Hubbert, Marion King

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Marion King Hubbert (1903-1989), an American geophysicist best known for his accurate prediction of the peak in oil production in the lower 48 United States. In 1956, he published what is now known as the “Hubbert Curve”, a simple mathematical model of oil supply; he used this to predict that the peak of crude-oil production in the United States would occur between 1966 and 1971. It actually occurred in 1970. Hubbert's estimate of future supplies were much lower than those accepted by many American petroleum companies and leaders of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), producing a long-running and public debate about the future of oil supplies that continues to this day. Hubbert also made numerous fundamental contributions to geophysics. He demonstrated that fluids can become entrapped under circumstances previously not thought possible, leading to a major reassessment of techniques to locate oil and natural gas deposits. Hubbert also explained the puzzling displacement of enormous blocks of material, known to geologists as overthrust faults, as a consequence of fluid pressure between such blocks and underlying materials.

Some of his best known works include Energy from Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels.

Further Reading
Marion King Hubbert (Handbook of Texas Online)


Cleveland, C. (2007). Hubbert, Marion King. Retrieved from,_Marion_King