Earthquake Science Chronology
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See: Earthquake, Siesmograph, and History of Seismograph
373 B.C. Earthquake of Helice, Greece.
132 A.D. Chang Heng, seismoscope.
1556 Chinese earthquake; 830,000 deaths reported.
1707 - October 28 Great Japanese Earthquake.
1755 - November 1 Lisbon Earthquake.
1783 - February 5 and following. Earthquakes of Calabria, Italy, scientific field investigation.
1819 - June 16 Earthquake of Cutch, India; observed faulting (Allah Bund).
1830 Lyell, Principles of Geology, first edition.
1846 Robert Mallet; his first general paper on earthquakes.
1855 Kreil, early seismograph.
1855 - January 24 New Zealand earthquake; observed faulting.
1857 - January 9 California (Fort Tejon) earthquake; observed strike-slip.
1857 - December 16 Earthquake in Italy (Kingdom of Naples); Mallet, field investigation.
1865 Seismological observations begun at Manila (with seismoscopes; seismographs installed 1881-1889).
1872 - March 26 Earthquake in Owens Valley, California; observed scarps a nd strike-slip.
1879 Seismographs developed in Japan by the British group.
1880 Seismological Society of Japan organized.
1883 August 27. Explosion of Krakatoa.
1884 Rossi-Forel intensity scale set up. Seismological service established at manila.
1885 Lord Rayleigh, paper on theory of "Rayleigh waves."
1887 Voigt, investigation of elasticity of crystals; definition and naming of tensors. Rudolph, first paper on seaquakes. Seismological stations established in California at Berkeley and Lick Observatory.
1888 - September 1 Amuri earthquake, New Zealand; strike-slip offsetting fences.
1889 - April 18 First seismogram of a teleseim identified.
1891 - October 28 Mino-Owari earthquake, Japan; large strike-slip and dip slip.
1892 Japanese Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee established.
1892 - May 17 Sumatra Earthquake; strike-slip shown by triangulation survey.
1894 New seismographs developed by Vincentini (Padua, Italy) and by Milne in England.
1896 Seismology Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science organization.
1897 - June 12 Great earthquake of Assam, India ; investigation by Oldham.
1898 Seismograph developed by Omori at Tokyo. Stations with milne instruments initiated at Wellington (New Zealand) and Batavia (Java).
1899 Knott's equations for reflection and refraction coefficients of elastic waves.
1899 - September 3 and 10 Great Alaskan earthquakes, uplifts reaching 47 feet.
1901 Inverted pendulum seismograph developed by Wiechert. Geophysical Institute founded at Gottingen.
1903 International Seismological Association organized.
1904 Seismological station initiated at Uppsala (Sweden).
1906 Galitzin electromagnetic seismograph developed (Russia). Vertical-component seismograph set up by Straubel and Eppenstein at Jena (Germany).
1906 - January 21 Major deep-focus earthquake under Japan.
1906 - January 31 Great earthquake, Columbia and Ecuador.
1906 - April 18 California earthquake; great extent of strike-slip faulting; survey re-triangulation leading to elastic-rebound theory of earthquakes.
1907 Seismograph developed by Mainka at Strassburg.
1908 - June 30 Great Siberian meteorite fall.
1909 Seismological station established at Riverview near Sydney, Australia.
1909 - October 8 Earthquake near Zagreb, Croatia; discovery of the subcrustal discontinuity by A. Mohorovicic.
1910 New instruments at Berkeley.
1911 Seismological Society of America founded; it's Bulletin began publication. New instruments at Lick OBservatory Station. Galitzin vertical-component seismograph developed (Russia). Theory of Love waves.
1913 Station established at La Paz, Bolivia. radius of the core determined by Gutenberg at Gottingen.
1915 Milne-Shaw seismograph developed by J.J. Shaw (England).
1918 First year covered by International Seismological Summary.
1919 Zoeppritz equations for coefficients of reflection and refraction of elastic waves published (posthumously).
1921 Carnegie Institution of Washington, Advisory Committee in Seismology appointed.
1921 - September 21 Explosion at Oppau, Germany.
1922 Changes in the variation of latitude and in other geophysical elements.
1923 Wood-Anderson torsion seismometers began regular recording (Pasadena).
1924 Nikiforov torsion seismographs in the service (USSR).
1925 Jesuit Seismological Association organized; headquarters at St. Louis. Seismological work transferred from U.S. Weather Bureau to Coast and Geodetic Survey.
1925 - June 29 Santa Barbara earthquake.
1926 Geophysical Magazine (Tokyo) began publication. Earthquake department of Pacific Board of Fire Underwriters established.
1927 Seismological Laboratory at Pasadena occupied.
1927 - March 7 Tango earthquake (Japan); thoroughly investigated; two fault traces.
1928 K. Wadati, paper on shallow and deep earthquakes.
1929 New electromagnetic seismograph developed by Wenner.
1929 - June 17 New Zealand Earthquake; expansion of new Zealand seismology followed.
1931 Variable-reluctance seismometer developed by Benioff (Pasadena).
1932 Benioff strain seismometer developed. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey initiated a program of strong-motion recording in California.
1933 - March 3 (Japanese date). Great Sanriku earthquake and tsunami.
1934 P'P' and relate waves discovered at Pasadena.
1935 Magnitude scale published.
1936 Existence of the inner core suggested by Miss Lehmann in Copenhagen.
1937 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica established; headquarters at Rome.
1939 - December 27 Destructive earthquake in Turkey, first of a series extended and connected faulting.
1940 T wave described and named by Linehan in Weston, Massachusetts.
1944 Annals de Geophysics began publication.
1946 - April 1 Aleutian tsunami, destructive on Hawaii; seismic sea warning service organized in consequence.
1946 - July 24 Atomic bomb test at Bikini; P waves recorded at distant stations.
1947 - April 18 Hegelian demolition.
1948 C. A. Whitten (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey), paper on continuing horizontal displacements in California.
1949 Annali di Geofisicia began publication.
1949 - August 6 Large quarry blast at Corona, California.
1950 - August 15 Great earthquake, Tibet and Assam.
1951 Strain-release curves developed by Benioff in Pasadena.
1952 Lg waves discovered by Ewig and Press in at Columbia University, New York.
1953 Pa and Sa waves discovered by Caloi at Rome and independently by Ewig and Press.
1954 - March 29 Earthquake 640 kilometers deep under Spain.
1954 - December 16 Major earthquake in Nevada; large and extensive faulting.
1957 - July 1 to 1958 - December 31 International Geophysical Year.
All information adapted from Elementary Seismology, written by Charles F. Richter, published by W. H Freeman & Company, Inc, 1958.