Craig Maier
User Profile
Craig Maier is currently a graduate student in the Grassland Ecology Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He worked with the Aldo Leopold Foundation from 2005 through August 2008, where he first served as a land stewardship intern and subsequently as the Foundation’s communications coordinator. He earned a BS in Geoscience from Northland College, located on the south shore of Lake Superior in Wisconsin, and participated in the Grand Canyon Semester at Northern Arizona University. His writing has been published in American Forests, boatman’s quarterly review, and Discover A Watershed: the Colorado a guide for educators in the Southwest US and northern Mexico. He contributed an afterword to a special edition of A Sand County Almanac printed in 2007 using paper made from pine trees that Aldo Leopold and his family planted at the Leopold shack in the 1930s and ‘40s.