This Thursday, long-time Hesperian friend and partner Aruna Uprety will speak in front of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs during a hearing on human trafficking, “Out of the Shadows: The Global Fight Against Human Trafficking.”
Aruna is the founder of the Rural Health Education Services Trust (RHEST), a health and education nonprofit working in Nepal, and chairman of the American Himalayan Foundation’s Stop Girl Trafficking Program. RHEST has translated a number of Hesperian books into Nepali, including Where Women Have No Doctor and A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities; the translation of A Book for Midwives is currently underway. This summer, Aruna spent several weeks at our offices as a Hesperian Fellow, part of a new program in which we welcome experts from around the world to participate in revising and expanding our materials. Aruna worked primarily on material for our major rewrite of Where There Is No Doctor, focusing on the women’s health and nutrition chapters. She also worked with our translations staff and contributed to other projects, including the Women’s Action Guide and the Workers Guide to Health and Safety.
Below is a video produced by the American Himalayan Foundation that features Aruna speaking about trafficking of young girls:
Stop Girl Trafficking from AHF on Vimeo.
You can watch a live webcast of this week’s hearing by going to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs website during the hearing, which will be held Thursday September 30, 2010 at 10 a.m. EST.
Other speakers at the congressional hearing will include: The Honorable Luis C de Baca, Ambassador-at-Large, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking In Persons, U.S. Department of State; David Abramowitz, Director of Policy and Government Relations, Humanity United; The Honorable Mark P. Lagon, Chair, International Relations and Security Concentration, and Visiting Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Neha Misra, Senior Specialist, Migration & Human Trafficking, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO; Beryl D’souza, M.D., Medical Director and Anti-Human Trafficking Director in India, Dalit Freedom Network.