As the COVID-19 crisis continues in India and affects other countries in the region, we wanted to compile a collection of Hesperian’s COVID-19 resources in Indian languages. This blogpost will be updated regularly as our resources are translated into more languages.
Please share these resources with your networks!
Bangla | Hindi | Marathi |
করোনাভাইরাস — কোভিড-১৯ (Coronavirus fact sheet) |
कोरोनावायरस रोग 2019 — COVID-19 (Coronavirus fact sheet) |
करोना विषाणू — कोविड-19 (Coronavirus fact sheet)कोविड -१९: तुमचा आजार कोविड -१९ आहे काय? (Is your sickness COVID-19?)कोविड -१९: कोरोना व्हायरसच्या काळात स्वस्थ रहाणे (Staying well in the time of coronavirus)कोविड – १९:घरी आजारी व्यक्तीची काळजी घेणे (Caring for a sick person at home) कोविड -१९: श्वासोच्छ्वास |