Content Partners (main)

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Content Partners

Content Partners are organizations that have a formal agreement to have their existing material published in the Encyclopedia. In most cases, such material is published verbatim from the Partner organization's material, with some editing for style and length to make the entry consistent with EoE guidelines.Every article from a Content Partner carries this disclaimer:

This article is taken wholly from, or contains information that was originally published by, the (organization name here)... Topic editors and authors for the Encyclopedia of Earth may have edited its content or added new information. The use of information from the (organization name here) should not be construed as support for or endorsement by that organization for any new information added by EoE personnel, or for any editing of the original content.

ALF logo small.jpg

Aldo Leopold Foundation

Iisd logo.jpg

International Institute for Sustainable Development

60px-Aip logo.gif

American Institute of Physics

Isee logo.gif

International Society for Ecological Economics

AMS logo 45px.jpg

American Meteorological Society

Island press logo 70px.jpg

Island Press

50px-Aquarium of pacific small.jpg

Aquarium of the Pacific

Iucn logo.jpg

The International Union for Conservation of Nature logo small.jpg

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Love canal project logo.gif

Lessons from Love Canal

45px-Biodiversity Institute of Ontario logo.gif

Biodiversity Institute of Ontario


Metcalf Insitute for Marine and Environmental Reporting


Boston College Law

Mii logo.gif

Mineral Information Institute

80px-Woodrow wilson logo.gif

The Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Motion mountain logo.gif

Motion Mountain

75px-Censeam logo.gif

CenSeam: a Global Census of Marine Life on Seamounts

Mind logo.gif

Munasinghe Institute for Sustainable Development


Center for Catastrophic Risk Management

Ncssf logo small.jpg

National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry

50px-CEES logo.gif

Center for Energy and Environmental Studies

Ncse logo.gif

National Council for Science and the Environment

85px-Chge 100px.jpg

Center for Health and the Global Environment

Nhc logo.gif

National Humanities Center

85px-CHF logo.gif

Chemical Heritage Foundation

Natureserve logo.gif



Climate Adaptation Mitigation and E-Learning


The National Center for Disaster Preparedness




Climate Literacy Network


Cec logo small.jpg

Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Ourearth logo.jpg

Conservation international logo.gif

Conservation International

Skapp logo.gif

Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy


Consortium for Ocean Leadership

Resilience alliance logo 60px.jpg

The Resilience Alliance

Earth economics logo.gif

Earth Economics


Resources for the Future

Earthgauge loge small.jpg

Earth Gauge™

Scidev-net logo 60px.jpg

Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net)

Earthinc logo.gif

Earth, Inc.

Sequim science logo.gif

Sequim Science

Esl lsu.jpg

Earth Scan Laboratory at Louisiana State University



Esrl logo.jpg

Earth System Research Laboratory

Sapiens logo.jpg

Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society (SAPIENS)

Earth track logo.jpg

Earth Track

Solutions logo.jpg


Esa logo 50px.jpg

Ecological Society of America

Teacherserve logo.gif


Elementymology logo.gif

Elementymology & Elements Multidict

Turi logo 100px.jpg

Toxics Use Reduction Institute

Eol logo.jpg

Encyclopedia of Life


U.S.Climate Science Program

Ehp logo 55px.jpg

Environmental Health Perspectives

Usgs logo.jpg

U.S. Geological Survey (minerals information)

Bu logo small.jpg

Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future

Unep logo.jpg

United Nations Environment Programme

Gdae logo.gif

Global Development and Environment Institute

Ucmp logo.gif

University of California Museum of Paleontology

Gti logo.gif

Great Transition Initiative

Uwdc logo 90px.jpg

University of Wisconsin Digital Collections

Gund logo.gif

Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

Uw press logo 90px.jpg

University of Wisconsin Press

Ifas logo small.gif

Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards (IFAS) at Michigan State University

Wilderness-society 90px.jpg

The Wilderness Society

Iges logo-blue.jpg

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Tws logo 40px.jpg

The Wildlife Society

Ieee logo.jpg

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Wisconsin society for ornithology logo 45px.jpg

Wisconsin Society for Ornithology

Ive logo.jpg

Institut Veolia Environnement

Wna logo small.jpg

World Nuclear Association

Iasc logo.jpg

International Arctic Science Committee

Wri logo small.jpg

World Resources Institute

Ichm logo.gif

International Commission on History of Meteorology

Wwf logo small.jpg

World Wildlife Fund