Sub-Boreal period

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The Sub-Boreal period is a part of the current geological epoch known as Holocene; the Sub-Boreal follows the Atlantic period and began approximately 3000 BC.

Divisions of the Holocene

The Holocene epoch began about 11,700 years ago (~9700 BC) and continues up to the present. Major divisions of the Holocene are:


  • Jens Bischof. 2000. Ice drift, ocean circulation, and climate change. (Google eBook). Springer. 215 pages
  • Jacquetta Hawkes. 1965. Prehistory. New York: the New American Library (a Mentor Book).
  • Frank Hibben. 1958. Prehistoric Man in Europe. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press
  • H.H.Lamb. 1985. Climatic History and the Future. Princeton University Press.


(2012). Sub-Boreal period. Retrieved from