Mineral Information Institute

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User Profile

Mii logo.gif.jpeg
Name: Mineral Information Institute
Member Since: April 10th, 2007
Member Name: MII

The Mineral Information Institute (MII) is a national 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating youth about the science of minerals and other natural resources, and about their importance in our every day lives.

Each year MII works with interested professional and scientific associations, and various government and education agencies, to help classroom teachers develop materials that are directly usable by teachers in a variety of subjects and a multitude of grade levels. All programs require updating and maintenance to ensure their continuing value and use in the classroom. MII will provide that and will distribute those programs that merit continued use.

Supported by corporations, foundations, scientific associations, and individuals from across the nation, MII distributes these materials free to classroom teachers to supplement existing curricula. More than 29,000 K-12 classroom teachers in all 50 states, several Canadian provinces, and foreign countries receive teaching materials each year from MII.

Website: MII Homepage