Tariq Banuri
User Profile
Dr. Tariq Banuri is the Director of the Asia Centre of the Stockholm Environment Institute. His work focuses on conceptual as well as practical issues in development policy-including the integration of environmental, social, and economic dimensions into the policy framework, the analysis of the growing contribution of "knowledge institutions" (higher education, research, industrial R&D) in creating wealth, the role of institutions and governance, and the challenge of poverty eradication. He has broad experience in Pakistan in policy development through a combination of research work and the organization and leading of multi-stakeholder participation. He was a leading member of a multi-stakeholder initiative to introduce pollution taxes in Pakistan.
He has served on national as well as international policy development bodies and research networks, including the board of governors of Pakistan's central bank, Pakistan's Environmental Protection Council, the Steering Committee on Higher Education established by the President of Pakistan, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in which he was a convening Lead Author. In recognition of his services to research and education, the President of Pakistan conferred on him the medal Sitara i Imtiaz (SI).