White Sea

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Regional setting of the White Sea. Source: Norman Einstein
Oceans and seas (main)

October 13, 2009, 12:00 am
May 14, 2013, 2:25 pm

Seas of the World Seas-of-the-world-logo.gif.jpeg

The White Sea is a saline marine water body that is a southern inlet of the Barents Sea located off the northwest coast of Russia.Waters of the White Sea are rich in silicates and attain a maximum depth of 340 metres. The White Sea is bounded by Karelia to the west, the Kola Peninsula to the north, and the Kanin Peninsula to the northeast. Russia considers the entire White Sea within Russian sovereignty, and to be part of the internal waters of Russia.

This article is written at a definitional level only. Authors wishing to improve this entry are inivited to expand the present treatment, which additions will be peer reviewed prior to publication of any expansion.

Connection to the Baltic

Historically the connection to the Baltic Sea, whose main Russian port is Saint Petersberg, has been an important aspect of commerce and shipping. This connection occurs via the shallow Lake Onega through the White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal.

Marine biota

There are a number of faunal species including over 60 species of fish in the White Sea. Marine mammals present include the Harp seal, Ringed seal and several other marine mammals; moreover the Harp and Ringed seals are hunted by indigenous peoples of the region.


  • A.D Dobrovolskyi and B.S.Zalogin. 1982. Seas of USSR. White Sea, Moscow University
  • International Hydrographic Organization. 1953. Limits of Oceans and Seas, 3rd edition.

See also


C. Michael Hogan (2013). White Sea. ed. Peter Saundry. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and Environment. Washington DC. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/White_Sea