Reindeer Lake, Saskatchwan/Manitoba
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Physical Attributes
- Altitude: 337 m above sea level
- Surface Area: 6,640 sq km
- Length: 218 km
- Width: Greater than 40 km
General Description
Reindeer Lake, on the boundary of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, is an oligotrophic lake of great depth, low dissolved solids, a northern climate and excellent fishing. The lake (Freshwater biomes) is drained by a controlled weir to the Churchill River. The shoreline is irregular and there are numerous islands in the lake. The break-up of ice occurs late in the spring (third week of June) and consequently, the lake was rarely used by the fur traders from the North West Company or Hudson's Bay Company compared to the many surrounding lakes.
The vegetation of the drainage basin is boreal forest, characterized primarily by black spruce with some white spruce and jackpine. Native communities are present along the north and south shores of Reindeer Lake at Brochet and Southend.