle Poulin. Other contributors include the University of Wisconsin Press, the Aldo Leopold Archives at the University of Wisconsin, The Wilderness Society, the Passenger Pigeon (Wisconsin Society for Ornithology), the Journal of Wildlife Management (The Wildlife Society), the Department of Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Conservation Training Center, and photographer Ed Pembleton, as well as the many Leopold scholars whose work is referenced or reprinted in the collection. Special thanks to Susan Flader, Curt Meine, Nina Leopold Bradley, and A. Carl Leopold for their contributions, reviews, and helpful suggestions.



Barakatt, C. (2008). Aldo Leopold (Acknowledgments). Retrieved from

