Rasmus Benestad
User Profile
Rasmus E. Benestad is a physicist by training and works as a senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no). He earned a D.Phil in physics from Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics at Oxford University (U.K.), a M.S. in physics (cloud micro-physics) from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (U.S.A.), and a B.Sc. (Hons) in physics and electronics from Manchester University Institute of Science and Technology (now University of Manchester, U.K.). He is currently a member of the RealClimate.org group.
Recent work has involved analysis, statistics, research on local/regional climate, and seasonal predictability, but past experience also include ocean dynamics/air-sea processes and cloud micro-physics. Dr. Benestad is the author of the book 'Solar Activity and Earth's Climate' (2002), Praxis-Springer, and co-author (together with Deliang Chan and Inger Hanssen-Bauer) of 'Empirical-Statistical Downscaling', World Scientific Publishers. He is also the project leader of the Norwegian Research Council project SPAR.
Dr. Benestad was a member of the council of the European Meteorological Society for the period 2004-2006, representing the Nordic countries and the Norwegian Meteorology Society. Other memberships include the Institute of Physics (AMINSTP), and the American Geophysical Union.
Link to publications can be found here (Rasmus Benestad's Profile)