Protected areas of Ecuador
Protected area highlights for Ecuador (January 31, 2008):
Area |
| |
Total Area of nationally recognized protected areas (% of Ecuador's Territorial Area) |
105 |
205,516 |
15.1% |
Terrestrial (% of Equador's Terrestrial Territorial Area) |
104 |
72,124 |
25.4% |
Marine and Littoral Protected Area |
3 |
133,392 |
Note that some protected areas include both terrestrial area and marine area |
Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 1,000 km2 |
23 |
Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 10,000 km2 |
1 |
Wetlands of International importance (Ramsar Sites) |
12 |
1,708 |
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves |
3 |
173,151 |
There are twelve wetlands in Ecuador recognized as important under the the Convention on Wetlands Ramsar Convention:
Abras de Mantequilla | Terrestrial | 22,500 | |
Complejo de Humedales Nucanchi Turupamba | Terrestrial | 12,290 | |
Humedales del Sur de Isabela | Marine | 872 | 513 |
Isla Santay | Marine | 4,705 | |
La Segua | Terrestrial | 1,836 | |
Laguna de Cube | Terrestrial | 113 | |
Manglares Churute | Both | 35,042 | |
Parque Nacional Cajas | Terrestrial | 29,477 | |
Refugio de Vida Silvestre Isla Santa Clara | Marine | 46 | |
Reserva Biológica Limoncocha | Terrestrial | 4,613 | |
Reserva Ecológica Cayapas-Mataje | Marine | 44,847 | |
Zona Marina Nacional Parque Machalilla | Both | 14,430 |
Other internationally recognized areas are:
- Archipielágo de Colón Galápagos - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves
- Reserva de la Biósfera de Yasuni - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves
- Sumaco Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves
- Sangay National Park
The World Database on Protected Areas reports 105 nationally recognized protected areas in Ecuador:
Aguarongo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,911 | |
Alao Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,962 | |
Antisana Ecological Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 120,000 | |
Area Boscosa de Napo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 235,000 | |
Ashcuquiro Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 6,687 | |
Awá, Asent. de la Comunidad Indígena Forest Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 101,000 | |
Bilsa Biological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | ||
Bosque Petrificado de Puyango Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 2,658 | |
Cajas National Park | II | Terrestrial | 28,808 | |
Canta Gallo Jipijapa Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 8,170 | |
Carrisal Chone Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 75,700 | |
Cashca-Totoras Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 6,537 | |
Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 40,3103 | |
Cerro Azul Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,250 | |
Cerro Guavidula Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 648 | |
Chalpar Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,350 | |
Chillanes Bucay Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,857 | |
Chimborazo Faunal Production Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 58,560 | |
Cinturón Verde de Quito Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 23,226 | |
Collay Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 9,221 | |
Coordillera Chongón y Colonche Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 77,646 | |
Coordillera de Cutucú y Shaimi Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 311,500 | |
Cordillera de Molleturo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 28,100 | |
Cotacahi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 204,420 | |
Cotopaxi National Park | II | Terrestrial | 33,393 | |
Cubilán Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 960 | |
Cuenca Alta del Rio Guayllabamba Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 13,880 | |
Cuenca Daule Peripa Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 220,835 | |
Cuenca Rio Atacames Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 106,20 | |
Cuenca Rio Cube Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 4,925 | |
Cuenca Rio Paute Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 195,161 | |
Cuenca Rios Coco y Panza Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 7,000 | |
Cushnirumi Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 745 | |
Cuyabeno Faunal Production Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 603,380 | |
El Angel Ecological Reserve | Ia | Terrestrial | 15,715 | |
El Boliche Recreational National Area | V | Terrestrial | 400 | |
El Pongo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 11,220 | |
El Topo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 288 | |
Galápagos National Park | II | Terrestrial | 799,540 | |
Galápagos Marine Reserve | VI | Marine | 13,300,000 | 13,300,000 |
Hollin Loreto Coca Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 110,046 | |
Hoya de Loja Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 13,259 | |
Huagrahuasi Illiniza Sur Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 934 | |
Huashapampa Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 217 | |
Ilinizas Ecological Reserve | VI | Terrestrial | 149,900 | |
Jeco Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 2,324 | |
La Dormida Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 7,000 | |
La Esperanza Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 13,755 | |
La Merced Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 407 | |
La Paz y San Jose Quijos Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 399 | |
Limoncocha Biological Reserve | Ia | Terrestrial | 4,613 | |
Llanganates National Park | II | Terrestrial | 219,707 | |
Llanganates Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 96,167 | |
Los Illinizas Ecological Reserve | Ia | Terrestrial | 149,900 | |
Machalilla National Park | - | Both | 75,059 | 20,000 |
Machangara - Tomebamba Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 38,060 | |
Mache Chindul National Park | VI | Terrestrial | 119,172 | |
Manglares Cayapas - Mataje Ecological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 51.3 | |
Manglares Cayapas Mataje Ecological Reserve | - | Both | 51,300 | 19233.00 |
Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve | VI | Both | 49,400 | |
Miguir Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 265 | |
Mindo Nambillo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 19,200 | |
Moya y Molón Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 11,690 | |
Napo-Galeras National Park | II | Terrestrial | ||
Paluguillo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,162 | |
Parque Jerusalem Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,110 | |
Pasochoa Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 3,196 | |
Pasochoa Wildlife Refuge | Ib | Terrestrial | 500 | |
Peribuela Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 343.13 | |
Pichahuaico Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 794 | |
Playón de San Francisco Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 131,117 | |
Podocarpus National Park | II | Terrestrial | 146,280 | |
Predios El Ingenio y Santa Rosa Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 12,410 | |
Presa Tahuin Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 14,911 | |
Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve | III | Terrestrial | 3,383 | |
Quebrada Guarango Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,482 | |
Quebrada Suquinda Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 6,658 | |
Quinde Selva Alegre Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,100 | |
Quisapincha Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,536 | |
Ramal Estero Salado Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 33 | |
Represa Poza Honda Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 17.50 | |
Rio Blanco Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 4,420 | |
Rio Dudayhuaico Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,845 | |
San Francisco de Alaspungu Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,187 | |
San Francisco de Huaca Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 60 | |
San Francisco de Pioter Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 204 | |
San Juan de Pastocalle La Libertad Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 2,218 | |
San Luis Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 850 | |
San Pablo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 110 | |
II | Terrestrial | 517,725 | ||
Santa Bárbara y Shio Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 14,580 | |
Santa Rita Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 2145 | |
Sarapullo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 21,585 | |
Shishimbe-Chillanes Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 1,064 | |
Subcuencas Rios Toachi y Pilatón Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 214,120 | |
Sumaco Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 100,045 | |
Sumaco Napo Galeras National Park | II | Terrestrial | 205,249 | |
Sunsun - Yanasacha Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 3,850 | |
Taminga-Quichinche Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | ||
Tonchigue Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 10,620 | |
Volcán Pichincha Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 8,096 | |
Yanuncay - Irquis Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 33,410 | |
Yasuní National Park | II | Terrestrial | 982,300 | |
Yunguilla Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 4,500 | |
Zarapullo Protected Forest | - | Terrestrial | 21,585 |
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Further Reading:
- World Resources Institute (accessed May 26, 2009)
- World Database on Protected Areas (accessed May 26, 2009)