Protected areas of Ecuador

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May 27, 2009, 12:53 pm
Source: WDPA
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Protected area highlights for Ecuador (January 31, 2008):

  1. of


Total Area of nationally recognized protected areas (% of Ecuador's Territorial Area)




Terrestrial (% of Equador's Terrestrial Territorial Area)




Marine and Littoral Protected Area



Note that some protected areas include both terrestrial area and marine area

Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 1,000 km2


Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 10,000 km2


Wetlands of International importance (Ramsar Sites)



UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves



There are twelve wetlands in Ecuador recognized as important under the the Convention on Wetlands Ramsar Convention:

|- style="background-color: #5d7b9d" ! scope="col" align="left" | Site Name ! scope="col" align="center" | Marine or
 ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
 ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
|- align="left"
Abras de Mantequilla Terrestrial 22,500
Complejo de Humedales Nucanchi Turupamba Terrestrial 12,290
Humedales del Sur de Isabela Marine 872 513
Isla Santay Marine 4,705
La Segua Terrestrial 1,836
Laguna de Cube Terrestrial 113
Manglares Churute Both 35,042
Parque Nacional Cajas Terrestrial 29,477
Refugio de Vida Silvestre Isla Santa Clara Marine 46
Reserva Biológica Limoncocha Terrestrial 4,613
Reserva Ecológica Cayapas-Mataje Marine 44,847
Zona Marina Nacional Parque Machalilla Both 14,430

Other internationally recognized areas are:

  • Archipielágo de Colón Galápagos - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves
  • Reserva de la Biósfera de Yasuni - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves
  • Sumaco Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves
  • Sangay National Park

The World Database on Protected Areas reports 105 nationally recognized protected areas in Ecuador:

