Robert Nadeau
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Robert Nadeau is a full professor of environmental science and public policy at George Mason University. An intensely interdisciplinary scholar, Nadeau has attempted throughout his career to bridge the knowledge gap between what British physicist and novelist C. P. termed the two-cultures of humanists-social scientists and scientists-engineers. Nadeau created and directed four academic departments and programs that specialize in interdisciplinary studies and has published nine books that cover a wide variety of subject fields on both sides of the two-culture divide. His most recently published books, The Wealth of Nature (Oxford University Press, 2003) and The Environmental Endgame (Rutgers University Press, 2006), make the case that there is no basis in mainstream economic theory, in the neoclassical economic paradigm, for realistically assessing the environmental costs of economic activities and internalizing these costs in pricing systems. Nadeau argues that resolving the problem of global warming will require the rapid development and implementation of an environmentally responsible economic theory and a fundamental restructuring of the present system of international government. In 2006, Nadeau created the Global Environmental Network Center at George Mason University and served as its director. Earlier in his career, he co-founded a venture backed company, Linus Computers, that developed and marketed the first pen computer. He served as a board member and vice president of research in this company and worked for several years as a consultant for several large companies such as Toyota.