Zicheng Yu
User Profile
Research interests:
Paleoclimatologyandpaleoecology; late glacial and Holocene; pollen,stomataland macrofossil analysis of lake and wetland sediments;paleoclimaticapplications of stable isotopes and trace elements (from marl andostracode/mollusk shells);peatlandcarbon cycle dynamics and climatic connection.
Professional preparation:
B.Sc. in Physical Geography,PekingUniversity(Beijing,China), 1985
M.Sc. in Environmental Geosciences,PekingUniversity(Beijing), 1988
M.Sc. in Botany (Paleoecology&paleohydrology), University ofToronto(Toronto,Canada), 1992
Ph.D. in Botany (Paleoecology&paleoclimatology), University ofToronto(Toronto), 1997
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Stable isotope geochemistry andpaleoclimatology,LimnologicalResearchCenter,UniversityofMinnesota, 7/1997 - 7/98
Post-Doctoral Fellow,Peatlanddynamics modeling and Holocene climate change,UniversityofAlberta,Edmonton, 8/1998 - 6/2000
Assistant Professor,August 2001 – Present, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,LehighUniversity,Bethlehem,PA
Research Scientist, June 2000 – July 2001, Climate Change Network, Northern Forestry Centre,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Teaching and Research Assistants, September 1991 – April 1997,RoyalOntarioMuseumandUniversityofToronto,Toronto
Instructor, July 1988 – July 1991,Department of Geography,PekingUniversity,Beijing,China
1.Yu, Z.C., J.McAndrews, and U.Eicher. 1997. Middle Holocene dry climate caused by change in atmospheric circulation patterns: Evidence from lake levels and stable isotopes.Geology,25: 251-254.
2.Yu, Z.C. and U.Eicher. 1998. Abrupt climate oscillations during the lastdeglaciationin centralNorth America.Science,282: 2235-2238.
3.Yu, Z.C. and E. Ito. 1999. Possible solar forcing of century-scale drought frequency in the northernGreat Plains.Geology,27: 263-266.
4.Yu, Z.C.2000. Ecosystem responses to late-glacial and early-Holocene climate oscillations in the Great Lakes region ofNorth America.Quaternary Science Reviews,19:1723-1747.
5.Yu, Z.C. and H.E. Wright, Jr. 2001. Response of interior North America to abrupt climate oscillations in theNorth Atlanticregion during the lastdeglaciation.Earth-Science Reviews,52: 333-369.
6.Yu, Z.C., M.R.Turetsky, I.D. Campbell and D.H.Vitt. 2001.Modellinglong-termpeatlanddynamics. II. Processes and rates as inferred from litter and peat-core data.EcologicalModelling,145: 159-173.
7.Yu, Z.C., E. Ito, D.R.Engstrom, and S.C. Fritz. 2002. A 2100-year trace-element and stable-isotope record at decadal resolution fromRiceLakein the northernGreat Plains,USA.The Holocene12: 605-617.
8.Yu, Z.C. 2003. Late Quaternary dynamics of tundra and forest vegetation of the southern Niagara Escarpment,Canada.NewPhytologist.157: 365-390.
9.Yu, Z.C., I.D. Campbell, C. Campbell, D.H.Vitt, G.C. Bond and M.J. Apps. 2003. Carbon sequestration in peat highly sensitive to Holocene wet–dry climate cycles at millennial time scales.The Holocene,13: 801-80
10.Yu, Z.C.,Vitt, D.H.,Campbell, I.D. and Apps, M.J. 2003.Understanding Holocene peat accumulation pattern of continental fens in westernCanada.Canadian Journal of Botany,81: 267-282.
11.Yu, Z.C. 2006. Power laws governing hydrology and carbon cycle dynamics in northern peatlands.Global and Planetary Change53: 169-175.
12. Li, Y.X.,Z.C. Yu, K.P. Kodama, and R.E. Moeller. 2006. A 14,000-year environmental change history revealed by mineral magnetic data fromWhite Lake,New Jersey,USA.Earth and Planetary Science Letters246: 27-40.
13. Yu, Z.C. Rapid response of forested vegetation to multiple climatic oscillations during the last deglaciation in the northeastern United States. Quaternary Research (in press).
14.Yu, Z.C.2006. Holocene carbon accumulation of fen peatlands in boreal westernCanada: Complex ecosystem response to climate variation and disturbance.Ecosystems(in press).
Synergistic activities:
Associate Editor(2002-2004)
WETLANDS,an international journal published by theSociety of Wetland Scientists.
Associate Editor(2005-2006)
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN,a semi-monthly internationalmultidisciplinary journal published jointly byScience in China Press (China)and Springer (Germany).
Editorial Board Member(2005-2007)
GEOLOGY, an international journal published monthly by theGeological Society ofAmerica.
Project Secretary(2004-2007), INTIMATE Project (INTegratingIce core,MArineandTErrestrialrecords), INQUAPalaeoclimateCommission
Adjunct and Visiting Professor(2004-present), Centre for Arid Environment andPaleoclimateResearch )CAEP),CollegeofEarthand Environmental Sciences,LanzhouUniversity,Lanzhou,China
More info can be found here: http://www.lehigh.edu/~ziy2/