Samantha Gwizd

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User Profile

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Name: Samantha Gwizd
Member Since: September 28th, 2009
Member Name: Samantha.gwizd

Samantha Gwizd is a freshman at Boston University. She comes from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. She is a member of Professor Cleveland's Introduction to Environmental Science class for the fall 2009 semester. Her academic interests have led her to pursue a degree in Astrophysics, but she hopes to take a wide variety of science related courses throughout her time as an undergraduate student. Her parents were her catalyst into the space-related world, having instilled in her a passion for all things "astronomy" at a young age. She hopes to someday land a job at NASA, doing whatever she can to help in the exploration of outer space! Her time not spent studying and doing homework is spent in dance class, BU Quidditch, and Astronomy Club.