Virginia Haufler
User Profile
Virginia Haufler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland. She earned her B.A. from Pennsylvania State University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Cornell University. She is an expert in the fields of global governance, multinational corporations, international regulation and self-regulation, and corporate social responsibility. She has presented her work at numerous conferences and workshops, conducted interviews for radio and newspapers, and consulted for the United Nations and not-for-profit organizations. From 1999 to 2000, Haufler was a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where she created a program on the role of the private sector in international affairs. She is a former board member of Women in International Security (WIIS), and is on the advisory committee of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). She has a chapter on insurance on climate change in the forthcoming edited volume Changing Climates in North American Politics, eds. Selin and VanDeveer. She co-authored the UN Global Compact report, Enabling Economies of Peace: Public Policy for Corporate Conflict Sensitive Practices (United Nations Global Compact, 2006). Among her other publications are A Public Role for the Private Sector: Industry Self-Regulation in a Global Economy (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2001); “Is There a Role for Business in Conflict Management?” in Turbulent Peace, eds. Crocker, Hampson and Aall (United States Institute of Peace, 2001); Private Authority and International Affairs, co-eds. Cutler and Porter (SUNY Press, 1999); and Dangerous Commerce: Insurance and the Management of International Risk (Cornell University Press, 1997).
See Virginia Haufler