Jobs, Steve Paul
Steve Paul Jobs (1955-) co-founded Apple Computer Corporation with Steve Wozniak in 1976 and became a multimillionaire before the age of 30. Apple became a significant player in the personal computer industry with the highly successful Apple II and Apple Macintosh. Apple’s computers introduced features we now take for granted: picture-like icons representing a function or a program to be executed, with the user navigating a mouse to move a cursor onto the icon and pressing the mouse button to execute the function or program. Apple's products changed the public's perception of the computer from a gigantic and inscrutable mass of vacuum tubes only used by big business and the government, to a small box used by ordinary people. In 1985, Jobs left Apple, but returned in 1997 with the company in failing condition. Jobs turned the fortune of the company around beginning with the introduction of the iMac, the iPod (the first commercially successful MP3 player), and iTunes (among the first commercially successful online music retailers).
Further Reading
Steve Jobs' Profile at Apple Computer, Inc. (Apple Computer, Inc.)