Wind Energy Systems Act of 1980, United States

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November 14, 2008, 10:11 pm
200px-British wind turbine.jpg.jpeg

Upon enactment of the Wind Energy Systems Act in 1980, Congress established an eight-year program focused on aggressive research, development, demonstration, and technology applications programs to convert wind energy into electricity and mechanical energy. The purpose of the Act was to reduce the average cost of electricity produced by installed wind power, to reach at least eight hundred megawatts of wind power capacity by 1988, and to accelerate the growth of a commercially viable and competitive wind energy market, thus making the resource available to the general public. The Act was intended to promote expansion of the wind energy market and lessen demand for non-renewable fuels and energy supplies used for the production of electricity and mechanical energy. In 1980, US$60 million in federal aid were contributed to wind power research & development programs.

Further Reading


Kenney, R. (2008). Wind Energy Systems Act of 1980, United States. Retrieved from,_United_States