|- style="background-color: #5d7b9d" ! scope="col" align="left" | Site Name ! scope="col" align="center" | IUCN Designation ! scope="col" align="center" | Marine or
 ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
 ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
|- align="left"
Aguarongo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,911
Alao Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,962
Antisana Ecological Reserve VI Terrestrial 120,000
Area Boscosa de Napo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 235,000
Ashcuquiro Protected Forest - Terrestrial 6,687
Awá, Asent. de la Comunidad Indígena Forest Reserve VI Terrestrial 101,000
Bilsa Biological Reserve - Terrestrial
Bosque Petrificado de Puyango Protected Forest - Terrestrial 2,658
Cajas National Park II Terrestrial 28,808
Canta Gallo Jipijapa Protected Forest - Terrestrial 8,170
Carrisal Chone Protected Forest - Terrestrial 75,700
Cashca-Totoras Protected Forest - Terrestrial 6,537
Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve VI Terrestrial 40,3103
Cerro Azul Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,250
Cerro Guavidula Protected Forest - Terrestrial 648
Chalpar Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,350
Chillanes Bucay Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,857
Chimborazo Faunal Production Reserve VI Terrestrial 58,560
Cinturón Verde de Quito Protected Forest - Terrestrial 23,226
Collay Protected Forest - Terrestrial 9,221
Coordillera Chongón y Colonche Protected Forest - Terrestrial 77,646
Coordillera de Cutucú y Shaimi Protected Forest - Terrestrial 311,500
Cordillera de Molleturo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 28,100
Cotacahi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve VI Terrestrial 204,420
Cotopaxi National Park II Terrestrial 33,393
Cubilán Protected Forest - Terrestrial 960
Cuenca Alta del Rio Guayllabamba Protected Forest - Terrestrial 13,880
Cuenca Daule Peripa Protected Forest - Terrestrial 220,835
Cuenca Rio Atacames Protected Forest - Terrestrial 106,20
Cuenca Rio Cube Protected Forest - Terrestrial 4,925
Cuenca Rio Paute Protected Forest - Terrestrial 195,161
Cuenca Rios Coco y Panza Protected Forest - Terrestrial 7,000
Cushnirumi Protected Forest - Terrestrial 745
Cuyabeno Faunal Production Reserve VI Terrestrial 603,380
El Angel Ecological Reserve Ia Terrestrial 15,715
El Boliche Recreational National Area V Terrestrial 400
El Pongo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 11,220
El Topo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 288
Galápagos National Park II Terrestrial 799,540
Galápagos Marine Reserve VI Marine 13,300,000 13,300,000
Hollin Loreto Coca Protected Forest - Terrestrial 110,046
Hoya de Loja Protected Forest - Terrestrial 13,259
Huagrahuasi Illiniza Sur Protected Forest - Terrestrial 934
Huashapampa Protected Forest - Terrestrial 217
Ilinizas Ecological Reserve VI Terrestrial 149,900
Jeco Protected Forest - Terrestrial 2,324
La Dormida Protected Forest - Terrestrial 7,000
La Esperanza Protected Forest - Terrestrial 13,755
La Merced Protected Forest - Terrestrial 407
La Paz y San Jose Quijos Protected Forest - Terrestrial 399
Limoncocha Biological Reserve Ia Terrestrial 4,613
Llanganates National Park II Terrestrial 219,707
Llanganates Protected Forest - Terrestrial 96,167
Los Illinizas Ecological Reserve Ia Terrestrial 149,900
Machalilla National Park - Both 75,059 20,000
Machangara - Tomebamba Protected Forest - Terrestrial 38,060
Mache Chindul National Park VI Terrestrial 119,172
Manglares Cayapas - Mataje Ecological Reserve - Terrestrial 51.3
Manglares Cayapas Mataje Ecological Reserve - Both 51,300 19233.00
Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve VI Both 49,400
Miguir Protected Forest - Terrestrial 265
Mindo Nambillo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 19,200
Moya y Molón Protected Forest - Terrestrial 11,690
Napo-Galeras National Park II Terrestrial
Paluguillo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,162
Parque Jerusalem Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,110
Pasochoa Protected Forest - Terrestrial 3,196
Pasochoa Wildlife Refuge Ib Terrestrial 500
Peribuela Protected Forest - Terrestrial 343.13
Pichahuaico Protected Forest - Terrestrial 794
Playón de San Francisco Protected Forest - Terrestrial 131,117
Podocarpus National Park II Terrestrial 146,280
Predios El Ingenio y Santa Rosa Protected Forest - Terrestrial 12,410
Presa Tahuin Protected Forest - Terrestrial 14,911
Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve III Terrestrial 3,383
Quebrada Guarango Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,482
Quebrada Suquinda Protected Forest - Terrestrial 6,658
Quinde Selva Alegre Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,100
Quisapincha Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,536
Ramal Estero Salado Protected Forest - Terrestrial 33
Represa Poza Honda Protected Forest - Terrestrial 17.50
Rio Blanco Protected Forest - Terrestrial 4,420
Rio Dudayhuaico Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,845
San Francisco de Alaspungu Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,187
San Francisco de Huaca Protected Forest - Terrestrial 60
San Francisco de Pioter Protected Forest - Terrestrial 204
San Juan de Pastocalle La Libertad Protected Forest - Terrestrial 2,218
San Luis Protected Forest - Terrestrial 850
San Pablo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 110

Sangay National Park

II Terrestrial 517,725
Santa Bárbara y Shio Protected Forest - Terrestrial 14,580
Santa Rita Protected Forest - Terrestrial 2145
Sarapullo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 21,585
Shishimbe-Chillanes Protected Forest - Terrestrial 1,064
Subcuencas Rios Toachi y Pilatón Protected Forest - Terrestrial 214,120
Sumaco Protected Forest - Terrestrial 100,045
Sumaco Napo Galeras National Park II Terrestrial 205,249
Sunsun - Yanasacha Protected Forest - Terrestrial 3,850
Taminga-Quichinche Protected Forest - Terrestrial
Tonchigue Protected Forest - Terrestrial 10,620
Volcán Pichincha Protected Forest - Terrestrial 8,096
Yanuncay - Irquis Protected Forest - Terrestrial 33,410
Yasuní National Park II Terrestrial 982,300
Yunguilla Protected Forest - Terrestrial 4,500
Zarapullo Protected Forest - Terrestrial 21,585

Map of Ecuador Source: CIA, The World Factbook

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Further Reading:

  1. World Resources Institute (accessed May 26, 2009)
  2. World Database on Protected Areas (accessed May 26, 2009)


(2009). Protected areas of Ecuador. Retrieved from