Protected areas of Uruguay

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Protected areas of Uruguay

May 27, 2009, 12:59 pm
November 2, 2011, 1:10 pm
Source: WDPA
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Protected area highlights for Uruguay (January 31, 2008):

  1. of


Total Area of nationally recognized protected areas (% of Uruguay's Territorial Area)




- Terrestrial (% of Uruguay's Terrestrial Territorial Area)




- Marine and Littoral Protected Area



Note that some protected areas include both terrestrial area and marine area

Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 1,000 km2


Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 10,000 km2


Wetlands of International importance (Ramsar Sites)



[Biosphere Reserves]



The following areas in Uruguay are internationally recognized as important:

  • Bañados del Este y Franja Costera - Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar Convention):
  • Esteros de Farrapos e Islas del Río Uruguay - Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar Convention):
  • Bañados del Este - Biosphere Reserves]

The latest World Database on Protected Areas reports 34 nationally recognized protected areas in Uruguay (14 more than in the summary above):

|- style="background-color: #5d7b9d" ! scope="col" align="left" | Site Name ! scope="col" align="center" | IUCN Designation ! scope="col" align="center" | Marine or Terrestrial ! scope="col" align="center" | Total
|- align="left"
Anchorena National Park V Terrestrial 1,370
Andresito Park Park V Terrestrial 162
Arboretum de Lussich Forest Reserve Terrestrial 300
Arequita National Park V Terrestrial 1,000
Bañados de Arazatí Terrestrial 2,000
Bañados de Farrapos Terrestrial 8,000
Bosques y bañados del Yaguarí Terrestrial 12,000
Bosques y costas del bajo Río Negro Terrestrial 6,000
Cabo Polonio y Aguas Dulces Forest Reserve Terrestrial 6,000
Costa Atlántica Natural Monument III Both 650
Costas y barrancas de Colonia Terrestrial 10,000
Cuchilla de Haedo Terrestrial 18,000
Cuchilla del Catalán Terrestrial 17,000
Dunas de Cabo Polonio Natural Monument III Both 1,000
El Tapado Terrestrial 1,000
Fortaleza de Sta. Teresa Historical Monument Terrestrial 1,050
Fortaleza de Sta. Teresa. National Park V Both 3,290
Franklin Delano Roosevelt National Park V Both 1,492
Fuerte San Miguel National Park V Terrestrial 1,553
Fuerte San Miguel Historical Monument Terrestrial 1,553
Humedales del Este Terrestrial 260,000
Islas de Río Negro National Park V Terrestrial 1,850
Islas Fiscales del Río Uruguay National Forest Terrestrial 6,660
Lacustre National Park V Terrestrial 15,250
Laguna de Castillos Wildlife Reserve IV Terrestrial 8,185
Laguna Merín Terrestrial 314,000
Lagunas de José Ignacio, Garzón y Rocha Area de Uso Múltiple Terrestrial 15,250
Meseta de Artigas Historical Monument Terrestrial 50
Quebracho Terrestrial 1,000
Quebrada de los Cuervos Municipal Reserve Terrestrial 400
Quebrada de los Cuervos Protected Natural Area Terrestrial 366
Rincón de Perez Terrestrial 13,500
Serranías del Este Terrestrial 60,000
Sierras de Mahoma y del Mal Abrigo Terrestrial 5,000

300px-Uruguay.gif Map of Uruguay. Source: The CIA World Factbook

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Further Reading:

  1. World Resources Institute (accessed May 26, 2009)
  2. World Database on Protected Areas (accessed May 26, 2009)



(2011). Protected areas of Uruguay. Retrieved from