Aldo Leopold Foundation
User Profile
The Aldo Leopold Foundation was established in 1982 by Leopold’s children in response to the growing interest in their father’s legacy of promoting the care of natural resources and fostering an ethical relationship between people and land. The Foundation manages the original Leopold “shack” and farm made famous in A Sand County Almanac, serves as the executor of Leopold’s literary estate, and acts as a clearinghouse for information regarding Aldo Leopold, his work, and his ideas. The Leopold Legacy Center, a LEED-certified green building complex that opened in 2007, is located less than a mile from the shack, and the Foundation, designers and construction team sought to embody Leopold’s principles in its design and function. The Legacy Center serves as the Foundation’s headquarters and offers tours, seminars and workshops in the same landscape that deeply moved Leopold and inspired much of his writing and thinking about The Land Ethic. The Foundation’s stewardship initiatives, research programs, and education and outreach initiatives encourage ecological and ethical use of private and public land, and promote an understanding of the people’s relationship to the natural world.
Website: Aldo Leopold Foundation Homepage