As we’ve written previously, part of Hesperian’s and PHM’s contribution to the US Social Forum was to organize a concurrent short course “Promoting Health for All” of the International People’s Health University. Day 1 was a great success, with 35 committed health activists from diverse backgrounds, ages, and more than 12 states attending.
Participants heard and discussed presentations by Sarah Shannon (Hesperian Foundation, People’s Health Movement USA); Makani Themba-Nixon (Praxis Project, Washington DC); David Legge (PHM Australia); Hani Serag (global secretariat, PHM Egypt); Maureen McCue (Physicians for Social Responsibility, Iowa and PHM USA); and Laura Turiano (Right to Healthcare Campaign and PHM USA).
People then broke into 4 groups to begin working out strategies for organizing on issues like achieving healthcare for all, health and international trade agreements, and others. More details on the IPHU.
The US Social Forum itself opened in the afternoon with a lively and colorful march through downtown Atlanta and an opening ceremony. Nearly 15,000 people are expected to attend the US Social Forum. Check out the overwhelming variety of workshops and activities at:
For a listing of 30+ Health Justice activities organized by PHM and others at the US Social Forum, see: