Raj Shrestha
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Raj K. Shrestha is a Research Scientist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at the Ohio State University. His research focuses on technologies associated with greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and terrestrial carbon sequestration. Technologies associated with enhancing carbon pool for the restoration of reclaimed mined soil have been one of the recent focuses of his work.
Dr. Shrestha is also involved in research related to nitrogen recycling, non-point source pollution such as nitrate leaching to groundwater and suspended sediment from surface water using polyacrylamide, integrated plant nutrient management, and manure and compost management. Dr. Shrestha received his Ph.D. from the International Rice Research Institute/University of the Philippines, Los Baños. Before joining the Ohio State University in 2004, he worked as visiting scientist at the International Rice Research Institute in 2001 and did his post-doctoral research at the Department of Soil Science/Biological Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin from 2002 to 2004.