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December 22, 2006

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Partner Profile: el Comité Fronterizo de Obreras

December 15, 2006

Long-time Hesperian partner, el Comité Fronterizo de Obreras (Border Committee of Women Workers), a grassroots organization in Mexico that supports union democracy and workers rights, has redesigned their very useful website Their unique website contains information straight from the maquiladora (factory) workers themselves, many of whom take great risks to report what goes on inside their factories.

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Hesperian Gifts of Health

December 8, 2006

As we enter the holiday season, instead of getting another tie or sweater, why not tell your friends and family that this year you'd like a gift that will bring good health to a community somewhere around the world?

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Hesperian attends the 134th American Public Health Association annual conference

December 1, 2006

Three Hesperian staff members attended the 2006 APHA conference in Boston, Mass November 4-8. As usual, we had a booth in the massive Exhibition Hall, which we shared with Doctors for Global Health. It’s always a pleasure to be at the Hesperian booth, as hundreds of fans and supporters come by to share their stories and news of their work with us. Our friend Mohammad Shahbazi came by with the soon to be released Farsi version of Where Women Have No Doctor  he has been translating.

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