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Hesperian Gifts of Health

December 8, 2006

Photo of books wrapped with red ribbon As we enter the holiday season, instead of getting another tie or sweater, why not tell your friends and family that this year you’d like a gift that will bring good health to a community somewhere around the world?

Hesperian Gifts of Health are a great way to share the spirit of giving—these life-saving health books will spread good health all year round!

Hesperian offers 4 different Gifts of Health options with a range of costs: Rural Health Gift, Women’s Health Set, Disabled Children’s Health Set, and Hesperian Library Gift Set. It’s easy–simply click to our Gifts of Health page to find out more, including how to order.

  • The buyer gets an acknowledgement and our thanks.
  • The honoree gets an illustrated gift card saying that a life-saving Hesperian book or set of books was sent in her or his name to a community that desperately needs them.
  • The community gets a resource that will be used throughout many holiday seasons to come.

Thank you for joining with all those around the world working to achieve Health for All. And whatever holidays you are celebrating – we wish you joy!