Have you ever produced a flyer, brochure, poster, or booklet containing health information in Swahili for community-based health education?
Share them with us!
Submit your health materials in Swahili by August 30 and be entered to win a complete set of Hesperian Health Guides in English (including Where There Is No Doctor); a preventative health kit; or a blog piece featuring your health education work on Hesperian’s website (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes, in the order listed). Submissions will be judged by COBIHESA and Hesperian Health Guides. (Learn more about COBIHESA below).
All qualifying submissions will be featured and made freely available to a wide audience on Hesperian’s website (www.hesperian.org) on the Swahili Language Hub.
Materials will be evaluated using the following criteria (winning submissions will strongly meet all three criteria):
1. Message: does it carry an important health-related message, using accurate, up-to-date information?
2. Utility and accessibility: is the material used with a Swahili speaking population? Is it useful, understandable, clear, and user-friendly to the community health worker or other end users at the community level?
3. Freely available – is the material an original work and freely available for the use, adaptation, reproduction and dissemination by the public OR used with explicit permission with appropriate credit?
Email your submission to: [email protected]
Use the subject line: Swahili Health Materials Contest
COBIHESA is a nonprofit organization based in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, that does absolutely fantastic work with youth in the districts of Rufiji and Lindi on issues of water, sanitation and hygiene, and other environmental issues. That’s why Hesperian is so excited to include their materials in Swahili in our newly launched bilingual Swahili language hub! COBIHESA translated Hesperian’s Community Guide to Environmental Health into Swahili and published it in a series of modules. These modules are now freely available as PDFs on the Swahili language hub!
Thanks both to COBIHESA’s translation work and a collaboration with Knowledge for Health (K4Health), we can also announce the online publication of “Newborn Babies and Breastfeeding” in Swahili. This chapter from the New Where There Is No Doctor is now available in Swahili in the HealthWiki. Explore the chapter and other Swahili resources today!
One of the main functions of Hesperian’s language hubs is to provide grassroots health workers with localized materials in their own languages. Hesperian and COBIHESA (with the help of K4Health) are starting a campaign to significantly expand theSwahili language hub by collecting additional health materials inSwahili. Hesperian is asking organizations that have created health materials to share them with others through the Swahili language hub. Hesperian and COBIHESA will compile theseSwahili language resources and make them freely available to improve community health work in Tanzania and other places where Swahili is spoken. See the full contest description in English, above, and in Swahili, below.
Thanks for supporting Hesperian!
Wito kwa ajili ya shindano la vipeperushi, posta, na vijitabu katika Kiswahili juu ya elimu ya afya kwa jamii
Je umewahi kutengeneza au kuchapisha kipeperushi, brocha, posta au kijitabu katika Kiswahili chenye taarifa za elimu ya afya kwa jamii? Tafadhali shirikiana nasi nyenzo hizo!
Tuma machapisho yako katika Kiswahili ifikapo Agosti 30 na utaigizwa kwenye shindano la kuwania seti nzima ya miongozo ya kiafya ya Hesperian katika Kiingereza( ukiwemo Mahali Pasipo na Daktari); kitita cha kiafya chenye nyenzo za kinga; au kuandaliwa sehemu ya blogu inayotanganza na kuinua zaidi kazi zako za elimu ya afya kwa jamii kwenye tovuti ya Hesperian( zawadi ya mshindi wa 1, wa 2 na wa 3 kufuatia mpangilio huo). Machapisho yatakayotumwa yataamuliwa na COBIHESA pamoja na Hesperian Health Guides.
Machapisho yote ambayo yatafuzu yatatangazwa na kufikishwa kwa watu wengi zaidi kupitia hebu ya Kiswahili katika Tovuti ya Shirika la Hesperian Health Guides (www.hesperian.org)
Machapisho yatapimwa kwa kuzingatia vigezo vifuatavyo(machapisho yatakayoshinda yatakidhi kwa hali ya juu vigezo vyote vitatu)
1.Ujumbe: je chapisho limebeba ujumbe muhimu kuhusu afya , limetumia taarifa sahihi na zinazoenda na wakati ?
2. Matumizi na ufikikaji: je chapisho linatumika miongoni mwa jamii zenye kuongea Kiswahili ? Ni muhimu, linaeleweka, taarifa zake ni wazi, na rafiki kwa mtumiaji-mfanyakazi wa afya wa ngazi ya jamii au mtumiaji mwingine katika ngazi ya jamii?
3.Upatikanaji wake bila masharti-je ni kazi halali ambayo haijagusiwa, na ambayo ipo wazi kwa ajili ya matumizi,marekebisho ili kukidhi mahitaji, kuchapishwa tena na kusambazwa na jamii AU kwa idhini na kukiri chanzo ?.
Tuma chapisho lako kwa njia ya barua pepe kwa anuani hii: [email protected]
Tumia kichwa cha barua : Shindano la Machapisho ya Kiafya katika Kiswahili.