Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic

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October 7, 2009, 7:22 pm
May 7, 2012, 5:34 pm

This is Section 6.2 of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
Lead Author: Arne Instanes; Contributing Authors: Oleg Anisimov, Lawson Brigham, Douglas Goering, Lev N. Khrustalev, Branko Ladanyi, Jan Otto Larsen; Consulting Authors: Orson Smith, Amy Stevermer, Betsy Weatherhead, Gunter Weller

Chapter 6 has a detailed presentation of the physical environment and processes in the Arctic related to permafrost (Section 6.6 (Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic)), snow cover (Section 6.4 (Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic)), precipitation (Section 6.2 (Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic)), and sea-ice cover and extent (Section 6.3 (Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic)), and can be used as a reference for the discussions presented in this chapter.

Chapter 16: Infrastructure: Buildings, Support Systems, and Industrial Facilities
16.1 Introduction (Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic)
16.2. Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure
16.2.1. Observed changes in air temperature
16.2.2. Permafrost (Permafrost and infrastructure in the Arctic)
16.2.3. Natural hazards
16.2.4. Coastal environment
16.2.5. Arctic Ocean (Arctic ocean, climate and infrastructure)
16.3. Infrastructure in the Arctic
16.4. Engineering design for a changing climate
16.5. Gaps in knowledge and research needs (Gaps in knowledge and research needs for infrastructure in the Arctic)


Committee, I. (2012). Physical environment and processes related to infrastructure in the Arctic. Retrieved from