Field Bindweed (Agricultural & Resource Economics)

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Field Bindweed

June 25, 2014, 5:39 pm
Source: USFS
Content Cover Image

Field Bindweed (Convovulus arvensis) is a long-lived perennial, which produces a dense ground cover. The twining stems vary from 1.5 to 6 feet or more in length. It produces white to pink flowers from April through September and seeds that may lie dormant in the soil for 30 to 40 years.

Field Bindweed

Convolvulus arvensis L.

Common Names

Field bindweed, wild morning glory, European bindweed, creeping jenny, creeping Charlie, small flowered morning glory, perennial morning glory, field morning glory, devil's guts, orchard morning-glory, possession vine, corn bind.

Native Origin

Field bindweed is native to Europe, North Africa, and temperate Asia.


200px-Field bindweed USFS.jpg Field bindweed. Source: USFS.

Field bindweed is a perennial vine (0.4 – 2 inches in height) arising from deep, persistent, spreading roots. It has slender, trailing to somewhat twining, branched stems, 8 to 79 inches long, sometimes forming tangled mats. Simple leaves are variable, 0.4 to 4 inches long and 0.1 to 2.4 inches wide. Peduncles arise from leaf axils and bear 1 to 3 white or pink flowers from June to August. Fruits that appear June to September contain 1 to 4 dark brown or black sub ovate seeds. Taproots with a large numbers of annual lateral roots (2 to 10 feet long) develop throughout its length, and penetrate the soil in all directions. It spreads by rhizomes and seeds.


It is found in a wide range of habitats: orchards, vineyards, roadsides, stream banks, lake shores, ditches and croplands. This species prefers strong sunlight and moderate-to-low moisture. It does not grow in wet soils.


It is a serious weed problem throughout the continental United States

Ecological Impacts

Field bindweed intertwines and topples native species. It competes with other species for sunlight, moisture and nutrients. It poses threats to restoration efforts and riparian corridors by choking out grasses and forbs. It can decrease habitat biodiversity. It is one of the most serious weeds of agricultural fields in temperate regions of the world.


Mildly toxic to grazing animals

Control and Management

Field bindweed is difficult to eradicate because the seeds remain viable in soil for up to 20 years. One plant can produce up to 500 seeds. The deep, extensive root system stores carbohydrates and proteins and allows it to sprout repeatedly from fragments and rhizomes following removal of above-ground growth.

  • Manual: Discing, tilling or hand pulling
  • Chemical: Apply herbicide 2,4-D or glyphosate (Roundup); applications that trans-locate to roots, before seeds set
  • Other approaches: Research suggests that shading will help control this species; mulching using paper, straw, wood chips, or black plastic can be effective in certain areas

Natural Enemies

Eight fungi and ten arthropods have been found on members of the genus Convolvulus.


  • Invasive Plants of Asia Origin Established in the US and their Natural Enemies p. 58-59
  • WSSA-1,000 Weeds of North America: An Identification Guide

Editor's Note

Produced by the USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Staff, Newtown Square, PA. WOW 02-08-06
Invasive Plants website:
Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis L.


Service, U. (2014). Field Bindweed. Retrieved from